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March 30, 2023 exciting to visit
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A r u b a ’ s O N L Y E n g l i s h n e w s p a p e r
Aruba’s ONLY English newspaper
The Aruban Gymnastics Federation
organizes its first National Artistic
Gymnastics Competition
Page 7
President Joe Biden speaks during a Summit for Democracy virtual plenary in the South Court Au-
ditorium on the White House campus, Wednesday, March 29, 2023, in Washington. Imelda Rustveld and Gabriel Ras
Associated Press recognized as cultural giants
Biden: World ‘turning the tide’ after
backslide on democracy
By AAMER MADHANI China over its military and economic influ-
Associated Press ence in the Indo-Pacific and beyond. The
WASHINGTON (AP) — President Joe Biden president cited signs of progress across the
on Wednesday offered an optimistic out- globe, from Angola’s effort to create an
look on the health of democracy world- independent judiciary, Croatia’s move
wide, declaring that leaders are “turning to boost government transparency and
the tide” in stemming a yearslong back- the Dominican Republic’s anti-corruption
slide of democratic institutions. Open- steps. At home, Biden pointed to his stalled
ing his second democracy summit, Biden push for voting protections in Congress as
looked to spotlight hopeful advancements evidence of his administration’s commit-
over the past year despite Russia’s war in ment to support democracy.
neighboring Ukraine and U.S. tensions with Continued on Page 2 Page 11