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A26    u.s. news
             Diaranson 21 september 2022

                       Feds: 47 exploited pandemic to steal $250M from food program

                                                                      until seeing the indictment.  ing  conspiracy,  wire  fraud,  served  only  a  few  dozen
                                                                                                   money laundering and brib-   people a day. Two defendants
                                                                      In  interviews  after  law  en-  ery. Luger said some of them  offered the owner $40,000 a
                                                                      forcement searched multiple  were arrested Tuesday morn-  month to use his restaurant,
                                                                      sites  in  January,  including  ing.                      then  billed  the  government
                                                                      Bock's  home  and  offices,                               for  some  1.6  million  meals
                                                                      Bock denied stealing money  According  to  court  docu-   through 11 months of 2021,
                                                                      and  said  she  never  saw  evi-  ments,  the  alleged  scheme  according  to  one  indict-
                                                                      dence of fraud.              targeted  the  USDA's  federal  ment. They listed the names
                                                                                                   child  nutrition  programs,  of around 2,000 children —
                                                                      Earlier  this  year,  the  U.S.  which  provide  food  to  low-  nearly half of the local school
                                                                      Department  of  Justice  made  income  children  and  adults.  district's  total  enrollment  —
                                                                      prosecuting  pandemic-relat-  In  Minnesota,  the  funds  are  and only 33 names matched
                                                                      ed  fraud  a  priority.  The  de-  administered by the state De-  actual  students,  the  indict-
                                                                      partment  has  already  taken  partment  of  Education,  and  ment said.
                                                                      enforcement  actions  related  meals  have  historically  been
                                                                      to  more  than  $8  billion  in  provided  to  kids  through  Feeding Our Future received
                                                                      suspected  pandemic  fraud,  educational  programs,  such  nearly  $18  million  in  fed-
                                                                      including  bringing  charges  as schools or day care centers.  eral  child  nutrition  program
                                                                      in more than 1,000 criminal                               funds  as  administrative  fees
                                                                      cases  involving  losses  in  ex-  The sites that serve the food  in 2021 alone, and Bock and
                                                                      cess of $1.1 billion.        are  sponsored  by  public  or  other  employees  received
                                                                                                   nonprofit  groups,  such  as  additional  kickbacks,  which
                                                                      Federal  officials  repeatedly  Feeding  Our  Future.  The  were often disguised as "con-
                                                                      described the alleged fraud as  sponsoring agency keeps 10%  sulting  fees"  paid  to  shell
                                                                      "brazen,"  and  decried  that  it  to 15% of the reimbursement  companies, the charging doc-
                                                                      involved a program intended  funds as an administrative fee  uments said.
                                                                      to feed children who needed  in  exchange  for  submitting
                                                                      help  during  the  pandemic.  claims,  sponsoring  the  sites  According  to  an  FBI  affida-
                                                                      Michael  Paul,  special  agent  and disbursing the funds.  vit unsealed earlier this year,
                                                                      in charge of the Minneapolis                              Feeding Our Future received
            (AP)  —  Federal  authori-                                FBI office, called it "an aston-  But  during  the  pandemic,  $307,000 in reimbursements
            ties  charged  47  people  "This  $250  million  is  the  ishing display of deceit."   some of the standard require-  from  the  USDA  in  2018,
            in  Minnesota  with  con-    floor," Andy Luger, the U.S.                              ments for sites to participate  $3.45  million  in  2019  and
            spiracy  and  other  counts  attorney  for  Minnesota, said  Luger  said  the  government  in the federal food nutrition  $42.7  million  in  2020.  The
            in  what  they  said  Tues-  at  a  news  conference.  "Our  was  billed  for  more  than  programs  were  waived.  The  amount  of  reimbursements
            day  was  the  largest  fraud  investigation continues."  125 million fake meals, with  USDA  allowed  for-profit  jumped to $197.9 million in
            scheme  yet  to  take  ad-                                some  defendants  making  up  restaurants  to  participate,  2021.
            vantage of the COVID-19  Many of the companies that  names  for  children  by  us-     and  allowed  food  to  be  dis-
            pandemic by stealing $250  claimed  to  be  serving  food  ing  an  online  random  name  tributed  outside  educational  Court  documents  say  the
            million  from  a  federal  were  sponsored  by  a  non-   generator.  He  displayed  one  programs. The charging doc-  Minnesota  Department  of
            program  that  provides  profit  called  Feeding  Our  form for reimbursement that  uments  say  the  defendants  Education was growing con-
            meals to low-income chil-    Future, which submitted the  claimed a site served exactly  exploited  such  changes  "to  cerned  about  the  rapid  in-
            dren.                        companies'  claims  for  reim-  2,500  meals  each  day  Mon-  enrich themselves."     crease in the number of sites
                                         bursement. Feeding Our Fu-   day  through  Friday  —  with                             sponsored  by  Feeding  Our
            Prosecutors  say  the  defen-  ture's founder and executive  no children ever getting sick  The  documents  say  Bock  Future, as well as the increase
            dants created companies that  director,  Aimee  Bock,  was  or  otherwise  missing  from  oversaw  the  scheme  and  in reimbursements.
            claimed  to  be  offering  food  among  those  indicted,  and  the program.            that  she  and  Feeding  Our
            to tens of thousands of chil-  authorities say she and others                          Future  sponsored  the  open-  The department began scru-
            dren across Minnesota, then  in  her  organization  submit-  "These children were simply  ing  of  nearly  200  federal  tinizing  Feeding  Our  Fu-
            sought  reimbursement  for  ted the fraudulent claims for  invented," Luger said.      child nutrition program sites  ture's  site  applications  more
            those meals through the U.S.  reimbursement and received                               throughout  the  state,  know-  carefully, and denied dozens
            Department  of  Agriculture's  kickbacks.                 He said the government has  ing that the sites intended to  of  them.  In  response,  Bock
            food  nutrition  programs.                                so far recovered $50 million  submit fraudulent claims.   sued the department in No-
            Prosecutors  say  few  meals  Bock's  attorney,  Kenneth  in  money  and  property  and                             vember  2020,  alleging  dis-
            were actually served, and the  Udoibok,  said  the  indict-  expects to recover more.  One  example  described  a  crimination,  saying  the  ma-
            defendants  used  the  money  ment  "doesn't  indicate  guilt                          small  storefront  restaurant  jority of her sites were based
            to  buy  luxury  cars,  property  or  innocence."  He  said  he  The defendants in Minnesota  in  Willmar,  in  west-central  in  immigrant  communities.
            and jewelry.                 wouldn't  comment  further  face multiple counts, includ-  Minnesota,  that  typically  That case has since been dis-

                            Court: Election denier can run for Ohio secretary of state

            (AP)  —  A  conservative  Says" podcast, will appear on  senting  and  Justice  Sharon  but  a  Republican  official  —  their  own  procedures  for
            podcaster  who  embraces  ballots as an independent.      Kennedy not participating.   acting  in  his  capacity  as  an  counting her signatures. The
            former  President  Don-                                                                Ohio  voter  —  filed  a  chal-  court's  majority  agreed  that
            ald  Trump's  discredited  She  faces  Republican  Secre-  The decision marks the latest  lenge, asserting a number of  LaRose's office "acted in clear
            claims  of  a  stolen  2020  tary  of  State  Frank  LaRose  twist  in  Maras'  rollercoaster  her  signatures  were  invalid.  disregard  of  the  applicable
            election  is  eligible  to  run  and  Democratic  challenger  bid  to  seek  the  office  over-  A judge ruled in the official's  law when he refused to count
            for Ohio secretary of state  Chelsea Clark.               seeing  Ohio  elections.  She  favor and LaRose's office up-  the additional verified signa-
            this  fall,  the  state's  high                           previously  met  the  deadline  held that decision and invali-  tures" Maras had submitted.
            court ruled Tuesday.         The  Ohio  Supreme  Court  to  run  as  a  Republican  can-  dated her candidacy.
                                         split  4-2  in  its  ruling,  with  didate  for  the  ballot  back  in                 In  his  dissent,  DeWine  said
            Terpeshore  "Tore"  Maras,  Chief     Justice   Maureen  February, but fell short of the  She sued, alleging more of the  Maras'  court  filing  failed  to
            who calls President Joe Biden  O'Connor,  a  Republican,  required valid signatures.   voter signatures she submit-  meet  a  host  of  technical  re-
            "resident  not  president"  and  joining  the  court's  three                          ted as an independent should  quirements,  making  it  in-
            embraces aspects of the QA-  Democrats,    Justices   Pat  LaRose's  office  later  cleared  be counted as valid and that  valid.
            non  conspiracy  in  her  "Tore  DeWine and Pat Fischer dis-  her to run as an independent,  LaRose's office didn't follow
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