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              Wednesday 19 OctOber 2022

            Australia drops recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital

            By ROD McGUIRK                                                                                                      Senior  Palestinian  official
            Associated Press                                                                                                    Hussein  Al-Sheikh  said  he
            CANBERRA,  Australia  (AP)                                                                                          welcomed  Australia’s  de-
            — Australia has reversed a                                                                                          cision  “and  its  affirmation
            previous government’s rec-                                                                                          that  the  future  of  sover-
            ognition of west Jerusalem                                                                                          eignty  over  Jerusalem  de-
            as  Israel’s  capital,  the  for-                                                                                   pends  on  the  permanent
            eign minister said Tuesday,                                                                                         solution  based  on  interna-
            prompting    consternation                                                                                          tional legitimacy.”
            from Israel.                                                                                                        Former  conservative  Prime
            The center-left Labor Party                                                                                         Minister  Scott  Morrison  for-
            government     agreed    to                                                                                         mally  recognized  west  Je-
            again  recognize  Tel  Aviv                                                                                         rusalem as Israel’s capital in
            as  the  capital.  The  Cabi-                                                                                       December  2018,  although
            net  also  reaffirmed  that                                                                                         the  Australian  Embassy  re-
            Jerusalem’s status must be                                                                                          mained in Tel Aviv.
            resolved  in  peace  nego-                                                                                          The   change      followed
            tiations between Israel and                                                                                         then-U.S.  President  Donald
            the  Palestinians,  Foreign                                                                                         Trump’s  decision  to  move
            Minister Penny Wong said.                                                                                           the  U.S.  Embassy  from  Tel
            Australia  remained  com-                                                                                           Aviv  to  Jerusalem.  Presi-
            mitted to a two-party solu-                                                                                         dent  Joe  Biden  has  kept
            tion to the conflict between                                                                                        the  embassy  in  Jerusalem
            Israelis  and  Palestinians,   In this image taken from video, Australian Foreign Minister Penny Wong speaks during a press   as the U.S. steps back from
            and “we will not support an   conference, Tuesday, Oct. 18, 2022, in Canberra, Australia.          Associated Press   its  once-intense  mediation
            approach that undermines                                                                                            between  the  Israelis  and
            this prospect,” Wong said.   Wong said her department  Lapid  appeared  to  blame  ment  of  Australia  behaves     Palestinians, who have not
            Israel’s  Prime  Minister  Yair   made an error by updating  this  media  confusion  for  more  seriously  and  profes-  held  substantive  peace
            Lapid   expressed    disap-  its website on Australia’s re-  Australia  changing  its  poli-  sionally,” Lapid said.  talks  in  more  than  a  de-
            pointment  in  Australia’s   vised policy on Israel’s cap-  cy.                        Israel’s Foreign Ministry said   cade.
            changed position.            ital  before  Cabinet  had  “In light of the way the de-  it  will  summon  the  Austra-  Wong described Morrison’s
            “Jerusalem  is  the  eternal   confirmed the change.      cision  was  made  in  Aus-  lian ambassador to express   move  as  out  of  step  inter-
            undivided  capital  of  Israel   This  led  to  conflicting  me-  tralia,  as  a  hasty  response  “deep   disappointment”   nationally  and  a  “cynical
            and  nothing  will  change   dia  reports  on  Australia’s  to a mistaken report in the  over  a  decision  that  was   play”  to  win  a  byelection
            that,” Lapid said in a state-  position before Wong’s an-  media, one can only hope  “based  on  short-sighted      in  a  Sydney  locale  with  a
            ment.                        nouncement.                  in  other  issues  the  govern-  political considerations.”  large Jewish population.q

                                                                      North Korea fires artillery shells near

                                                                      border with S. Korea

                                                                      inter-Korean   agreement  is about 40 to 50 kilometers  nual  12-day  field  exercises
                                                                      aimed  at  reducing  front-  (25  to  30  miles)  from  the  to  improve  its  operational
                                                                      line animosities.            border with North Korea.     capabilities  in  response  to
                                                                      It’s  the  second  time  North  In recent weeks, North Ko-  various types of North Kore-
                                                                      Korea  has  fired  shells  into  rea has conducted a spate  an provocations. It said an
                                                                      the  buffer  zones  since  last  of weapons tests in what it  unspecified number of U.S.
                                                                      Friday,  when  it  shot  hun-  calls simulations of nuclear  troops  will  take  part  in  this
                                                                      dreds  of  shells  there  in  its  strikes on South Korean and  year’s drills.North Korea has
                                                                      most  significant  direct  vio-  U.S.  targets  in  response  to  test-launched  15  missiles
                                                                      lation  of  the  2018  agree-  their  “dangerous  military  since it resumed testing ac-
            A TV screen shows a file image of North Korea’s missile launch   ment. South Korea’s military  drills”  involving  a  U.S.  air-  tivities  on  Sept.  25.  One  of
            during a news program at the Seoul Railway Station in Seoul,   said North Korea must halt  craft  carrier.  North  Korea  them was an intermediate-
            South Korea on Oct. 14, 2022.                             provocations  that  under-   views  regular  military  exer-  range  ballistic  missile  that
                                                    Associated Press   mine  peace  and  stability  cises between Washington  flew over Japan and dem-
            By HYUNG-JIN KIM             shells off its west coast and  on  the  Korean  Peninsula.  and  Seoul  as  an  invasion  onstrated a range capable
            Associated Press             150 rounds off its east coast.  It added that it is boosting  rehearsal.               of reaching the Pacific U.S.
            SEOUL, South Korea (AP) —  It said the South Korean mil-  its military readiness and, in  North  Korea’s  military  said  territory  of  Guam  and  be-
            North  Korea  fired  artillery  itary  broadcast  messages  coordination with the Unit-  Friday’s  artillery  firing  drills  yond.
            shells  near  its  sea  bound-  several  times  asking  North  ed  States,  is  closely  moni-  were  meant  to  issue  a  Some  foreign  experts  say
            aries with South Korea late  Korea to stop the firing, but  toring North Korea’s moves.  warning to South Korea for  North  Korean  leader  Kim
            Tuesday,  a  day  after  the  there were no reports of vi-  The  North’s  artillery  tests  staging  live-firing  exercises  Jong  Un  would  eventually
            South  began  annual  mili-  olence between the rivals.   draw less outside attention  at  a  border  area  that  the  aim  to  use  his  expanded
            tary drills to better deal with  South  Korea’s  military  said  than its missile launches. But  North calls “reckless provo-  weapons  arsenal  to  pres-
            North Korean provocations.   the  shells  didn’t  land  in  its  forward-deployed  long-  cation.” South Korea’s mili-  sure the United States and
            South  Korea’s  Joint  Chiefs  South Korean territorial wa-  range  artillery  guns  pose  tary  said  its  training  didn’t  others to accept his coun-
            of Staff said in a statement  ters but fell inside maritime  a  serious  security  threat  to  violate the 2018 accord.  try  as  a  legitimate  nuclear
            early   Wednesday      that  buffer zones the two Koreas  South  Korea’s  populous  On  Monday,  South  Ko-         state  and  lift  economic
            North Korea fired about 100  established  under  a  2018  metropolitan region, which  rea’s military began its an-  sanctions on the North.q
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