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                                                                                                 u.s. news Diaranson 21 september 2022

                        Hackers accessed data on some American Airlines customers

            (AP) — American Airlines  discovered  in  July.  The  air-  small  number  of  customers
            says personal information  line declined to say how pre-  and  employees'  personal  in-
            of  a  "very  small  number"  cisely how many people had  formation  was  contained  in
            of customers and employ-     their  personal  information  those email accounts.
            ees  was  compromised  af-   exposed or the nature of that
            ter hackers breached some  information.                   Blessing  said  American  is
            employee email accounts.                                  putting  in  place  "additional
                                         "American  Airlines  is  aware  technical  safeguards  to  pre-
            The airline said Tuesday that  of  a  phishing  campaign  that  vent a similar incident from
            it has indication that the at-  led  to  the  unauthorized  ac-  occurring in the future."
            tackers  have  misused  any  of  cess  to  a  limited  number  of
            the personal information.    team  member  mailboxes,"  American  is  based  in  Fort
                                         American  spokesman  Cur-    Worth, Texas.
            American said the breach was  tis  Blessing  said.  "A  very

                         Trump legal team balks at judge's declassification questions

                                                                      search of Mar-a-Lago.        conduct  an  independent  re-  "Otherwise, the Special Mas-
                                                                                                   view  of  the  documents  so  ter  process  will  have  forced
                                                                      Ahead  of  the  status  confer-  that any material covered by  the Plaintiff to fully and spe-
                                                                      ence,  Raymond  Dearie,  the  claims of legal privilege could  cifically disclose a defense to
                                                                      special master, requested the  be segregated from the inves-  the merits of any subsequent
                                                                      two  sides  to  submit  a  pro-  tigation  —  and  because  the  indictment."   the   lawyers
                                                                      posed  agenda  and  also  pro-  Trump  team's  recalcitrance  wrote.
                                                                      vided a draft plan for how he  included an acknowledgment
                                                                      envisions the process moving  that the probe could be build-  The  Trump  team  also  asked
                                                                      forward  over  the  next  two  ing toward an indictment.  the  judge  to  consider  push-
                                                                      months.                                                   ing back all of the deadlines
                                                                                                   Trump has maintained with-   for his review.
                                                                      Trump's lawyers signaled in a  out  evidence  that  all  of  the
                                                                      Monday  evening  letter  their  records were declassified; his  Also  Tuesday,  Trump's  law-
                                                                      objection  to  several  aspects  lawyers have not echoed that  yers  were  to  respond  to  a
                                                                      of that draft plan, including a  claim,  though  they  have  as-  Justice  Department's  appeal
            (AP)  —  Donald  Trump's  he's indicted.                  request from Dearie that they  serted that a president has ab-  of  a  different  judge's  order
            legal  team  has  told  a                                 disclose to him and to the Jus-  solute authority to declassify  barring  the  department  at
            newly  appointed  inde-      Lawyers  for  Trump  and  for  tice Department information  information.               least temporarily from using
            pendent  arbiter  that  it  the  Justice  Department  are  about the classification status                          the  classified  documents  it
            does  not  want  to  answer  to appear in federal court in  of the seized documents.   In  the  letter,  Trump's  law-  seized as part of its criminal
            his  questions  about  the  Brooklyn on Tuesday before                                 yers say the time for address-  investigation.  U.S.  District
            declassification  status  of  a  veteran  judge  named  last  The resistance to the judge's  ing that question would be if  Judge Aileen Cannon, in the
            the documents seized last  week as special master to re-  request  was  notable  because  they file a motion seeking the  same  order  appointing  the
            month  from  the  former  view the roughly 11,000 doc-    it  was  the  Trump  team,  not  return by the Justice Depart-  special  master,  directed  the
            president's  Florida  home,  uments  —  including  about  the Justice Department, that  ment of some of the property  department to halt its use of
            saying that issue could be  100  marked  as  classified  —  had  requested  the  appoint-  taken from Mar-a-Lago.   the records until Dearie can
            part of Trump's defense if  taken during the FBI's Aug. 8  ment  of  a  special  master  to                         complete his work.

                              Texas sheriff investigating flights to Martha’s Vineyard

            (AP) — A Texas sheriff on  look into the flights.         we expected.”
            Monday opened an inves-
            tigation into two flights of  “I believe there is some crim-  The  Venezuelan  migrants
            migrants sent to Martha’s  inal  activity  involved  here,”  who  were  flown  to  the
            Vineyard  by  Florida  Gov.  Salazar  said.  “But  at  present  wealthy  Massachusetts  is-
            Ron DeSantis, but did not  we are trying to keep an open  land  from  San  Antonio  on
            say  what  laws  may  have  mind  and  we  are  going  to  Wednesday  said  they  were
            been broken in putting 48  investigate  to  find  out  what  told they were going to Bos-
            Venezuelans  on  private  exact laws were broken if that  ton.  Julio  Henriquez,  an  at-
            planes last week from San  does turn out to be the case.”  torney who met with several
            Antonio.                                                  migrants,  said  they  “had  no
                                         DeSantis’  office  responded  idea of where they were go-
            Bexar  County  Sheriff  Javier  with  a  statement  that  said  ing or where they were.”
            Salazar, an elected Democrat,  the migrants had been given
            railed against the flights that  more  options  to  succeed  in  He said a Latina woman ap-
            took off in his city as political  Massachusetts.         proached  migrants  at  a  city-  “hoodwinked.”           boarded buses or planes un-
            posturing. But he said inves-                             run  shelter  in  San  Antonio                            willingly,  or  that  their  civil
            tigators had so far only spo-  “Immigrants have been more  and put them up at a nearby  Some Democrats have urged  rights  were  violated.  The
            ken to attorneys representing  than  willing  to  leave  Bexar  La  Quinta  Inn,  where  she  the Justice Department to in-  rights  of  asylum  seekers  ar-
            some of the migrants and did  County  after  being  aban-  visited  daily  with  food  and  vestigate  the  flights,  includ-  riving  to  the  U.S.  are  also
            not  name  any  potential  sus-  doned, homeless, and ‘left to  gift cards. She promised jobs  ing  California  Gov.  Gavin  more  limited  because  they
            pects who might face charges.  fend  for  themselves,’”  De-  and three months of housing  Newsom and U.S. Rep. Joa-  are not citizens. The consti-
                                         Santis  spokesperson  Taryn  in  Washington,  New  York,  quin  Castro,  whose  district  tution,  though,  does  protect
            He also did not mention De-  Fenske  said.  “Florida  gave  Philadelphia and Boston, ac-  includes San Antonio.     them  from  discrimination
            Santis  in  a  news  conference  them an opportunity to seek  cording to Henriquez.                                 based on race or national ori-
            that  appeared  to  mark  the  greener pastures in a sanctu-                           A federal investigation might  gin and from improper treat-
            first time a law enforcement  ary  jurisdiction  that  offered  Salazar  said  the  migrants  be complicated, however. It’s  ment by the government.
            official  has  said  they  would  greater resources for them, as  had been “preyed upon” and  not  clear  whether  anyone
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