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Thursday 30 March 2023
Dem senators from 4 states ask NOAA to address whale deaths
By WAYNE PARRY Coast, where 298 of the an-
Associated Press imals have washed ashore
ATLANTIC CITY, N.J. (AP) since 2019. Some showed
— Democratic U.S. Sena- signs of emaciation, but
tors from four states want NOAA said more research
federal environmental of- is needed.
ficials to address a spate NOAA has declared “un-
of whale deaths on both usual mortality events” in-
coasts, urging “transpar- volving whales on both
ency and timeliness” in re- coasts, including one on
leasing information about the East Coast dating back
whale deaths and their to 2016. Gaches said the
causes.The call late Tues- agency will work directly
day by New Jersey Sens. with Congress to address
Robert Menendez and any concerns it may have
Cory Booker; Connecticut about the issue and the
Sen. Richard Blumenthal, agency’s response to it.
Oregon Sen. Jeff Merkley, The senators asked NOAA
and Rhode Island Sen. Shel- A police officer in Seaside Park N.J. photographs a dead whale on the beach on March 2, 2023. On to detail how it plans to ad-
don Whitehouse for action Tuesday, March 28, Democratic U.S. Senators from four states called upon the National Oceanic dress and prevent whale
by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration to address a spate of whale deaths on the Atlantic and Pacific deaths; outline the agen-
and Atmospheric Admin- coasts. cy’s procedures for noti-
istration marked the first Associated Press fying the public when a
large-scale request for ac- wind as a potential cause documented causes of likely go extinct,” they whale deaths is discovered
tion by Democratic federal of the deaths. Numerous death,” he said. “We know wrote. “If we do not act, and when the results of
lawmakers on an issue that federal agencies have said that NOAA’s preliminary other whale species may necropsy examinations are
has rapidly become politi- there is no evidence linking findings for many of the face the same fate.” ready; and list any chal-
cized. it to whale deaths, many of whales washing up along Lauren Gaches, a NOAA lenges the agency faces in
Thus far, mostly Republican which were determined to the Atlantic coast this year spokesperson, said that as determining the causes of
lawmakers have called for have been caused by ship have shown evidence of a of Wednesday, 30 whale whale deaths, and wheth-
a pause or an outright halt strikes or entanglement vessel strike.” deaths have been record- er specific actions by Con-
to offshore wind farm prep- with fishing gear. The senators voiced par- ed on the Atlantic Coast gress or the administration
aration work, which they In a statement to The As- ticular concern about two since Dec. 1. They were 21 might help.
blame for the deaths of sociated Press on Wednes- deaths of endangered humpback whales; three They noted that since 2008,
whales along the U.S. East day, Booker said he wants North Atlantic right whales, sperm whales; three minke NOAA has implemented
Coast since December. the agency to protect although most of the whale whales; two North Atlantic vessel speed regulations
But in their letter to a NOAA whales and communicate deaths involved the more right whales and one sei to reduce the number of
administrator, the Demo- quickly about any deaths. plentiful humpback spe- whale. whale deaths caused by
cratic senators conspicu- “To protect these animals, cies. The senators also expressed boat strikes, and that up-
ously did not blame or we must follow the facts “Without action, the (North concern about the deaths dated rules regarding the
even mention offshore and address the known, Atlantic right whale) will of gray whales on the West issue are due by June. q
Hawaii authorities say 33 swimmers were harassing dolphins
By AUDREY McAVOY HONOLULU (AP) — Hawaii they have referred 33 peo- Kahoolawe. swimmers on land where
Associated Press authorities on Tuesday say ple to U.S. law enforcement The state Department of state and federal officials
after the group allegedly Land and Natural Resourc- launched a joint investiga-
harassed a pod of wild dol- es said in a news release tion.
phins in waters off the Big that its enforcement of- Hawaii’s spinner dolphins
Island. ficers came upon the 33 feast on fish and small crus-
It’s against federal law to swimmers in Honaunau Bay taceans that surface from
swim within 50 yards (45 on Sunday during a routine the ocean’s depths at
meters) of spinner dolphins patrol. night.
in Hawaii’s nearshore wa- Aerial footage shot by When the sun rises, they
ters. The prohibition went drone shows snorkelers fol- head for shallow bays to
into effect in 2021 amid lowing dolphins as they hide from tiger sharks and
concerns that so many swim away. other predators.
tourists were swimming with The department said its To the untrained eye, the
dolphins that the nocturnal video and photos showed dolphins appear to be
animals weren’t getting the swimmers “who appear to awake during the day be-
rest they need during the be aggressively pursuing, cause they’re swimming.
day to be able to forage corralling and harassing But because they sleep by
for food at night. the pod.” resting half of their brains
The rule applies to areas Enforcement officers con- and keeping the other
In this photo provided by the Hawaii Department of Land and within 2 nautical miles (3.7 tacted the group while half awake to surface and
Natural Resources, department enforcement officers speak kilometers) of the Hawaiian they were in the water, and breathe, they may be
to swimmers in Honaunau, Hawaii, March 26, 2023, after the Islands and in designated told them about the viola- sleeping even when they’re
swimmers allegedly harassed a pod of wild spinner dolphins. waters surrounded by the tion. maneuvering through the
Associated Press
islands of Lanai, Maui and Uniformed officers met the water.q