Page 11 - HOH
P. 11
local Wednesday 19 OctOber 2022
Heart-Centered Leadership Foundation held first session to
improve the capacity of its volunteers
ORANJESTAD - Heart-Cen- ter the activities. For these
tered Leadership Founda- two points, in HCIC’s evalu-
tion (HCLF) offers different ations there was interest
activities for the youth with expressed to receive more
the goal of empowering techniques to improve their
them to discover who they abilities to guide group pro-
are, what their abilities cesses.
are and what they want to
achieve. A way in which To accommodate the
HCLF reaches this goal is needs of HCICs, HCLF pre-
with the support of the dif- pared the first Capacity
ferent pools of volunteers Building training which con-
that help in different ways. sisted of two sessions. The
first session was facilitated
One of the pools of volun- by Teodora Goloiu, a clini-
teers is the Heart-Centered cal psychologist special-
Impact Coaches (HCIC), ized in cognitive therapy,
young adults who work individually and in groups.
closely with young per- Mrs. Goloiu gave an inter-
sons during the activities of active session on the topic
HCLF for the youth as peer of “how to manage emo-
coaches. Aside from work- tions as a peer coach”. The
shops and training to pre- second session was a pre-
pare them in their role as sentation of Efraim Suuren-
volunteers, recently HCLF dok regarding the Code of
gave two sessions to im- Protection.
prove their personal and
professional capacity. Mrs. Goloiu made an in-
The first activity was a ca- ventory of the concerns ex-
pacity building followed by pressed by the volunteers
a Mock Impact Café. and encouraged HCICs to
think together about strat-
The volunteers expressed a egies that they can use to
need to continue develop- solve the challenges that
ing their abilities to facilitate they are experiencing.
group projects, particularly To compliment the strat-
how to deal with emotions egies that the volunteers signs that can indicate that secondary school during ing stronger in their person-
and behavior of young came up with, Mrs. Gol- a young person might be the past year, where HCICs al and professional abilities
persons. As a HCIC, the vol- oiu gave tips and routines in a dangerous situation guide the process of con- during various activities for
unteer is required to have that the HCICs can use to for themselves or another, versation in a group setting. the youth, among these,
a positive attitude where process and regulate their and what are the appropri- The Mock Impact Café their Impact Cafés which
they show compassion to emotions during and after ate steps that are taken to acted as an opportunity recently were completed
support, listen and under- an activity. manage the circumstanc- for the volunteer HCICs re- successfully.
stand the young persons, es professionally. fresh their knowledge and
which is not an easy task. In the second session, Mr. continue working on their If you are interested in
Suurendonk presented the After the Capacity Build- ability to guide and assist learning how to begin the
The role of HCIC also means protocols that are used ing, a teambuilding was group conversations, and training trajectory as a vol-
that the volunteer some- when child abuse is sus- organized in the shape of practice how to make use unteer to become a Heart-
times also needs support to pected. During the session, a Mock Impact Café. Im- of authentic empathy and Centered Impact Coach,
process their own emotions HCICs received brief infor- pact Café is a youth ac- active listening. visit HCLF’s website, www.
and feelings during and af- mation on how to notice tivity that HCLF offered to or send
The Capacity Building and a WhatsApp message to
the Teambuilding Mock Im- (+297) 584 1211.q
pact Café session helped
support volunteers in feel-