Page 12 - ad 22july2017
P. 12
12 Antilliaans Dagblad Zaterdag 22 juli 2017
Roger Snow remembered as man of words
hose who had encountered the late
Roger Snow quickly recall a stately
T gentleman who was always imma- July 20 - July 26, 2017
culately dressed, often with an ascot tie,
and his pipe. They knew him as a man of SAMBIL CURAÇAO
words and followed those words in the
numerous editorials he wrote for The NEW THIS WEEK:
Daily Herald, of which he was a co-foun-
der along with his now-widow Mary Jane
However, it was the glimpse into the
more private man - the jovial grandfather
full of stories, the father who played Sin-
terklaas for his six children, and the bro-
ther with whom the horrors of World War
II was vividly lived - that was shared at the
late Snow’s funeral held in Royal Funeral
Home on Thursday afternoon.
Snow (82) was stolen by death on Sa-
turday after a long battle with Parkinson’s
disease. He faced the disease and the
strokes he suffered as he did almost eve-
rything in life - with stoicism, according Roger Snow FOTO’S THE DAILY HERALD
to this family.
Before the onset of the disease, Snow was only part of the horror they saw. They and again when he pursued the study of
was known for his prolific writing, a pas- were also witnesses of the Rotterdam theology in London.
sion that started in his boyhood days Blitz from their rooftop in The Hague. Maxime Lee, the eldest granddaughter 47 Meters Down
when he was on the editorial team of his Jelmer and his brother Gordon, Snow’s said her ‘opa’ was ‘the man who brought (Subt 2D) - CW (PG-13)
Daily: 4:15 p.m. | 9:20 p.m.
school paper. He kept writing close to his second son and managing editor of this the family together’ and who was always
heart when he became a minister of the newspaper (named for Snow’s brother), happy to spend time with his brood of Captain Underpants NEW
Dutch Reformed Church. spoke of the profound impact the war had grandchildren. Among her fondest me- (Subt 2D) - CW (PG)
His son, attorney Jelmer Snow, shared on their father. They also recalled his mories are his Easter egg hunts and his Daily: 1:00 p.m. | 3:15 p.m.| 5:30 p.m.
in his eulogy that his father had reignited jovial spirit and humor. dish of ‘spaghetti al Roger’ that was made
his passion for journalism in the 1980s More than anything, it was the late especially for the grandchildren. Captain Underpants NEW
while in Curaçao through his Foundation Snow’s joie de vivre, his sense of humor Former Commissioner/businessman (Subt 2D) - CW (PG)
Graphic Communication. His focus was and gift as a listener that were commen- Michael Ferrier, who served as the Master Daily: 7:45 p.m.
on encouraging youngsters to pursue ted on the most. Jelmer remembered his of Ceremonies for the memorial service, Despicable Me 3
journalism. father telling him and his sibling before described the farewell to the late Snow as (Subt 2D DBOX) - CW (G)
Roger Dick, the late Snow’s youngest the Sinterklaas celebrations that he had to ‘the celebration of a well-lived life’ of a Daily except Fri: 1:10 p.m. | 6:45 p.m.
son, said: ,,We all knew my father as a go to Groningen, only to return hours man who was an inspiration to many. Fri: 6:45 p.m.
man of words ... lots and lots of words.” later in costume with armfuls of sweets Veteran politician Roy Marlin said of
He jested, ,,Thank God he had his new- and stories. the late Snow: ,,Roger was always good to Girls Trip NEW
spaper to get rid of those words.” Through his stories, the late Snow had me in my political career. Even when we (Subt 2D) - CW (R)
Adding the late Snow’s love of politics ‘the gift’ to keep children and adults in disagreed, we still discussed our views in Daily: 1:30 p.m. | 4:15 p.m. | 7:00 p.m.
into the mix, Roger Dick said his father suspense, said Jelmer. a phone call.” 9:45 p.m.
‘loved politics so much he made himself Daughter Wes spoke of the wonderful In his storied career, the late Snow had
‘President Snow’ ... of The Daily Herald’. family time and trips her father took served as a director of the Curaçao-based Spider-Man Homecoming
(Subt 2D DBOX) - CW (PG-13)
Jelmer said his father’s strong feelings her and her siblings on and the adventu- Amigoe - the oldest newspaper in the Daily: 3:55 p.m. | 9:45 p.m.
and opinions were impacted by living res that led them to live in Curaçao, a Dutch Caribbean; set up the now defunct
through World War II, an especially world away from their home in the Ne- Chronicle, the first daily newspaper in St. Spider-Man Homecoming
tough period during which his father and therlands. Maarten; and launched The Daily Herald (Subt 3D DBOX) - CW (PG-13)
brother Gordon B. Snow had to be evacu- The late Snow moved his family to the and youth-centered Teen Times. Of his Daily: 1:00 p.m. | 6:00 p.m.
ated to England from the Netherlands in island when he was appointed as the many accomplishments, Jelmer said The
the last winter before the liberation of the protestant minister there. The post had Daily Herald was ‘the biggest achieve- Valerian NEW
Dutch people. They were shipped to Eng- required a fluent English-speaker, which ment’ of his father’s life. (Subt 2D) - CW (PG-13)
land with other badly malnourished chil- the late Snow, who was born in Breda, Snow’s legacy will live on in the papers Daily: 1:20 p.m. | 6:25 p.m.
dren. was, having spent part of his childhood in of The Daily Herald, stepson and publis- Valerian NEW
The evacuation of the young Snow boys England with his parents before the war her Paul de Windt said in his tribute. The (Subt 3D XD) - CW (PG-13)
newspaper will continue to honor him Daily: 4:00 p.m. | 10:00 p.m.
through its fair reporting, integrity, con-
sistency and dedication to the community War for the Planet of the Apes
it serves. The newspaper, he noted, does (Subt 2D DBOX) - CW (PG-13)
not belong to the family: ,,The Daily He- Daily: 3:45 p.m. | 9:15 p.m.
rald belongs to the people it provides the
news to every day.” War for the Planet of the Apes
Snow was a long-time Rotarian. He (Subt 3D XD) - CW (PG-13)
was a founding member of the Classical Daily: 1:00 p.m. | 7:00 p.m.
Delight Foundation through which he
and others shared their love for the clas-
sics with the community and schoolchil-
dren via regular concerts featuring inter-
nationally known musicians and singers.
The tributes to the late Snow were Get into another level of fun!
punctuated by classical pieces he enjoyed
from Beethoven, Chopin and Gabriel
Fauré. His private cremation was prece-
ded by a spiritual service led by Bernadine
van Veen.
The official card of Movie Lovers!
Roger Snow was known for his prolific writing, a passion that started in his boyhood Dit in memoriam over Roger Snow
days. His focus was on encouraging youngsters to pursue journalism. verscheen gisteren in The Daily Herald.