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P. 31
sports Diaranson 21 september 2022
Maury Wills, base-stealing shortstop for Norway takes gold-medal
Dodgers, dies at 89 lead at world road cycling
(AP) — Maury Wills, who titles
intimidated pitchers with
his base-stealing prowess (AP) — Soren Waeren-
as a shortstop for the Los skjold has repeated Nor-
Angeles Dodgers on three way's gold medal success
World Series champion- at the world road cycling
ship teams, has died. He championships a day after
was 89. Tobias Foss finished first
in the elite men's time
Wills died Monday night at trial.
home in Sedona, Arizona,
the team said Tuesday after Waerenskjold won the men's
being informed by family under-23 time trial on the
members. No cause of death second day of the champi-
was given. onships with a dominant time trial, the biggest win of
performance. He clocked 34 his career.
Wills played on World Series minutes, 13.40 seconds over
title teams in 1959, '63 and '65 the 28.8-kilometer course to Norway has two gold medals,
during his first eight seasons beat Belgian Alec Segaert by while Dutch ace Ellen van
with the Dodgers. He also 16.34 seconds. Dijk beat Australian Grace
played for Pittsburgh and Brown on Sunday to take out
Montreal before returning to British rider Leo Hayter, the the women' elite time trial.
the Dodgers from 1969-72, younger brother of elite rid-
when he retired.
er Ethan Hayter, was 24.16 The mixed relay time trial
seconds off the pace for the is set for Wednesday. The
During his 14-year career, bronze medal on Monday. championships conclude on
Wills batted .281 with 2,134 the weekend with the wom-
hits and 586 stolen bases in On Sunday, Foss beat a en's road race on Saturday
1,942 games. strong field to win the elite and the men's on Sunday.
Wills broke Ty Cobb's single-
season record for stolen bases Osaka wins first match after
with his 97th swipe on Sept.
23, 1962. That season he be- Saville retires in Tokyo
came the first player to steal
more than 100 bases. ied pitchers and their pickoff
Wills stayed at home with moves when he wasn't on (AP) — Naomi Osaka, the Japanese player told the
The Dodgers honored Wills his family instead of at the base. When a pitcher's throw playing her first match fans at Ariake Coliseum. "I've
with a moment of silence be- team hotel for the All-Star drove him back to the bag, since the U.S. Open, ad- been injured for most of the
fore the opener of their dou- Game. He arrived at the ball- he became even more deter- vanced to the second year so I just want people to
bleheader against the Arizona park carrying a Dodgers bag mined to steal. round of the Toray Pan clap for her because she's a
Diamondbacks on Tuesday and wearing a Dodgers shirt. Pacific Open when Aus- really amazing player."
and showed his career high- However, the security guard After retiring with the Dodg- tralia's Daria Saville re-
lights on the stadium video wouldn't let him in, saying ers in 1972, Wills worked an tired with a knee injury in Osaka, who was 1-0 up when
boards. The team will wear a he was too small to be a ball- analyst at NBC for five years. the second game of their Saville withdrew, had lost
patch in memory of Wills for player. He also managed winter evening encounter on the first match in her previ-
the rest of this season. ball in the Mexican Pacific Tuesday. ous three tournaments, in-
Wills led the NL in stolen League, winning a league cluding the U.S. Open last
Wills had his own stint as a bases from 1960-65, was a championship in 1970-71. The unseeded Osaka is the month, although she reached
manager, guiding the Seattle seven-time All-Star selection defending champion having the final of the Miami Open
Mariners from 1980-81, go- and won Gold Glove Awards Wills led the Mariners to a won in her birthplace Osaka in April.
ing 26-56 with a winning in 1961 and '62. 20-38 record to end the 1980 in 2019 before COVID-19
percentage of .317. season, and he was fired on shut down the tournament All matches were played un-
He was credited with re- May 6, 1981, when the team for two years. der a closed roof as the tail
He was the National League viving the stolen base as a was mired in last place at end of Typhoon Nanmadol
Most Valuable Player in 1962, strategy. His speed made 6-18. Years later, Wills admit- "I feel really bad right now passed through Tokyo.
the same year he was MVP of him a constant threat on the ted he probably should have because of how it ended,"
the All-Star Game played in basepaths and he distracted gotten more experience as a
his hometown of Washing- pitchers even if he didn't try minor league manager before
ton, D.C. to steal. He carefully stud- being hired in the big leagues.
Born Maurice Morning Wills
in Washington, D.C., on Oct.
2, 1932, he was a three-sport
standout at Cardozo Senior
High. He earned All-City
honors as a quarterback in
football, in basketball and as
a pitcher in baseball when he
was nicknamed Sonny.
Wills has his own museum in
Fargo, North Dakota, where
he was a coach and instruc-
tor for the Fargo-Moorhead
RedHawks from 1996-97.