Page 27 - ARUBA BANK 7 NOV 2015
P. 27

                                                                                                                                     Diasabra 7 November 2015

He guides me in paths of righteousness                                                         Saca bo man y lei mi na bo lus, sin miedo mi ta jega na
For His name’s sake.                                                                           bo cas.
Even though I walk through                                                                     Pena ni morto no ta conta mas. Ricibimi Señor den reino
The valley of the shadow of death,                                                             celestial.
I will fear no evil,                                                                           Mi sa boso ta tristo pero a jega e ora pa mi bai. Mi lo
For You are with me;                                                                           manda boso mensahe y mi lo ta hopi serca di boso, aunke
Your rod and Your staff,                                                                       boso no por wak mi. Mi no a bai pa semper aunke e ta
They comfort me.                                                                               parse asina.
Psalm 23: 3 & 4                                                                                Cu inmenso tristeza na nos curazon, pero conforme cu
With heartfelt sympathy and love we announce the sudden passing, of an amazingly talented,     boluntad di Dios, nos ta participa fayecimento inespera
smart and above all compassionate human being, who we were honored to have known and           di:
call our son, grandson, brother, family and dear friend

                        Jordan Spencer
                           Su Fui Ling

                        *18-11-1983 - †29-10-2015

Left to mourn are his:  Clifton & Ingrid Ling
Beloved Parents:	
Brother:		              Dustin Ling
Grandparents:	 Tjin Tjoen Tad & Lieuw Tai Kjauw
Partner:		              Dennelise Wever
Uncles & Aunts:	        Jimin & Hanna Ling (Hong Kong)
			                     Rosemary Chang (USA)
			                     Yolanda Ling
			                     Lily (Godmother) & Sang Fong Moo (Curacao)
			                     Johnson & Chau Wan Tjin
			                     Robby & Erna Tjin (Holland)                                             Sra. Maria A. Paesch
			                     Stuart Tjin (Godfather in Holland)
			                     Jane Ling                                                              Cariñosamente jama “Iya” “Tanta Iya” of “Tutui”
			                     Teresa Choon Len Tsen (Great Aunt in Australia)                                    *24-05-1938 - +02-11-2015
			                     Rose Ling (Australia)
			                     Helen Yap (Australia)                                                  Mescos cu su ruman:	 Beatriz de Cuba
			                     Margaret Chin & Cheppy Alders                                          Mescos cu su yiu: 		        Cinthy de Cuba
			                     David & Pauline Chin & Family (USA)                                    Sobrino(a)nan: 		  Iris & Mervin Semeleer-Paesch
			                     Shirley Rasmijn-Ling & Families                                        			                y famia
			                     Robert, Darwin and Suzy Ling                                           			                Ludwina Kelly
			                     Herbert Lyn & Family                                                   			                Tico Kelly
			                     Carol Wever-Lyn & Family                                               			                Gregory Kelly

Cousins: 		             Sharlene Starke & Alberto Falconi                                      Su primo(a)nan stima:	 Maria Willems y famia
			                     Clifton Starke & Adrienne Fraser                                       			                Ika Croes y famia
			                     Eric & Cate Chang (USA)                                                			                Rika Rozenberg y famia
			                     Alex & Reyna Chang (USA)                                               			                Editha Paesch
			                     Hoy Lin Moo (Holland)                                                  			                Dominico Everon
			                     Gareth Moo (USA)                                                       			                Antonio de Cuba
			                     Brian & Angie Ling (Australia)                                         			                Emiliano de Cuba
			                     Andrew Ling & Tina Pik (Australia)
			                     Carlton & Hilva Ling                                                   Amiganan di cas:	  Ana Figaroa y famia
			                     Mindy Ling (Singapore)                                                 			                Reina de Cuba y famia
			                     David & Juliet Tjin                                                    			                Mercedes Sleur y famia
			                     Pamela Tjin
			                     Andrew Tjin                                                            Tur su ihanan, primo(a)nan y sobresubrino(a)nan.
			                     Jeffrey Tjin                                                           Ex-coleganan di B.J. Arends & Sons.
			                     Kimberly Chin
			                     Darryl & Tiziana Chin                                                  Demas famianan: Paesch, de Cuba, Semeleer, Kelly, Eve-
Nephews & Nieces:Davie, Gianluca, Isaac, Ada, Jeremiah, Nathan, Callum, Shanelle, Amy,         ron, Vrolijk, Farro, Willems, Rozenberg, Sanchez-Gallar-
Anderson, Sophia, Brandon, Junior, Florian                                                     do, Rosenstand, Mata, Franken, Webb, Petrochi, Britten,
Friends: Jeremy Croes & Lana Hernandez, Samer Kaluf, Ramses & Julia Croes, Rose-Anne           Boekhoudt, Ras, van der Biezen, Tromp, Gomez, Eck-
De Windt, Ali Khafir, Nadine & Israel Posner, Suelyn Dankerlui, Ashlin Ahlip, Gershwin         meyer, Perez, Quandus, Leañez, y Geerman.
de Jong, Javier Perregil, Ihab Kaluf, Ken Wolff, Jeng Leong, Jacqui & Albert Raven, Mandy
Hagens, Jaylen Lacle, Luigi Maduro, Miriam Schultz, Zanette Refunjol, Marc Chung, Cal-         Ta invita pa asisti na e acto di entiero cual lo tuma lugar
vin Wegereef, Daan De Boer, Tim Egmond, Tahnee Britten, Rachel & Dennis Schonefeld,            dialuna, 9 di November 2015 pa 11or di mainta na Misa
Tarek Navas, Cado De Lannoy                                                                    Santa Filomena na Paradera y despues di misa pa Santana
Other Families: Ling, Tjin, Chang, Moo, Starke, Chin, Wong, Croes, Dobbelsteen                 catolico Pastoor Kraanwinkel na Paradera. E resto mortal
Relatives & Friends: Falconi, Fraser, Wever, Petronia, De Jong, Refunjol, Alders, Lee, Ahlip,  lo resposa for di 9or di mainta den Misa Santa Filomena
Rasmijn, Howard, Kensenhuis, Yip, Van Lammeren, Ching, Odor, Dhanani, Yu, Romero,              na Paradera.
Lam, Bathrick, An, Tulabot, Deleon, Vasquez, Bauer and the entire Ling & Sons IGA ex-
tended families and friends.                                                                   Nos disculpa si den nos tristesa nos por a lubida algun
Our appologies if we have ommited any family or friends in our moment of grief.                miembro di famia y nos ta lamenta cu despues di entiero
Instead of wreaths and flowers a donation to PAAZ will be highly appreciated. There will be    nos no por ricibi bishita di condolencia na cas.
a box available in the church and at the viewing.
The funeral will be held on Saturday November 7, 2015 at the Pro Cathedral San Francisco       Ocasion pa condolencia:
Church from 2 to 4 pm.                                                                         Fecha: Diadomingo, 8 di November 2015
Viewing at the Aurora Funeral Home on Friday November 6, 2015 from 6 to 9 pm.                  Ora: 7or pm - 9or pm
After the funeral there will be no condolences at home.                                        Lugar: Professor Lorentzstraat 22.
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