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               Saturday 24 december 2022
            Massive winter storm brings frigid temps, snow and ice to U.S.

            By    HEATHER    HOLLING-                                                                                           ing  down  in  the  10-foot
            SWORTH and JILL BLEED                                                                                               drifts,  officials  were  con-
            Associated Press                                                                                                    sidering  using  horses  to
            MISSION, Kan. (AP) — Tens                                                                                           deliver  essentials  to  some
            of millions of Americans en-                                                                                        homes. Tribal officials have
            dured  bone-chilling  tem-                                                                                          reached out to the Federal
            peratures,  blizzard  condi-                                                                                        Emergency  Management
            tions,  power  outages  and                                                                                         Agency for help.
            canceled  holiday  gather-                                                                                          "It's  been  one  heck  of  a
            ings  Friday  from  a  winter                                                                                       fight so far," said tribal Presi-
            storm  that  forecasters  said                                                                                      dent Frank Star Comes Out.
            was  nearly  unprecedent-                                                                                           In  Maine,  gusts  approach-
            ed  in  its  scope,  exposing                                                                                       ing 70 mph (113 kph) were
            about 60% of the U.S. popu-                                                                                         reported  along  the  coast
            lation to some sort of winter                                                                                       Friday  morning.  Atop  New
            weather  advisory  or  warn-                                                                                        Hampshire's  Mount  Wash-
            ing.                                                                                                                ington,  the  tallest  peak  in
            More than 200 million peo-                                                                                          the  Northeast,  the  wind
            ple were under an advisory                                                                                          topped 130 mph (210 kph).
            or  warning  on  Friday,  the                                                                                       The  governor  closed  state
            National  Weather  Service                                                                                          offices,  ferry  service  to
            said. The weather service's                                                                                         Casco Bay islands was sus-
            map  "depicts  one  of  the                                                                                         pended  and  flooding  was
            greatest  extents  of  winter                                                                                       leading to some water res-
            weather warnings and ad-                                                                                            cues.
            visories  ever,"  forecasters                                                                                       The  cold  was  putting  a
            said.                                                                                                               strain  on  utilities.  The  na-
            Power  outages  have  left                                                                                          tion's  largest  public  utility
            more than 1.4 million homes                                                                                         asked  businesses  and  the
            and businesses in the dark,                                                                                         public in a tweet to reduce
            according  to  the  web-                                                                                            usage as much as possible
            site  PowerOutage,  which                                                                                           without  sacrificing  safety.
            tracks utility reports.                                                                                             The  Tennessee  Valley  Au-
            And more than 4,100 flights   Information signs are seen Terminal 3 at O'Hare International Airport in Chicago, Thursday, Dec.   thority,   which   provides
            within,  into  or  out  of  the   22, 2022.                                                                         electricity to 10 million peo-
            U.S. were canceled Friday,                                                                         Associated Press   ple in Tennessee and parts
            according  to  the  tracking  Greg Carbin, chief of fore-  but "you can't" turn anyone  In  far  northern  Indiana,  of  the  surrounding  states
            site  FlightAware,  causing  cast  operations  for  the  away, said Faith Fowler, the  lake-effect  snow  rolling  off  of  Alabama,  Mississippi,
            more mayhem as travelers  Weather Prediction Center  executive  director  of  Cass  Lake Michigan could boost  Kentucky,  Georgia,  North
            try to make it home for the  at  the  National  Weather  Community Social Services,  storm  totals  to  well  over  a  Carolina  and  Virginia,  also
            holidays. Some airports, in-  Service,  noting  that  while  which runs both facilities.  foot in some areas by Sun-  warned that there may be
            cluding Seattle-Tacoma In-   the blizzard conditions and  In Chicago, Andy Robledo  day, said Mark Steinwedel,  brief,  intermittent  power
            ternational  Airport,  closed  Arctic  air  may  set  some  planned to spend the day  a  meteorologist  with  the  outages.
            runways.                     records,  the  storm  isn't  un-  organizing efforts to check  National  Weather  Service  It  was  so  bad  in  Vermont
            The  huge  storm  stretched  precedented.                 on    unhoused     people  in Syracuse, Indiana.          that  Amtrak  canceled  ser-
            from  border  to  border.  In  Even though fleets of snow  through his nonprofit, Feed-  "It's really going to add up,"  vice for the day, and non-
            Canada,     WestJet   can-   plows and salt trucks have  ing  People  Through  Plants.  he  said,  predicting  "pretty  essential state offices were
            celed all flights Friday at To-  been  deployed,  driving  Robledo  and  volunteers  awful travel."                 closing early.
            ronto Pearson International  was  hazardous  and  some-   build tents modeled on ice-  The weather service is fore-  "I'm  hearing  from  crews
            Airport, beginning at 9 a.m.  times  deadly.  A  Kansas  fishing  tents,  including  a  casting  the  coldest  Christ-  who are seeing grown trees
            And  in  Mexico,  migrants  City,  Missouri,  driver  died  plywood subfloor.          mas  in  more  than  two  ripped  out  by  the  roots,"
            waited near the U.S. border  Thursday after skidding into  "It's not a house, it's not an  decades  in  Philadelphia,  Mari  McClure,  president
            in unusually cold tempera-   a creek. And in the Chica-   apartment,  it's  not  a  hotel  where school officials shift-  of Green Mountain Power,
            tures as they awaited a U.S.  go suburb of Des Plaines, a  room.  But  it's  a  huge  step  ed classes online Friday.  the  state's  largest  utility,
            Supreme Court decision on  pickup truck driver was hos-   up from what they had be-    In South Dakota, Gov. Kristi  said at a news conference.
            whether  and  when  to  lift  pitalized after sliding into a  fore," Robledo said.     Noem  late  Thursday  acti-  In  eastern  Iowa,  sports
            pandemic-era  restrictions  pond.                         In  Portland,  Oregon,  offi-  vated  the  state's  National  broadcaster Mark Woodley
            that  prevent  many  from  State  police  in  Michigan  cials opened five emergen-     Guard  to  haul  firewood  became a Twitter sensation
            seeking asylum.              said  in  tweets  that  nine  cy shelters. Fallen trees and  from  the  Black  Hills  Forest  after  he  was  called  on  to
            Forecasters  said  a  bomb  tractor-trailers    crashed  power  lines  have  closed  Service  to  the  Rosebud  do live stand ups in the wind
            cyclone  —  when  atmo-      on  Interstate  94  in  Berrien  roads  across  the  Portland  Sioux  Tribe  as  some  mem-  and  snow  because  sport-
            spheric pressure drops very  County in the western part  metro area. And nearly 50  bers were stranded in their  ing events were called off.
            quickly in a strong storm —  of the state.                miles  (80  kilometers)  of  In-  homes with dwindling fuel.  By  midday  Friday,  a  com-
            had  developed  near  the  Activists  also  were  rushing  terstate  84,  a  major  high-  Other tribes also were strug-  pilation of his TV stand-ups
            Great Lakes, stirring up bliz-  to get the homeless out of  way through the Columbia  gling, including the Oglala  had been viewed nearly 5
            zard  conditions,  including  the cold. Nearly 170 adults  River  Gorge,  were  closed  Sioux  Tribe  in  the  western  million times on Twitter.
            heavy winds and snow.        and children were keeping  Friday morning.                part  of  the  state,  which  "I've  got  good  news  and
            "The  impacts  are  perhaps  warm early Friday in Detroit  All  bus  service  was  sus-  was  using  snowmobiles  to  I've got bad news," he told
            far greater than they might  at a shelter and a warming  pended  in  the  greater  Se-  reach  members  who  live  an anchor. "The good news
            be  in  the  middle  of  winter  center  that  are  designed  attle  area  Friday  morning  at the end of miles-long dirt  is that I can still feel my face
            during  a  typical  weekend  to hold 100 people.          due  to  an  ice  storm  that  roads.                     right now. The bad news is, I
            without  a  holiday,"  said  "This is a lot of extra people"  made travel treacherous.  But with the vehicles break-  kind of wish I couldn't."q
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