Page 48 - MIN ECEM
P. 48

                 Wednesday 19 July 2017

               Venezuela rejects Trump sanctions threat, reviews relations

            By MICHAEL WEISSENSTEIN                                                                                             bans  and  has  frozen  the
            FABIOLA SANCHEZ                                                                                                     assets  of  high-ranking  of-
            Associated Press                                                                                                    ficials in recent weeks, but
            CARACAS, Venezuela (AP)                                                                                             refrained from broad sanc-
            —    Venezuela    rejected                                                                                          tions  against  the  country
            President  Donald  Trump’s                                                                                          that could deepen its eco-
            call to halt a rewriting of its                                                                                     nomic  crisis.  Venezuela’s
            constitution  that  is  widely                                                                                      opposition called Monday
            seen  as  a  move  to  con-                                                                                         for  a  24-hour  nationwide
            solidate  the  government’s                                                                                         strike to pressure Maduro to
            power,  saying  Tuesday                                                                                             drop his plans to rewrite the
            that it is reviewing its rela-                                                                                      constitution. The opposition
            tions with the United States                                                                                        said that more than 7.5 mil-
            in  response  to  Trump’s                                                                                           lion  people  voted  against
            threat to impose econom-                                                                                            the constitutional assembly
            ic sanctions.                                                                                                       at  unofficial  ballot  boxes
            Foreign  Minister  Samuel                                                                                           set  up  nationwide  and  in
            Moncada  said  on  state                                                                                            expatriate    communities
            television that the election                                                                                        Sunday. While that number
            of members of a constitu-                                                                                           cannot  be  independently
            tional  assembly  will  take                                                                                        verified, it’s roughly equiva-
            place  as  planned  on  July                                                                                        lent to the number of votes
            30. He said President Nico-                                                                                         garnered by winning can-
            las Maduro has asked him     Samuel Moncada, then Venezuela’s deputy minister of foreign affairs for North America, speaks at   didates in recent Venezue-
            to reconsider the country’s   the Venezuelan consulate in New York. Moncada, who was recently named Venezuela’s foreign   lan elections, an indication
            diplomatic  relations  with   minister, said on state television Tuesday, July 18, 2017, that the election of members of a consti-  that  Venezuelans  would
            the U.S. “The constitutional   tutional assembly will take place as planned on July 30, and said President Nicolas Maduro has   vote  down  the  constitu-
                                         asked him to reconsider the country’s diplomatic relations with the U.S.
            assembly  is  happening,”                                                                   (AP Photo/Mary Altaffer)  tional assembly if asked in
            Moncada  said,  adding                                                                                              an official referendum.
            that  Venezuela  is  “con-   from anyone.”                the  assembly.  Maduro’s  control of his ruling party.    Canada,  Mexico,  Brazil,
            ducting  a  deep  review     On Monday, Trump threat-     socialist  supporters  want  The  U.S.  is  a  major  market   Germany,  Argentina,  Co-
            of  relations  with  the  U.S.   ened  to  take  unspeci-  the  assembly  to  grant  him  for the oil exports that drive   lombia  and  the  European
            government  because  we      fied  “economic  actions”  if  more  power  over  the  few  Venezuela’s   economy.     Union have also come out
            don’t  accept  humiliation
                                         Maduro  goes  ahead  with  institutions  still  outside  the  Trump  has  imposed  travel   against the effort. q
                  TS Don lashes southeast Caribbean with heavy wind, rain

            By DANICA COTO               Country Retreat, a hotel in  on Tuesday afternoon as it  Barbados, Trinidad and To-    gained  strength  far  out  to
            Associated Press             Grenada.  “I  just  hope  the  prepared  to  open  shelters  bago and other nearby is-  sea. It was centered about
            SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico (AP)  whole  island  is  spared  as  across the island.          lands  through  Wednesday  1,415  miles  (2,280  kilome-
            —  Tropical  Storm  Don  be-  much as possible.”          The  Maurice  Bishop  Inter-  morning. Officials in Grena-  ters)  east  of  Hilo,  Hawaii,
            gan  lashing  the  southeast  The  storm  weakened  as  it  national  Airport  is  sched-  da  said  people  should  ex-  with  maximum  sustained
            Caribbean with heavy rain  approached  the  region,  uled to close early Tuesday  pect  between  two  to  five  winds  of  105  mph  (165
            and wind on Tuesday as it  with  maximum  sustained  evening  and  reopen  by  inches (5 to 13 centimeters)  kph)  and  was  moving  to
            approached the region af-    winds dropping to 40 mph  late  Wednesday  morning.  of rain starting Tuesday af-      the northwest at 8 mph (13
            ter  forming  in  the  Atlantic  (65 kph), according to the  Meanwhile,  the  island’s  ternoon.                    kph).And  newly  formed
            Ocean.                       U.S.   National   Hurricane  water  and  sewer  authority  They  also  warned  of  land-  Tropical  Storm  Greg  was
            A  tropical  storm  warning  Center.                      said  it  would  switch  off  all  slides and said waves of up  edging  away  from  the
            was  in  effect  for  Grenada    It  was  located  about  120  water  systems  until  further  to nine feet (three meters)  Mexican coast.
            and  St.  Vincent  and  the  miles (190 kilometers) east-  notice.                     were expected.               It was centered about 435
            Grenadines,  while  a  tropi-  southeast of Grenada and  The  storm’s  center  is  ex-  Forecasters  said  Don  is  ex-  miles (700 kilometers) south-
            cal storm watch was in ef-   was moving west at 22 mph  pected  to  move  through  pected  to  further  weaken  west  of  the  Mexican  port
            fect for Bonaire.            (35 kph) late Tuesday after-  the  Windward  Islands  late  late  Tuesday  or  Wednes-  of  Manzanillo  with  winds
            “The  shutters  are  up,”  said  noon, forecasters said.  Tuesday  and  drop  be-      day.                         of 40 mph (65 kph). It was
            Joan  Charles,  administra-  The  government  of  Gre-    tween 3 to 6 inches (8 to 15  In  the  Pacific,  meanwhile,  moving west at 9 mph (15
            tive  assistant  at  Barry’s  nada  closed  all  businesses  centimeters)  of  rain  across  Hurricane   Fernanda   re-  kph).q
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