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                  Thursday 30 March 2023
            Long Paris trash strike ends, workers face daunting cleanup

            By THOMAS ADAMSON                                                                                                   mess, and I want to get on
            Associated Press                                                                                                    with normal life,” said Paris
            PARIS (AP) — Striking sanita-                                                                                       resident  Amandine  Bet-
            tion workers in Paris began                                                                                         out,  32,  getting  her  morn-
            returning  to  work  Wednes-                                                                                        ing  croissant  in  Le  Marais
            day,  ending  one  of  the                                                                                          district.  She  said  it  was  a
            most  enduring  symbols  of                                                                                         “good thing” that the trash
            opposition  to  French  Presi-                                                                                      is swept up from the streets,
            dent  Emmanuel  Marcon’s                                                                                            even  though  the  cleanup
            unpopular  pension  bill,  as                                                                                       could take some time.
            nationwide  protests  also                                                                                          An artist going by the single
            appeared  to  be  winding                                                                                           name  Bisk  who  has  drawn
            down.                                                                                                               attention  for  his  creative
            Awaiting  clean-up  crews                                                                                           sculptures  using  trash  said
            were  heaps  of  trash  that                                                                                        his  work  has  added  some
            had  piled  up  over  their                                                                                         levity  to  otherwise  tense
            weekslong strike beginning                                                                                          protests,  reminding  Pari-
            March  6,  as  well  as  debris                                                                                     sians about the lighter side
            from  the  streets  following                                                                                       of  life.  “People  come  by
            the  tenth  nationwide  anti-                                                                                       all serious, then see a mon-
            pension  reform  protests  a                                                                                        ster’s  face  or  a  little  man
            day earlier.                                                                                                        and they leave with a smile.
            Trash mounds that reached                                                                                           People  have  thanked  me
            up  to  10,000  tons  along   A man jogs past uncollected garbage bags Tuesday, March 28, 2023 in Paris.            for  puncturing  the  mood,”
            the French capital’s streets                                                                       Associated Press   the 30-year-old artist said.
            matching the weight of the  than  most  people,  at  age  week-long  strike  would  be  “It’s  good  that  the  trash  is  Bisk said he has worked on
            Eiffel  Tower  have  become  57  due  to  their  laborious  “suspended” as of Wednes-  collected.  It’s  very  unsani-  around 100 trash bin ‘sculp-
            a  striking  visual  and  olfac-  jobs,  though  many  work  day.  Crews  will  join  others  tary, and some residents al-  tures’  since  March  6,  cre-
            tory  symbol  of  opposition  longer  to  increase  their  who  were  legally  requisi-  ready have trouble with rats  ating  fantastical  monster’s
            to  Marcon’s  plan  to  raise  pension.  The  new  plan  tioned  over  the  last  week  and  mice.  It  can  be  dan-  faces with mad eyes or lit-
            the retirement age by two  would push their retirement  to  help  with  the  daunting  gerous if it’s left too long,”  tle friendly men  that have
            years.  For  most  people  age to 59.                     clean-up process.            said  artist  Gil  Franco,  73.  garnered a life of their own
            that means working until 64  Numerous  strikers  had  cit-  A  statement  by  the  CGT  The suspension of the strike,  on social media.
            once  the  measure,  under  ed health concerns if they  claimed  that  requisitions  together with the dwindling  “Everyone is tense, and I’m
            examination  by  the  Con-   were made to work longer.    of  trucks,  incinerators  and  protest numbers, is seen by  stopped  by  police  when
            stitutional  Council,  is  en-  In  a  decision  that  sent  personnel,  ordered  by  the  some  as  the  beginning  of  I’m  working  as  they  think
            shrined in law.              waves  of  relief  among  Paris  police  prefect,  had  the end of demonstrations  I’m going to set fire to the
            Sanitation  workers,  who  many  Paris  residents,  the  bled the movement, lead-      against the pension bill.    trash  –  but  I’m  just  doing
            had  blocked  three  incin-  powerful CGT union repre-    ing  to  its  suspension.  But  “People  are  getting  tired  art,” Bisk said. “I’m not po-
            erator plants and garbage  senting  sanitation  workers  added  that  “the  combat  of  it.  There  has  been  too  litical.  I  just  transform  crap
            truck  depots,  retire  earlier  announced that the three-  isn’t over.”               much  violence.  Paris  is  a  into gold.” q

             Calls mount for Taliban to free girls’ education activist

            ISLAMABAD  (AP)  —  Calls  government defended the  Afghanistan  with  a  mobile  U.S.  chargé  d’affaires  for  cious  and  the  system  has
            mounted  Wednesday  for  detention.                       school  and  library  —  was  Afghanistan,  Karen  Deck-  the  right  to  ask  such  peo-
            the  Taliban  to  free  a  girls’  Matiullah  Wesa,  founder  arrested  in  the  Afghan  er,  said  she  was  disturbed  ple for an explanation,” he
            education activist arrested  and president of Pen Path  capital on Monday.             by  “multiple,  disturbing  re-  said  Tuesday  in  a  tweet.
            earlier this week in Kabul, as  —  a  local  nongovernmen-  Since  their  takeover  of  ports”  of  Afghans  being  “It is known that the arrest
            a minister in the Taliban-led  tal group that travels across  Afghanistan,  the  Taliban  detained  while  peacefully  of  an  individual  caused
                                                                      have  imposed  restrictions  protesting  in  support  of  such  widespread  reaction
                                                                      on  women’s  and  minority  their aspirations.            that a conspiracy was pre-
                                                                      rights. Girls are barred from  Former  Afghan  President  vented.”  Wesa’s  brother,
                                                                      school  beyond  the  sixth  Hamid  Karzai  said  he  was  Attaullah  Wesa,  said  Tal-
                                                                      grade  and  last  year,  the  saddened  to  hear  of  We-  iban forces surrounded the
                                                                      Taliban  banned  women  sa’s arrest.                      family  home  on  Tuesday,
                                                                      from going to universities.  Local  reports  said  Taliban  beat  family  members  and
                                                                      Wesa  has  been  outspo-     security  forces  detained  confiscated      Matiullah’s
                                                                      ken in his demands for girls  Wesa  after  his  return  from  mobile  phone.  Social  me-
                                                                      to  have  the  right  to  go  to  a  trip  to  Europe.  The  Tal-  dia  activists  have  created
                                                                      school and learn, and has  iban  authorities  have  not  a hashtag to campaign for
                                                                      repeatedly  called  on  the  confirmed  his  detention,  Matiullah  Wesa’s  release.
                                                                      Taliban-led  government  to  whereabouts or reasons for  Many posts condemned his
                                                                      reverse its bans. His most re-  the arrest.               detention  and  demanded
                                                                      cent tweets coincided with  Abdul Haq Humad, the di-      immediate freedom for the
                                                                      the  start  of  the  new  aca-  rector  of  publications  at  activist.

            Matiullah Wesa, a girls’ education advocate, reads to students   demic year in Afghanistan,  the  Ministry  of  Information  Wesa  and  others  from  the
            in the open area in Spin Boldak district in the southern Kandahar   with girls remaining shut out  and Culture, defended the  Pen Path launched a door-
            province of Afghanistan on May 21, 2022.                  of  classrooms  and  cam-    detention.                   to-door  campaign  to  pro-
                                                     Associated Press  puses.  Late  Tuesday,  the  “His  actions  were  suspi-  mote girls’ education.q
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