Page 28 - bon-dia-aruba-20201123
P. 28
A28 u.s. news
Dialuna 23 november 2020
Biden's 1st Cabinet picks expected Tuesday amid roadblocks
ministration's refusal to clear administration “all the time an inauguration that hon-
the way for Biden's team to they need.” ors the importance and the
have access to key informa- Sen. Lamar Alexander, R- symbolic meaning of the mo-
tion about agencies and fed- Tenn., said there was a “very ment, but also does not result
eral dollars for the transition good chance” Biden would in the spread of the disease.
is taking its toll on planning, be president and that Biden That’s our goal,” Klain said.
including the Cabinet selec- and his team should have ac-
tion process. Trump's Gen- cess to relevant information Inaugurations typically in-
eral Services Administration for the transition. After a fed- clude a traditional parade
has yet to acknowledge that eral judge's ruling against the down Pennsylvania Avenue,
Biden won the election — a Trump campaign in an elec- remarks by the president and
determination that would re- tion challenge in Pennsylva- vice president from the Capi-
move those roadblocks. nia on Saturday, GOP Sen. tol, a lunch with lawmakers
Pat Toomey of Pennsylvania in the Capitol rotunda and
“We’re not in a position to said the president had “ex- numerous balls across Wash-
get background checks on hausted all plausible legal op- ington. All are events attend-
(AP) — President-elect Biden has pledged to build Cabinet nominees. And so tions” and Toomey congratu- ed by hundreds and some-
Joe Biden's first Cabinet the most diverse govern- there are definite impacts. lated Biden on his win. times hundreds of thousands
picks are coming Tuesday ment in modern history, and Those impacts escalate every And on Sunday, former Re- of people who travel to the
and planning is underway he and his team often speak day,” Klain told ABC's “This publican Gov. Chris Chris- nation's capital.
for a pandemic-modified about their desire for his ad- Week.” tie of New Jersey, a longtime It’s unclear how public health
inauguration in January ministration to reflect Amer- Even some Republicans have Trump supporter, said on concerns will affect those tra-
as his team moves forward ica. He is being watched to broken with Trump in recent ABC that it was time for the ditions.
despite roadblocks from see whether he will make days and called on him to ac- president to stop contesting During the campaign, Biden
the Trump administra- history by nominating the cept the results of the elec- the outcome. Christie said drew a contrast with Trump
tion. first woman to lead the Pen- tion. Trump's legal team was a “na- on the coronavirus by par-
tagon, the Treasury Depart- “I, frankly, do think it's time tional embarrassment.” ing down his own events in
Ron Klain, Biden’s incoming ment or the Department of to — well, it was past time to Looking ahead to the Jan. 20 response to the pandemic.
chief of staff, offered no de- Veterans Affairs, or the first start a transition, to at least inauguration, Klain said it is Biden held smaller gather-
tails Sunday about which de- African American at the top cooperate with the transi- “going to definitely have to ings where people were asked
partment heads Biden would of the Defense Department, tion,'' said Sen. Kevin Cram- be changed” due to the coro- to wear masks and adhere to
first announce. The Associ- the Interior Department or er, R-N.D., on NBC's ”Meet navirus pandemic, and that social distancing recommen-
ated Press has reported that the Treasury Department. the Press." He said the GSA's the Biden team is consulting dations from public health
Biden could name his nomi- Biden said last week he had designation should happen with Democratic leadership experts. Since he won the
nee for secretary of state or settled on his pick for trea- Monday “because it didn't in the House and Senate over presidency, Biden has em-
treasury secretary this com- sury secretary. happen last Monday morn- their plans. phasized the importance of
ing week. Klain said the Trump ad- ing," to give the incoming “They’re going to try to have mask-wearing.
Teen charged in killings poses with ‘Silver Spoons’ actor
(AP) — An Illinois lowed the police shooting of Rittenhouse, of Antioch, Il- His case has taken on po-
17-year-old accused of Jacob Blake in Kenosha. He linois, told police he was at- litical overtones. Supporters
killing two people during posted bond through his at- tacked while he was guarding of the Black Lives Matter
a protest in Wisconsin was torney at about 2 p.m. Friday. a business and that he fired in movement have painted Rit-
seen smiling in a photo self-defense. tenhouse as a trigger-happy
with his lawyer and “Silver Hours after being released, L. white supremacist. Conser-
Spoons” actor Ricky Sch- Lin Wood of Atlanta, who is a He faces multiple charges, vatives upset over property
roder after being released member of Rittenhouse’s de- including intentional homi- destruction during recent
from custody by posting a fense team, tweeted a photo cide, reckless endangerment protests have portrayed him
$2 million bond. of Rittenhouse, Ricky Schro- and being a minor in posses- as a patriot who was exer-
der and attorney John Pierce, sion of a firearm. Wisconsin cising his right to bear arms
Kyle Rittenhouse is accused under a title of “FREE AT law doesn’t permit minors to during unrest. A legal de-
of fatally shooting Joseph LAST!!!” Lin earlier tweeted carry or possess a gun unless fense fund for Rittenhouse
Rosenbaum and Anthony that a donation from Schro- they’re hunting. He is due has raised millions of dollars
Huber and wounding Gaige der helped put Rittenhouse's back in court on Dec. 3 for a in donations, and his mother
Grosskreutz during a dem- bond fundraising effort “over preliminary hearing. got a standing ovation from ty GOP function in Septem-
onstration Aug. 25 that fol- the top.” women at a Waukesha Coun- ber.
White House Rose Garden adds Japanese American's sculpture
(AP) — The White House ican artists to the landscape complement the power sym-
Rose Garden has a new of our country,” the first lady bolized by the Oval Office at
addition, but it isn't a said in a statement announc- the west end of the expanse,
floral variety. Melania ing the installation. Nogu- the White House said.
Trump announced Fri- chi viewed “Floor Frame” as Born in Los Angeles, Nogu-
day that artwork by Japa- representing the intersection chi spent most of his child-
nese American sculptor of a tree and the ground, tak- hood in his father's home-
Isamu Noguchi has been ing on the qualities of both land of Japan. After graduat-
installed on the east ter- an implied root system and ing from high school, No-
race of the famous garden, the canopy of a tree, Mrs. guchi apprenticed with Gut-
which she renovated ear- Trump's office said. He en- zon Borglum, who created
lier this year. lady and the White House association. visioned the sculpture placed Mount Rushmore in South
Historical Association. He “This sculpture not only directly on the ground in or- Dakota.
Noguchi is the first Asian died in 1988. Noguchi's showcases diversity within der to reconnect viewers to He later dropped out of Co-
American artist to be featured piece, titled “Floor Frame,” our nation’s finest art but it the planet. Noguchi's work lumbia University's premed-
in the White House collec- was a gift from the privately also highlights the beautiful was installed on the east ter- ical program to pursue a ca-
tion, according to the first funded, nonprofit historical contributions of Asian Amer- race of the Rose Garden to reer as a sculptor.