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WORLD NEWS Thursday 30 March 2023
The Aruban Gymnastics Federation organizes its first National
Artistic Gymnastics Competition
(Oranjestad)—Last week- Betico Croes, where he these three clubs compet-
end, the Aruban Gymnas- opened the competition ed against each other in
tics Federation organized with a brief speech. different categories for the
for the first time, a nation- first time. There was a big
al competition for artistic Currently, there are three crowd of supporters sitting
gymnastics. On Saturday gymnastics clubs on the is- in the bleachers, excited
morning, the minister of land. Those include Gihae to see the contestants.
Sports, Mr. Endy Croes, was Gymnastics, Perla Gymnas- Minister Croes applauds
present at the tournament, tics and Avanse. On the the work done by the fed-
held at the Sports Center 25th and 26th of March, eration in transforming the
entire sports center into an van Trigt, and the board of
appropriate environment directors for their success in
for gymnastics. Additional- organizing this big event.
ly, he also commends how Furthermore, he praises
the floor had been divided the tremendous work done
into different sections, all by the clubs, parents and
for different categories in athletes. Finally, he would
the competition. like to give the biggest
The minister congratulates congratulations to all final-
the president of the fed- ists and winners from all
eration, Mrs. Milly Bagheri- categories.q