Page 26 - FCEA Proposal For Airport VIP Concierge Service Concession 2022_Neat
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5. Customer Service Training Program

            Providing clients with an excellent quality of service is one of the strategic objectives of FCEA. To reach
            this objective, which will ultimately result in loyal customers, FCEA places a lot of emphasis on training
            staff. This is to ensure the quality of service.

            Internal training: Management has given the current staff the following internal trainings:
               1.  Customer Service skills
               2.  Communication with Clients
               3.  What is excellent Service?
               4.  Uniform and Grooming Rules and Regulation
               5.  Information on the company, company services, website, pricing services, and reservations
               6.  Mystery shopping at high and luxury stores in the Renaissance Mall and Mystery Shopping at most
                   high-rise hotels (Front Desks and Customer service Desks)

            After the probation period, the employee will be enrolled in the training “Mi compromiso cu Aruba,” and
            all the other internal training will be given to the employee.

            External Training: All current employees have received the following external training:
               •  Airport Terminal Safety & Security Training, required course and exam
               •  Airport premises security protocol and procedures including rules & regulations Training, General
                   Airport premises layout training, Airport available amenities training. Airport badging training
               •  Aruba Airport Code of Ethical Conduct & Airport Access Control and Badging Policy Training
               •  Programa di Excelencia di Aruba; “Mi compromiso cu Aruba” by A.T.A., upon completion, every
                   employee is given a pin, and all current employees proudly wear this pin on their uniform
               •  Another advance customer service course “Service Excellence ku Zjeito”
               •  Courses given by The Leadership Council
                       o  Exceptional Customer Service
                       o  Five Star Quality Service
                       o  How to handle Irate customers & difficult situations
                       o  Loyal customer is priceless
                       o  Loyal for Life

            Future training: First Aid Assistance Training, Safety training, Airport Calamity Training, How to handle
            conflictive, aggressive situations

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