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                 Wednesday 19 July 2017
               Saudi woman in miniskirt video arrested after public outcry

            By AYA BATRAWY               contradicted the country’s  with  no  one  else  around.  to  wear  long,  loose  robes  cent  moves  by  Saudi  Ara-
            Associated Press             conservative  Islamic  dress  The short video, shot in a vil-  known  as  abayas  in  pub-  bia to modernize and loos-
            DUBAI, United Arab Emirates  code,  state  media  report-  lage in the desert region of  lic. Most Saudi women also  en some rules.
            (AP) — A Saudi woman has  ed Tuesday. Police referred  Najd, where many of Saudi  wear a headscarf and veil  The  country’s  31-year-old
            been  arrested  for  defying  her case to the public pros-  Arabia’s most conservative  that covers the face.       heir  to  the  throne,  Crown
            the  kingdom’s  strict  dress  ecutor,  according  to  the  tribes and families are from,  Social media is wildly pop-  Prince   Mohammed   bin
            code by walking around in  official  Twitter  account  of  is followed by other shots of  ular  in  Saudi  Arabia  as  a  Salman,  has  pushed  for
            a miniskirt and crop top in  state-run  TV  channel  al-  her sitting in the desert.   space  to  vent  frustrations  greater  openings  for  en-
            a video that sparked public  Ekhbariya.                   The  video  sparked  a  Twit-  and gauge public opinion.  tertainment  in  part  to  ap-
            outrage.                     In  the  video,  which  has  ter hashtag that called for  The outcry against the vid-  pease  the  youth,  who  are
            The  woman,  whose  name  gone viral since first emerg-   her arrest, with many saying  eo  and  the  woman’s  sub-  active on social media and
            was  not  given,  was  de-   ing  on  Snapchat  over  the  she  flagrantly  disobeyed  sequent  arrest  reveal  how  can  bypass  government
            tained  by  police  in  the  weekend,  the  woman  is  Saudi  rules,  which  require  powerful  and  widespread  censors  online.  More  than
            capital, Riyadh, for wearing  filmed  walking  around  a  all women living in the king-  conservative  views  are  in  half of Saudi Arabia’s pop-
            “immodest  clothes”  that  historic  fort  in  a  miniskirt  dom,  including  foreigners,  the  kingdom,  despite  re-  ulation is under 25.q
                  Iraqis hold suspected militants in cramped, stifling prison

            By BRAM JANSSEN              they’re not exposed to the   “occasionally.”              Another 2,800 prisoners are   was not authorized to brief
            SALAR SALIM                  sun,”  he  said.  “The  major-  More than 1,150 detainees   being  held  in  the  Qayara   reporters.
            Associated Press             ity  can’t  walk.  Their  legs   have  passed  through  the   air  base  south  of  Mosul,   The  Islamic  State  group
            MOSUL,  Iraq  (AP)  —  Hun-  are  swollen  because  they   prison  over  the  past  three   and  hundreds  more  in  a   seized Mosul when it swept
            dreds of suspected Islamic                                                                                          across  northern  and  cen-
            State  members  swept  up                                                                                           tral  Iraq  in  the  summer  of
            by Iraqi forces in Mosul are                                                                                        2014.
            being  held  in  a  cramped                                                                                         As U.S.-backed Iraqi forces
            and  stifling  prison  just  out-                                                                                   battled  block  by  block  to
            side the city.                                                                                                      retake  the  city,  the  mili-
            Associated  Press  report-                                                                                          tants  rounded  up  civilians
            ers  visiting  the  facility  saw                                                                                   and  used  them  as  hu-
            more  than  100  prisoners                                                                                          man shields. Many fighters
            packed  into a  dark  room,                                                                                         also fled the city by hiding
            lined up shoulder to shoul-                                                                                         among  fleeing  residents,
            der on the floor.                                                                                                   complicating  efforts  by
            There was no electricity or                                                                                         Iraqi forces to separate the
            ventilation,  despite  day-                                                                                         militants from civilians.
            time  temperatures  well                                                                                            Prisoners  who  were  dis-
            over 110 degrees F (45 C).                                                                                          creetly interviewed by the
            The Iraqi officer who over-                                                                                         AP insisted they were inno-
            sees the facility said it cur-                                                                                      cent. They spoke on condi-
            rently holds some 370 pris-                                                                                         tion  of  anonymity,  fearing
            oners.  He  says  authorities                                                                                       reprisals.
            were  overwhelmed  with                                                                                             “You won’t find 10 real (IS
            detainees  as  Iraqi  forces                                                                                        members)  among  these
            cleared  the  last  neighbor-                                                                                       guys.
            hoods  of  the  city  earlier   Suspected Islamic State members sit inside a small room in a prison south of Mosul, Tuesday, July   And  all  of  them  have
            this month at the end of a   18, 2017. Hundreds of suspected Islamic State members swept up by Iraqi forces in Mosul are be-  spent more than six months
            grueling  nine-month  cam-   ing held in a cramped and stifling prison just outside the city.                       here,” one prisoner said out
            paign.                                                                                     (AP Photo/Bram Janssen)  of  earshot  of  the  guards.
            “Prisoners are infected with   can’t  move.”  He  said  a   months,  with  540  sent  to   few  smaller  facilities.  The   “Since  I  got  here  eight
            diseases, lots of health and   provincial   health   team   Baghdad  for  further  inves-  officer spoke on condition   months ago, I’ve only seen
            skin  problems,  because     checks  on  the  prisoners   tigation,  the  officer  said.   of  anonymity  because  he   the sun once.”q
                Lebanon preparing for military operation near Syria border

            BEIRUT  (AP)  —  Lebanon  is  which  is  home  to  a  large  Relations between the ref-  Lebanese residents as well  between  Hezbollah  and
            preparing  a  military  op-  number of Syrian refugees.   ugees  and  the  Lebanese  as  Syrian  refugees  in  the  the  government  on  one
            eration to secure a lawless  The Lebanese military is ex-  army  are  already  strained  area,”  adding  that  “thou-  side  and  Syrian  rebels  on
            section  of  the  border  with  pected to try and root out  following a raid on June 30  sands  of  lives  are  on  the  the other drove a wave of
            Syria,  Prime  Minister  Saad  militants from the Lebanese  that  resulted  in  the  deten-  line.”                 refugees into Arsal in 2013.
            Hariri  told  parliament  on  side  of  the  mountainous  tion of 355 Syrians; four later  The  Syrian  army  and  He-  There could be as many as
            Tuesday.                     frontier,  retired  Gen.  Elias  died in army custody.    zbollah  are  expected  to  80,000 refugees around Ar-
            The  leader  of  Lebanon’s  Hanna told The Associated  Hariri,  an  outspoken  op-     battle  the  militants  on  the  sal today.
            powerful  militant  group  Press.                         ponent  of  Syrian  President  Syrian  side  of  the  frontier.  Militants seized Arsal briefly
            Hezbollah,  Hassan  Nasral-  There  will  be  concerns  Bashar Assad, promised the  Hezbollah  has  been  a  key  in  2014,  abducting  several
            lah, hinted in a speech last  about  civilian  casualties  if  Lebanese  military  would  Assad  ally  throughout  the  Lebanese  servicemen  be-
            week that a joint operation  the  militants  infiltrate  Arsal,  not  coordinate  with  Syrian  civil war.          fore retreating back to the
            was  in  the  works  with  the  which has a population of  troops.                     The  war  in  Syria  has  buf-  mountains.
            Lebanese  and  Syrian  mili-  60,000,  or  draw  the  army  Amnesty     International  feted  Arsal  since  2011,    The  army  and  Hezbollah
            taries to expel Islamic State  into battles inside the Syrian  called  on  the  Lebanese  when  the  first  refugees  have kept the town under
            and  Al-Qaida-linked  mili-  refugee communities in the  military and other parties to  crossed  over  fleeing  the  restrictive guard since then.
            tants from the Arsal region,  area, said Hanna.           “prioritize the protection of  violence.  A  major  battle  q
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