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                                                                                                           LOCAL Thursday 30 March 2023

             Aruba Tourism Authority honored loyal visitors at Eagle Aruba Beach Resort

             The Aruba Tourism Author-   Aruba  for  20  years  con-
             ity  recently  recognized  secutively).
             the  Goodwill  Ambassa-     Ms.  Marouska  Heyliger-
             dors  of  Aruba.  Presenting  representing  the  Aruba
             the Ambassadors with the  Tourism  Authority,  and
             Goodwill certification as a  members  of  the  Eagle
             token of appreciation.      Aruba  Resort  bestowed
                                         the  certification  of  the-
             The  Goodwill  certifica-   Goodwill    Ambassador.
             tion is granted to ambas-   The  honorees  were  pre-
             sadors to recognize, their  sented  with  the  Goodwill
             loyalty, friendship, and vis-  Ambassador  Certificate
             its to the island of Aruba.  and memorable gifts.
             Goodwill  Honorees  have  On behalf of the Govern-
             been  choosing  Aruba  as  ment of Aruba, we would
             their  preferred  vacation  like  to  express  our  grati-
             destination for more than  tude  and  appreciation
             20years     consecutively.  to Mr. & Mrs. Rothstein for
             The Honoring certification  making  Aruba  their  pre-
             program has three levels,  ferred  vacation  destina-
             which  are  divided  ac-    tion for so many years. We
             cording to the number of  are  so  thankful  to  have
             consecutive  years  visiting  had  such  wonderful  visi-
             the island.                 tors all these years! Aruba
                                         is  unquestionably  their
             Honoring Levels:            home away from home!
             •   Distinguished  Ambas-
                 sadors: 10> years       The topreasons for return-
             •   Goodwill    Ambassa-    ing to Aruba, provided by
                 dors:  20> years        the honorees were:
             •   Emerald     Ambassa-
                 dors: 35> years         Michael & Charmaine
                                          Langlois reasons:
             Honoreeswere:               1.  Friendly  people  treat
             Goodwill    Ambassadors:        us like family (most im-
             20> years:                      portant)
                                         2.  Beautiful beaches
             Richard & Linda Rothstein  3.  Swimming  and  snor-
             are  residents  of  Massa-      keling
             chusetts,  United  States  4.  Excellent restaurants
             (have  been  coming  to  5.  Shopping q
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