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Wednesday 19 OctOber 2022 locAl
Aruba heritage experience Episode CLXXVI- 176
Etnia Nativa through Island Insight shares stories, pro-
motes cultural awareness, educates and safeguards
Aruba’s heritage by elevating each and every one to
an island keeper state of mind. In each of our episode
we encourage the readers to discover the true native
spirit and uncovering more reasons to love this unique
Since that our tiny island has become very attractive
destination the increase traffic over its fragile ecosys-
tem has taken its toll on our nature and ecosystem
which evolved over thousands of years. The urge is to
create awareness in order for all to continue enjoying
the natural beauty in tune with the environment. We
wish to share insights how to enjoy, admire and discov-
er our island cultural heritage of this “beloved rock”.
This is where our main objective comes to mind to share
information through education because we want to
become you an “star visitor” in order to help us to pre- leisure. However concerning rather the guardian of our beloved rock with every
serve our cultural heritage and natural resources by over exploitation, over population, ne- new story we share.
gaining a caring behavior while enjoying and respect- glect and devaluation. The challenge
ing the flora, fauna and culture. comes to mind in how to mitigate and Culture and tourism have a great mu-
eliminate side effects and create that tually and beneficial relationship which
Since the beginning Aruba has been characterized balance, a sponsored synergy, involv- can strengthen the attractiveness and
by the honesty and quality of its incomparable ser- ing public sector, the industry, the visi- competitiveness of Aruba. Culture is an
vice, highly valued attributes ever. (See episode 93), tors and the natural and social cultural increasingly important element of the
our native people shows great natural cordiality and a environment advocates for permanent tourism industry as it offers distinction in
professional respect for our visitor when extending his solutions. Etnia Nativa inspires this spirit a crowded saturated global consump-
welcoming hands and smile. and from out a creative nucleus wishes tion market.
to present each of its episodes as an ap- Did you know that from the rocky coast
Our hospitality workers are who first exchanges all kind proach to the educational. Believing in of Malmok a few decades ago you
of insights with our first time visitors. This is also how our that the host community is what makes could enjoy the beautiful under water
people transmit customs, values, traditions and their the different and of great importance vegetation and the abundant fauna
good predisposition. Transmitting this to the new gen- of a culture aware tourism. at the bottom of the sea? Imagine then
erations workers in this pleasant and why not “idle in- how extraordinary it was to be in the
dustry “since tourism is one of the few human activities Now while you enjoying the leisure of water or snorkel along that entire rock
that contains the ambivalence of being business and our relaxing beaches, we suggest you coast. Today the same place as many
leisure. to get involved with our episodes of others, are arid and without colorful cor-
“Island-Insight” and familiarize with the als of polyps as it used to be but mostly
The entire world sees tourism as a profitable productive artistic, historical and cultural values of depleted of life.
sector and perhaps we vaguely refer to the concept of your destination and become a new Get involved in local activities which
promotes the care taking of the envi-
ronment and that keeps our flora and
fauna in mind. Your concierge can as-
sist - Make local friends to remember this
tourist destination like no other!
If you love Aruba its origins and its cul-
tural heritage, be part of the exclusive
visitors of Etnia Nativa: a cozy museum/
Etnia Nativa a private residential houses
collections of native art, archaeological
artifacts and historic furniture, while the
facilities themselves are the result of the
transformation of recycled materials.
Meet Anthony Croes a native artist and
our columnist at his home! Book your
visit Whatsapp + 297 592 2702- or mail: