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                                                                                         world news Diaranson 21 september 2022

                            UN chief: World is 'paralyzed' and equity is slipping away

            (AP)  —  In  an  alarming  assess-  The world lacks even the beginning
            ment, the head of the United Na-    of "a global architecture" to deal with
            tions warned world leaders Tues-    the ripples caused by these new tech-
            day  that  nations  are  "gridlocked  nologies because of "geopolitical ten-
            in  colossal  global  dysfunction"  sions," Guterres said.
            and  aren't  ready  or  willing  to
            tackle the challenges that threat-  Guterres  made  sure  to  start  out  by
            en  humanity's  future  —  and  the  sounding a note of hope. He showed
            planet's. "Our world is in peril —  a  video  of  the  first  U.N.-chartered
            and paralyzed," he said.            ship carrying grain from Ukraine —
                                                part of the deal between Ukraine and
            Speaking at the opening of the Gen-  Russia that the United Nations and
            eral  Assembly's  annual  high-level  Turkey helped broker — to the Horn
            meeting,  Secretary-General  Anto-  of  Africa,  where  millions  of  people
            nio  Guterres  made  sure  to  empha-  are  on  the  edge  of  famine  It  is,  he
            size that hope remained. But his re-  said, an example of promise and hope  but  to  meet  privately  to  discuss  the  and  a  rising  cost  of  living  in  many
            marks reflected a tense and worried  "in a world teeming with turmoil."  challenges  on  the  global  agenda  --  others. Those issues are high on the
            world. He cited the war in Ukraine                                      and hopefully make some progress.   agenda.
            and multiplying conflicts around the  He  stressed  that  cooperation  and
            world,  the  climate  emergency,  the  dialogue  are  the  only  path  forward  The 77th General Assembly meeting  At  a  meeting  Monday  to  promote
            dire financial situation of developing  — two fundamental U.N. principles  of world leaders convenes under the  U.N.  goals  for  2030  —  including
            countries and setbacks in U.N. goals  since  its  founding  after  World  War  shadow  of  Europe's  first  major  war  ending  extreme  poverty,  ensuring
            for 2030 including an end to extreme  II. And he warned that "no power or  since  World  War  II  —  the  conflict  quality education for all children and
            poverty and quality education for all  group alone can call the shots."  between Russia and Ukraine, which  achieving gender equality — Guterres
            children.                                                               has unleashed a global food crisis and  said the world's many pressing perils
                                                It's rarely that easy. Geopolitical divi-  opened fissures among major powers  make  it  "tempting  to  put  our  long-
            He also warned of what he called "a  sions  are  undermining  the  work  of  in a way not seen since the Cold War.  term  development  priorities  to  one
            forest of red flags" around new tech-  the  U.N.  Security  Council,  inter-                                side."
            nologies despite promising advances  national law, people's trust in demo-  Leaders in many countries are trying
            to heal diseases and connect people.  cratic institutions and most forms of  to  prevent  a  wider  war  and  restore  But the U.N. chief said some things
            Guterres said social media platforms  international  cooperation,  Guterres  peace in Europe. Diplomats, though,  can't wait — among them education,
            are based on a model "that monetizes  said.                             aren't  expecting  any  breakthroughs  dignified jobs, full equality for wom-
            outrage, anger and negativity." Artifi-                                 this week.                          en  and  girls,  comprehensive  health
            cial intelligence he said, "is compro-  Nearly  150  heads  of  state  and  gov-                            care and action to tackle the climate
            mising  the  integrity  of  information  ernment  are  on  the  latest  speakers'  The loss of important grain and fertil-  crisis. He called for public and private
            systems,  the  media,  and  indeed  de-  list,  a  high  number  reflecting  that  izer exports from Ukraine and Russia  finance and investment, and above all
            mocracy itself."                    the United Nations remains the only  has triggered a food crisis, especially  for peace.
                                                place  not  just  to  deliver  their  views  in developing countries, and inflation

                        China quarantine bus crash prompts outcry over 'zero COVID'

            (AP)  —  A  nighttime  bus  going,  but  it  later  emerged  der  "medical  observation,"  apologized at a news confer-  Chinese President Xi Jinping
            crash that killed 27 people  they were headed to a quar-  confirming reports they were  ence, bowing and observing a  has  cited  China's  approach
            in  southwest  China  this  antine  location  outside  their  being taken to quarantine.  moment of silence.        as a "major strategic success"
            week  has  set  off  a  storm  city of Guiyang, the capital of                         Online,  many  wondered  at  and evidence of the "signifi-
            of  anger  online  over  the  Guizhou province.           Following public anger, Gui-  the logic behind transporting  cant advantages" of its politi-
            harshness of the country's                                yang  fired  three  officials  in  people  outside  of  Guiyang,  cal system over Western lib-
            strict COVID-19 policies.    The  bus  with  47  people  on  charge  of  Yunyan  district,  accusing  the  government  of  eral democracies.
                                         board  crashed  about  2:40  where  the  residents  had  moving them so that the city
            The  initial  police  report  did  a.m.  Sunday.  City  officials  been  picked  up,  the  provin-  would  no  longer  report  any  According  to  FreeWeibo,  a
            not  say  who  the  passengers  announced many hours later  cial  government  said  Mon-  new cases.                website  that  tracks  censored
            were  and  where  they  were  that the passengers were un-  day. Guiyang's deputy mayor                             posts  on  the  popular  social
                                                                                                   "Will  this  ever  end?  On  the  media platform, three of top
                                                                                                   top  searches  (on  social  me-  10 searches on Weibo related
                                                                                                   dia), there's all sorts of pan-  to the bus accident.
                                                                                                   demic  prevention  situations
                                                                                                   every  day,  creating  unneces-  Many  fixated  on  images  of
                                                                                                   sary panic and making people  the bus shared by social me-
                                                                                                   jittery,"  one  person  wrote.  dia users. One photo showed
                                                                                                   "Is there scientific validity to  the bus after it had been re-
                                                                                                   hauling people to quarantine,  trieved from the accident site.
                                                                                                   one car after another?"      Its roof was crushed and por-
                                                                                                                                tions missing. Another photo
                                                                                                   Guiyang  officials  had  an-  allegedly  showed  the  driver
                                                                                                   nounced  the  city  would  decked  out  in  a  full  white
                                                                                                   achieve  "societal  zero-COV-  protective suit.
                                                                                                   ID" by Monday, one day after
                                                                                                   the crash.                   Users online questioned how
                                                                                                                                a  driver  could  see  properly
                                                                                                   Zero  COVID  also  has  be-  when  his  face  was  covered
                                                                                                   come a political issue, and at  up, and why he was driving
                                                                                                   one  point  was  celebrated  by  so late at night. Many com-
                                                                                                   many  Chinese  as  signifying  ments  were  censored  but
                                                                                                   the superiority of their coun-  some  that  expressed  discon-
                                                                                                   try over the U.S., which has  tent  with  the  current  ap-
                                                                                                   had more than a million CO-  proach  to  the  pandemic  did
                                                                                                   VID deaths.                  remain up.
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