Page 29 - bon-dia-aruba-20201123
P. 29
world news Dialuna 23 november 2020
Ethiopia warns civilians of 'no mercy' in Tigray offensive
(AP) — Ethiopia’s mili- century before Abiy took of- tivity to points of view that
tary is warning civilians fice and introduced dramatic do not hew to its line.”
in the besieged Tigray re- political reforms and side- It added: “It is noteworthy
gional capital that there lined TPLF leaders. that on the same day Mr.
will be “no mercy” if they Davison was expelled, au-
don’t “save themselves” Now, each side regards each thorities also issued warning
before a final offensive to other as illegal, complicating letters to the news agency
flush out defiant regional international pleas for dia- Reuters’ Ethiopia correspon-
leaders — a threat that logue amid worries that one dent and to the BBC and
Human Rights Watch on of Africa's most powerful and Deutsche Welle stations."
Sunday said could violate populous nations could frac- Meanwhile, a vast humani-
international law. ture and destabilize the stra- tarian crisis is unfolding,
tegic Horn of Africa. with the United Nations say-
“From now on, the fighting ing about 2 million people in
will be a tank battle,” spokes- With communications and Tigray urgently need help as
man Col. Dejene Tsegaye But “treating a whole city as are at a point of no return.” transport to the Tigray region food, fuel, medical and oth-
said late Saturday, asserting a military target would not He accused the TPLF leaders almost completely severed, er supplies run desperately
that the army was march- only unlawful, it could also of using religious sites, ho- it's difficult to verify the war- short.
ing on the Tigray capital, be considered a form of col- tels, schools “and even cem- ring sides' claims. Two refugee crises are grow-
Mekele, and would encircle lective punishment,” Human eteries” as hideouts and using ing. Over 35,000 Ethiopians
it with tanks. “Our people Rights Watch researcher La- Mekele residents as human And Ethiopia's government have fled into a remote area
in Mekele should be noti- etitia Bader tweeted Sunday. shields. has expelled an analyst with of Sudan, where local com-
fied that they should protect “In other words, war crimes,” For days, Abiy's government the International Crisis munities and humanitarians
themselves from heavy artil- former U.S. national security has asserted it was marching Group, William Davison. have struggled to feed and
lery.” adviser Susan Rice tweeted. to Mekele in a final push to The government hasn't given accommodate them. And
Ethiopia’s Nobel Peace end the deadly conflict that a formal reason, the organi- inside the Tigray region, the
He accused the Tigray lead- Prize-winning prime min- erupted on Nov. 4 between zation said, but “ultimately, fighting has come close to
ers of hiding among the pop- ister, Abiy Ahmed, in a new the federal government and there is little doubt that the camps that are home to near-
ulation of the city of roughly statement is giving the lead- the heavily armed Tigray reason for his deportation re- ly 100,000 refugees from Er-
a half-million people and ers of the Tigray People’s regional government. The lates to the current tense situ- itrea. Some of the Eritreans
warned civilians to “steer Liberation Front 72 hours to TPLF dominated Ethiopia's ation in the country and the have now fled a second time,
away” from them. surrender, saying that “you ruling coalition for a quarter authorities’ increasing sensi- into Sudan.
Confrontation at German coronavirus protest goes viral
(AP) — A video went The woman spoke on stage not going to be a security
viral Sunday in Germany Saturday evening in the guard for this kind of idiocy.”
of a confrontation at a northern city of Hannover, The woman looked at him in
coronavirus protest, where telling fellow protesters disbelief while he called her
a young woman compared “I feel like Sophie Scholl, speech “a trivialization of the
herself to a famous Nazi since I've been active in the Holocaust.” He was ushered
resistance fighter and then resistance, giving speeches, away by security and she
was accused by a security going to protests, distributing threw down the mic in anger.
guard of “trivializing” the flyers.”
Holocaust. German Foreign Minister
Scholl fought the Nazis Heiko Maas tweeted Sunday
Several people protesting with her brother and other that the comparison with
coronavirus restrictions in members of the resistance Scholl “mocks the bravery
Germany that seek to tamp group White Rose. After that was needed to take a
down new infections have distributing flyers at a stand against the Nazis.”
tried to depict themselves Munich university, she was
as victims of government convicted of high treason and “Nothing connects the Third Reich. They also killed German officials, meanwhile,
persecution. Some have was executed at age 22 by the corona protests with the tens of thousands of other have been generally praised
even put on Stars of David, Nazis in 1943. resistance fighters. Nothing!" people who opposed their for their handling of the
symbols that the Nazis Maas wrote. regime, such as communists, pandemic. The European
forced Jews to wear during While the female protester Social Democrats, members Union nation has reported
the Third Reich before was talking, a young security The Nazis orchestrated of the church or resistance over 14,000 coronavirus-
they killed them. guard approached the stage, the genocide of six million fighters. related deaths, a toll only
saying repeatedly that “I'm European Jews during the one-fourth that of Britain's.
Turkey's COVID-19 numbers at record levels for second day
(AP) — Turkey saw a re- duced over the weekend for been criticized for masking
cord number of people di- the first time since June, with the true scope of the national
agnosed with COVID-19 businesses such as restaurants outbreak.
for the second day run- and bars ordered to close. “Let’s follow the precautions
ning on Sunday as 6,017 for our loved ones,” Health
new symptomatic patients The ministry said a total of Minister Fahrettin Koca
were documented, the 446,882 patients with symp- tweeted, referring to hand-
health ministry said. toms had been identified washing, distancing and
since the country’s first re- mask-wearing measures.
The number of new daily cas- corded case in March. Turkey Turkey recorded 139 CO-
es are now running at higher doesn't publicly report con- VID-19 deaths over the pre-
levels than the outbreak’s firmed coronavirus cases in vious 24 hours, taking the
previous peak in April. Eve- people without COVID-19 country’s total to 12,358, the
ning lockdowns were intro- symptoms, a policy that has health ministry reported.