Page 30 - bon-dia-aruba-20201123
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A30    world news
                 Dialuna 23 november 2020

                                 More than 300 detained by police in Belarus protests

                                                                      dent Alexander Lukashenko.
                                                                      There  have  been  near-daily
                                                                      protests  since  early  August,
                                                                      but  those  on  Sundays  have
                                                                      been the largest.

                                                                      Protests have gripped Belarus
                                                                      since the Aug. 9 presidential
                                                                      election  that  official  results
                                                                      say  gave  Lukashenko  a  sixth
                                                                      term  in  office,  but  that  the
                                                                      opposition  and  some  poll
                                                                      workers  say  were  manipu-

                                                                      Throughout    the   protest
            (AP)  —  The  Belarusian  authoritarian president to  wave, more than 19,000 peo-      police  dispersals  by  initially  widescale detentions.
            human  rights  group  Vi-    resign.                      ple  have  been  detained  and  gathering in various parts of
            asna  says  that  more  than                              thousands  of  them  beaten,  the  capital  Minsk,  but  were  Protests also took place held
            300  people  were  arrested  The  demonstrations  that  at-  human rights advocates say.  met  by  police  when  they  in other cities on Sunday. Vi-
            and many of them beaten  tracted  thousands  were  the                                 tried to converge on the cen-  asna said at least 304 people
            by  police  during  protests  16th  consecutive  Sunday  of  The  protesters  on  Sunday  ter. Police used stun grenades  were arrested throughout the
            calling  for  the  country’s  large  protests  against  Presi-  tried to dilute detentions and  to turn them back and began  country.

                           Charleston weighs wall as seas rise and storms strengthen

            (AP) — Vickie Hicks, who                                                               sion  among  some  residents
            weaves  intricate  sweet-                                                              who  wonder  why  the  city  The  wall  stops  short  of  two
            grass  baskets  in  Charles-                                                           might pursue a solution only  mostly   Black   neighbor-
            ton, South Carolina's his-                                                             for storm surge at the expense  hoods  —  one  a  low-income
            toric city market, remem-                                                              of other flooding problems.  apartment  complex  and  the
            bers climbing onto the ta-                                                             The  Corps  says  it's  con-  other  a  historic  community
            ble  at  her  grandmother’s                                                            strained  by  its  congressional  called Rosemont. The Corps
            booth  downtown  when                                                                  mandate,  which  doesn’t  ad-  has  said  both  areas  are  high
            the floodwaters rushed by.                                                             dress other sources of flood-  enough  to  use  other  solu-
                                                                                                   ing  the  city  faces,  such  as  tions,  such  as  floodproofing
            Decades  later,  the  seasoned  tides  and  wetter,  more  fre-  tural measures, such as rais-  stormwater  runoff.  That's  homes and buying out prop-
            seller of this art form passed  quent  rainstorms  in  recent  ing  homes  not  situated  be-  mostly handled by the city.  erty owners. But residents of
            down by descendants of West  years with climate change.   hind the sea wall. The entire                             Rosemont, many elderly, are
            African  slaves  still  works  In 2019, the downtown flood-  project  is  estimated  to  cost   A  call  for  public  comments  not readily able to move, said
            downtown, where merchants  ed a record 89 times accord-   $1.75 billion. The Corps has   this  summer  elicited  hun-  Nancy  Button,  Rosemont
            regularly  set  out  sandbags  ing  to  the National Weather  three years and $3 million to   dreds of responses.   Neighborhood  Association
            and  scrutinize  daily  weath-  Service — mostly from high  find a fix for storm surge on   Conservation  groups  said  president:  “Where  are  they
            er  forecasts.  Hicks  says  the  tides  and  wind  pushing  wa-  the peninsula, though there’s   the  proposal  needed  a  more  going to go?” she said.
            flooding’s only gotten worse.  ter inland. And the city could  no  guarantee  yet  that  it  will   rigorous  environmental  re-  Naomi Yoder from the envi-
            “God’s taking back his land,”  flood  up  to  180  times  per  be funded and built.    view, because the wall would  ronmental  policy  organiza-
            she said.                    year by 2045 according to the  The Charleston study is part   cut through water-absorbing  tion Healthy Gulf questioned
            Now,  the  low-lying  Atlan-  National Oceanic and Atmo-  of  $111  million  funded  by   wetlands  and  wildlife  habi-  whether money for expensive
            tic  seaport  is  considering  its  spheric Administration.  Congress in 2018 to address   tats.                    engineering  solutions  posed
            most  drastic  measure  yet  to                           flooding and coastal storm is-  Resoundingly,  residents  said  by the Corps in coastal cities
            protect  the  lives  and  liveli-  There’s  also  the  threat  each  sues in 14 states, Puerto Rico   they  needed  more  time  to  could  be  better  used  to  el-
            hoods of residents like Hicks  year  that  hurricane-driven  and  the  U.S.  Virgin  Islands.   make  sense  of  the  proposal  evate and fortify houses, and
            from  the  threats  of  climate-  storm  surge  could  inundate  The  wall  is  one  of  several   that  would  wall  off  one  of  to create evacuation corridors
            driven  flooding:  walling  off  the  city's  peninsula,  which  engineering  solutions,  along   the city's most defining traits  for disasters. “Is there really a
            its peninsula from the ocean.  is at the confluence of three  with pumps, surge gates and   —  the  waterfront,  with  its  possibility for us to out-engi-
            Although residents recognize  rivers  and  mostly  less  than  levees proposed by the Corps   oleander-lined  promenades,  neer the storms?” Yoder said.
            the  need  for  action  before  20 feet (6.1 meters) above sea  in cities including Miami and   antebellum houses, fountains
            Charleston  is  overwhelmed  level.                       Galveston, Texas.            and  expansive  oaks  —  from  Whether  the  city  builds  the
            by  the  unfolding  effects  of                           Mark  Wilbert,  Charleston’s   the harbor.                wall  or  not,  the  process  has
            climate  change,  many  are  Earlier  this  year,  the  Army  chief  resilience  officer,  said                     accelerated  the  conversation
            not  certain  the  wall  will  do  Corps of Engineers unveiled  the  city  needs  to  do  some-  Trying to please everyone by  Charleston  needs  to  have
            enough  to  address  flooding  a proposal for an eight-mile-  thing  to  address  current   expanding  the  wall's  scope  about sea level rise, said Win-
            woes  that  go  beyond  storm  long  (12.9-kilometer-long)  flooding  and  plan  for  the   may drive the project's costs  slow  Hastie  of  the  Historic
            surges. Some oppose walling  wall that would surround the  future.  "Why  the  wall?  Why   past  viability,  Wilbert  said,  Charleston Foundation.
            off  the  city  from  its  pictur-  peninsula and reach a height  now?”  Wilbert  said.  “It’s   noting  non-structural  mea-  “There’s  a  benefit  to  the
            esque  waterfront  that  helps  of 12 feet (3.7 meters) above  about   preparedness.   You   sures  such  as  raising  flood-  community coming together
            draw millions of visitors each  sea level.                know,  it’s  about  preserving   prone homes could still pro-  and having some soul search-
            year.  Others  fear  the  wall  The barrier is reminiscent of  property and preventing lives   vide  adequate  protection  to  ing," he said.
            will  damage  wetlands  and  fortifications  that  colonists  lost for a future that we know   neighborhoods left out of the  Michelle Liu is a corps mem-
            wildlife, or that poor neigh-  built around Charleston 350  will  bring  more  frequent   plan.                     ber for the Associated Press/
            borhoods  will  be  left  out  of  years ago to keep out invad-  storms, more intense storms,   The plan focuses on the pen-  Report  for  America  State-
            flooding solutions.          ers,  but  the  Corps  says  the  in  an  area  that  we  know  is   insula, where the city’s eco-  house  News  Initiative.  Re-
                                         new wall is designed to keep  very vulnerable to that.”   nomic engines — its historic  port  for  America  is  a  non-
            Though  Charleston  has  re-  out storm surge.                                         downtown, tourism hub and  profit  national  service  pro-
            mained  relatively  unscathed  The  agency's  proposal  in-  The  Corps  plan,  which  re-  medical district — are locat-  gram  that  places  journalists
            this hurricane season, the city  cludes  a  floating  breakwater  quires city approval and cost   ed although some neighbor-  in local newsrooms to report
            of  136,000  has  seen  higher  offshore and some nonstruc-  sharing,  has  created  confu-  hoods extend beyond that.  on undercovered issues.
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