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                                                                                                           LOCAL Wednesday 19 OctOber 2022

            Results Corruption Survey 2022

            The  Centrale  Bank  van                                                                                            survey.  Similar  to  previous
            Aruba (CBA) recently con-                                                                                           surveys,  almost  half  of  the
            cluded  its  Corruption  Sur-                                                                                       respondents indicated that
            vey  for  the  year  2022.  The                                                                                     reporting corruption is con-
            principle  aim  of  the  Cor-                                                                                       sidered  as  the  most  effec-
            ruption Survey is to acquire                                                                                        tive  thing  that  an  ordinary
            valuable information on the                                                                                         person can do to fight cor-
            experience  and  percep-                                                                                            ruption. Introducing a whis-
            tion  of  Aruban  residents                                                                                         tleblowing policy within the
            with  regard  to  corruption.                                                                                       public  sector  is  viewed  as
            The information will be used                                                                                        the  most  important  mea-
            to  raise  awareness  in  our                                                                                       sure  in  order  to  mitigate
            community  about  the  se-                                                                                          corruption.  Additionally  re-
            riousness  of  the  corruption                                                                                      spondents  indicated  that
            problems.                                                                                                           the Public Prosecutor’s Of-
                                                                                                                                fice and Parliament of Aru-
            The survey results show that  survey,  from  52  percent  in  respondents,   compared   changed  compared  to  ba are seen as the two top
            about  70  percent  of  re-  2018.  In  2020  the  respon-  to  77  percent  in  2020.  Re-  2020,  considered  that  cor-  organizations  that  should
            spondents  indicated  that  dents indicated 59 percent  spondents also indicated a     ruption acts are unaccept-   lead  in  the  fight  against
            the  level  of  corruption  in-  (See Figure 1).          higher bribery rate of 7 per-  able. There is a minor drop  corruption in Aruba.
            creased  in  the  past  12                                cent, which is higher com-   to 35 percent in the shares
            months  preceding  the  sur-  Respondents  viewed  that  pared  to  previous  corrup-  of  respondents  who  knew  The complete report of the
            vey,  the  highest  percent-  the  Government  is  doing  tion  surveys.  Remarkably,   someone who paid a bribe,  Corruption  Survey  is  avail-
            age since the CBA started  badly in fighting corruption  on  average  95  percent  of   down  from  39  percent  for  able on the website of the
            conducting  the  corruption  as stated by 79 percent of  respondents,  which  is  un-  the  previous  corruption  CBA www.cbaruba.orgq

            Aruba to me

            ORANJESTAD  —  You  are  back  and  we  Thank you for sharing with us what Aruba
            would like to portrait you! By inviting you  means to you.q
            to send us your favorite vacation  picture
            while enjoying our Happy Island.

            Complete  the  sentence:  Aruba  to  me  is
            ……. Send your picture with that text (in-
            cluding  your  name  and  where  you  are
            from) to: and we
            will  publish  your  vacation  memory.  Isn’t
            that a special way to keep your best mo-
            ments alive? Please do note: By submitting
            photos,  text  or  any  other  materials,  you
            give permission to The Aruba Today News-
            paper, Caribbean Speed Printers and any
            of its affiliated companies to use said ma-
            terials, as well as names, likeness, etc. for
            promotional purposes without compensa-

            Last but not least: check out our website,
            Instagram  and  Facebook  page!  Thank
            you for supporting our free newspaper, we
            strive to make you a happy reader every
            day again.

            For today we received a lovely message
            from  Gerald  Schneider  wtho  wrote  to  us
            saying; “Aruba to me is a beautiful place
            to celebrate anniversaries and birthdays.”
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