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P. 7
LOCAL Saturday 24 december 2022
Starting January 1st, 2023
Aruba Airport Authority N.V to operate General Aviation Terminal
at Aeropuerto International Reina Beatrix
ORANJESTAD – The General
Aviation Terminal, better
known as the FBO at Aero-
puerto Internacional Reina
Beatrix, will be managed
and operated by Aruba
Airport Authority N.V. (AAA)
starting January 1, 2023.
Starting the New Year 2023
the FBO operation will be
operated and managed
by AAA under its new
name – JET-TNCA. Jet be-
ing the obvious choice of
words to best reflect the pervisory and coordination welcome all its clients and Jo-Anne Meaux-Arends, 11% from Latin America, 7%
fact that private aircraft or services provide customers is personally committed to Executive Aviation Business from Europe, and 5% from
jets will be handled at the with a single point of es- plan and deliver successful Development at AAA. Dutch Caribbean, year to
FBO terminal at the airport sential flight services such mission by offering a com- For more information on JET- date, November 2022. AUA
and TNCA being the ICAO as aircraft fueling, catering, plete range of first-class ser- TNCA, please visit our web- Airport attributes this to the
code for the airport in Aru- ground support, accom- vices supported by dedi- site: or island’s stable economic
ba. modations and transpor- cated professional who contact us via email on and political climate, hos-
tation arrangements, and are constantly looking at or call pitable and multilingual
JET-TNCA is uniquely posi- more importantly US Cus- new and innovative ways 297-5882465 population, and safe en-
tioned in the Caribbean re- toms & Border Protection to satisfy the ever-chang- vironment. AUA Airport
gion making it the perfect Pre-Clearance services. ing needs and desires of its About AUA Airport undergoes continuous up-
stop between North and guests. AUA Airport is one of the grades to maintain its posi-
Latin America. Besides its The purpose of JET-TNCA is busiest airports in the Ca- tion as one of the region’s
geographical and strate- to offer a complete prod- The JET-TNCA day-to-day ribbean region, with 24 most innovative airports.
gic advantages, JET-TNCA ucts/service experience operations will be man- different airlines operating
offers a wide variety of ser- (CPE) to a currently under- aged by a team of profes- into Aruba contributing to Learn more about what’s
vices to its customers. Cus- served leisure niche market sionals and led by its FBO processing over 2.5 million happening at AUA Airport
tomers can make use of within its current territory by Manager Mrs. Minerva passengers per year (pre- by visiting www.airporta-
JET-TNCA’s traveler lounge connecting with a high-end Flemming. The business covid) and providing air and connect
and refreshment area, all customer base through lux- development activities of service to 26 destinations with AUA Airport on Twitter.
while experiencing the ury inventory collaborative the JET-TNCA will be per- worldwide. AUA Airport is com/Aruba_Airport, Face-
highest level of customer partnerships. formed from within the operationally solid where,
service. AAA team responsible for over 95% of all visitors are
The new JET-TNCA opera- aviation business develop- leisure guests: 77% from the port/ and
Additionally, JET-TNCA’s su- tions team is excited to ment which is led by Mrs. United States & Canada, ArubaAirport.q
Different cruise ships visiting Aruba during Christmas and New Year weekend
ORANJESTAD – Year-end holidays Tourists arriving to Aruba on a
are a time when a lot of people cruise ship we will be around differ-
choose to go on vacation, and this ent areas during their visit, and this
way enjoy with their loved ones. In will result in areas being busier than
Aruba this is also one of the sea- normal during the holidays.
sons during which we receive the The arrival of visitors during this
most visitors. season gives us an opportunity to
share our culture and traditions for
Aruba Tourism Authority (ATA) and the year-end holidays with them
Aruba Ports Authority (APA) in- and let them feel at home in Aru-
formed that regarding the week- ba.
end of Christmas, we will be receiv-
ing a total of seven cruise ships: According to APA and ATA, cruise
Norwegian Pearl and Aidaperla tourism is also on the road to re-
on the 24th; Norwegian Epic and covery compared to 2019, both
Seven Seas Navigator; Norwegian in the amount of visitors as well as
Encore, Seabourne Sojourn and the amount of cruise ships arriving
Royal Caribbean Voyager of the to our island. Important to mention
Seas on the 26th. that next week there will be three
cruise ships coming to Aruba for
As for the weekend of New Year, the first time, thus three First Calls,
we will be receiving a total of five dam and Costa Pacifica on the and Royal Caribbean Vision of the something that always comes with
cruise ships: Regal Princess, Zaan- 31st of December; Norwegian Epic Seas on the first of January. a sense of pride for the island.q