Page 32 - bon-dia-aruba-20201123
P. 32
A32 sports
Dialuna 23 november 2020
Sheffield Utd still winless
after losing 1-0 to West Ham
(AP) — Sheffield United shot against the crossbar as
remained without a win in the hosts battled for an equal-
the Premier League this izer, but they fell to an eighth
season after losing 1-0 to loss in nine matches and
West Ham courtesy of Se- stayed in last place with just
bastien Haller's second- one point.
half goal on Sunday.
It is a huge contrast to the
The striker, filling in for the last campaign, when United
injured Michail Antonio, challenged for a European
lashed a shot into the top qualification place in its first
corner from the edge of the season back in the top flight
area in the 56th minute af- before slipping away from
ter Pablo Fornals' effort had contention in the final weeks.
been blocked. West Ham climbed into the
top half with its fourth win of
Oli McBurnie struck a fierce the season.
Vlhova keeps winning run going as Shiffrin slowly returns
(AP) — With Mikaela “I am so, so happy that I can hind in third. In her second and trailed by 0.93 at the end. Her Swiss teammate, Wendy
Shiffrin working her way manage myself and put in all race after a 10-month break, The U.S. ski team said Shif- Holdener, was 0.79 behind in
back onto the World Cup my power. In the end, it's two and a day after coming run- frin was “feeling a bit lethar- fourth. Holdener has a record
circuit after 10 months victories in two days, so that’s ner-up to Vlhova, Shiffrin gic” and “still trying to figure 24 top-three results in slalom
away, Petra Vlhova has amazing.” missed the podium in a sla- out how to manage her en- without winning a race in the
kept their joined winning Following her back-to-back lom race for the first time in ergy levels,” a day after her discipline.
streak in slaloms going wins, Vlhova went top of the nearly three years. comeback to racing after 300 Federica Brignone, the over-
once again on Sunday. overall standings with 260 She had been in the top three days away. all World Cup champion
points, well ahead of Gisin of every slalom she competed Coming into the weekend, from Italy, was more than
While Shiffrin placed fifth, with 175 and Shiffrin with in since failing to finish an the American had not raced three seconds off the lead and
Vlhova held off a challenge 125. event in Switzerland in Janu- since the death of her father, finished 24th.
from Michelle Gisin to clinch “Today I leave Levi with big ary 2018. Jeff Shiffrin, in early Febru-
her second win in two days, confidence,” Vlhova said. “I ary. The coronavirus out- A limited number of specta-
and fifth straight in the disci- feel that this year, I have a lot On a course set by her coach, break and a back injury pre- tors were allowed at the race.
pline. All 28 World Cup sla- of power, a lot of confidence. Mike Day, Shiffrin struggled vented her from an earlier The annual event north of
loms since January 2017 have For the next races I will try to in the opening meters of her return to the circuit. Gisin, the Arctic Circle usually con-
been won by either Shiffrin, do the same but it is not easy first run and trailed by nearly who is the Olympic cham- sists of a women's and a men's
with 19 wins, or Vlhova, who to take the victory.” four tenths at the first split. pion in the combined event, race, but organizers changed
has won all the races in the has yet to win a World Cup the program this year to limit
discipline in 2020. Vlhova and Gisin shared the However, the American race, apart from triumphing travel and keep both circuits
lead after the opening run, three-time overall champion with Switzerland in a season- apart.
“It was really difficult for me but the World Cup discipline matched the leaders’ pace for ending team event in 2016. Next on the World Cup cal-
because I was a little bit un- champion from Slovakia beat the remainder of her run and Gisin was fifth on Saturday, endar is a parallel event in
der pressure, because yester- her Swiss opponent by 0.31 finished 0.37 seconds behind and coming runner-up Sun- Austria, with the women's
day I won and today I wanted seconds in the final leg. Vlhova and Gisin. Shiffrin day marked her ninth podi- race on Thursday and the
to confirm,” Vlhova said fol- Katharina Liensberger of lost more than half a second um and best career result in men competing the follow-
lowing her 16th career win. Austria was half a second be- on Vlhova in her final run slalom. ing day.
Piqué likely out for several months because of knee injury
but similar injuries tend to Metropolitano Stadium. The months. The loss to Atlético
require months of recovery club said he has a right thigh kept Barcelona in the middle
time. muscle rupture and will of league standings after eight
be sidelined for about two matches.
Piqué got injured on Satur-
day in the second half of Bar-
celona’s 1-0 loss at Atlético
Madrid, its first against the
Madrid rival in the Spanish
league in more than a decade.
His knee bent inward after
Atlético forward Ángel Cor-
rea fell on his leg.
Piqué had to be helped off the
field and was taken straight to
the changing room. Barce-
(AP) — Gerard Piqué is that Piqué has a grade-three lona said after initial exams
expected to be sidelined sprain of his internal lateral on Saturday that Piqué had a
for several months be- ligament and a partial in- sprained knee.
cause of a right knee in- jury to his anterior cruciate
jury. ligament. The club did not Barcelona also lost Sergi Ro-
say how long the defender berto due to injury in Sat-
Barcelona said on Sunday is expected to be sidelined, urday' match at the Wanda