Page 29 - bon-dia-aruba-20210826
P. 29
world news Diahuebs 26 augustus 2021
Duterte confirms he’ll run for Philippines VP next year
(AP) — Tough-talking goes ahead with his run, it dent. The vice president is
Philippine President Ro- will likely face court chal- elected separately from the
drigo Duterte has con- lenges from the opposition, president under Philippine
firmed rumblings that he though Heydarian noted the law. Those who serve in the
will run next year for vice Supreme Court has strongly post could potentially be pro-
president, in what crit- supported the president’s pelled to the top role if the
ics say is an attempt at an moves in the past. president dies or is incapaci-
end-run around constitu- tated for any reason.
tional term limits. A new opposition coalition,
1Sambayan, whose name If elected vice president, the
Duterte, who is notorious means One Nation, said move would be reminiscent
for his vulgar rhetoric and Duterte’s decision came as of the machinations of Rus-
crackdown on illegal drugs, “no surprise,” and made the sian President Vladimir Pu-
which has killed thousands coalition “more determined tin, who Duterte once called
of mostly petty suspects, in unifying the democratic his “favorite hero,” to hold
said in comments broadcast forces in responding to the on to power despite being
Wednesday that he will run The idea of the two running former aide, Senator Chris- challenge.” constitutionally barred from
for vice president to “con- together has been discussed topher “Bong” Go running seeking a third consecutive
tinue the crusade.” since 2019, he said, though for president. “It shows a clear mockery of term as president in 2008.
Duterte advisers have report- our constitution and demo-
“I will run for vice president,” edly said that he has sug- She did not address her own cratic process,” the group Instead, Dmitry Medvedev
he said. “I’m worried about gested he might not run for aspirations, but said her fa- said. “The candidacy is both was elected president and
the drugs, insurgency. Well, vice president if his daughter ther and Go should announce legally and morally wrong, Putin assumed the nominally
number one is insurgency, decides to announce a bid for publicly that they would run and we trust that the Filipino subservient position of prime
then criminality, drugs.” president. together if they have made people will realize his brazen, minister from 2008 to 2012.
that decision. selfish and self-serving mo- Putin was then reelected
The Philippines has been “The campaign for Sara tives.” president in 2012, and Med-
struggling through the CO- Duterte has more or less “I respectfully advise them vedev slid into the prime
VID-19 pandemic, with ris- kicked off, it seems, almost to stop talking about me and Duterte, 76, had previously minister role.
ing infections and death rates irrespective of what Duterte’s make me the reason for them hinted that he may run for
and a slow vaccination roll- position will be,” Heydarian running or not running,” she vice president, and his con- “This is not to say that,
out, but Duterte’s popularity said. “A Duterte/Duterte tan- wrote. firmation Wednesday came should Sara Duterte become
ratings have remained high. dem is increasingly looking after a senior official of his the president, that she will
like the formidable team to Philippine presidents are PDP-Laban party on Tuesday be essentially proxy for the
Polls suggest that running beat in the next year’s elec- limited by the 1987 Constitu- said that the president had president,” Heydarian said.
Duterte in tandem with his tions.” tion to a single six-year term. agreed to run as its candidate. “In Davao the two were to-
daughter, Sara Duterte, cur- At least two former presi- gether in charge (and) there
rently the mayor of Davao Further muddying the wa- dents, Joseph Estrada and Duterte “agreed to make the were significant divergences
City, as the presidential can- ters, however, Sara Duterte Gloria Macapagal Arroyo, sacrifice and heed the clamor in approaches and policy dif-
didate would be a strong posted on Facebook later have made successful runs of the people” to run in the ferences ... so we may see
pairing, said Manila-based Wednesday that her father for lower public offices after May 9 national elections, some iteration of that, if ever
political analyst Richard had told her he would run serving as president, but not said Karlo Nograles, PDP- the tandem makes it to the
Heydarian. for vice president with his for vice president. If Duterte Laban’s executive vice presi- presidency.”
Spain wrangles with migrant laws as border pressure persists
(AP) — A group of at least its side of the border to stop the children are living in “in-
40 migrants attempted to them. appropriate conditions,” with
swim from Morocco into most housed in temporary
Spain’s North African en- Both countries police a wide installations but some sleep-
clave of Ceuta and threw buffer zone around the ing in the street.
stones at Spanish police, fenced breakwater.
local media reported as Officials in Ceuta, which
top officials wrestled Cooperation with Morocco covers about 18 square kilo-
Wednesday with what to is crucial for Spanish au- meters (7 square miles) and
do with hundreds of un- thorities trying to hold back has a population of around
accompanied minors who large numbers of migrants 85,000, say they can’t cope
got into Ceuta from Mo- who mass at the border and with a large number of mi-
rocco three months ago. look for chances to get across. grants who enter without au-
Spain is also under pressure thorization.
Migrants trying to reach Eu- from migrants trying to reach
ropean soil swam around its Canary Islands by boat “The situation in Ceuta is
a fenced breakwater after from northwestern Africa. truly unsustainable,” Vivas legal because they were done cases are considered.
nightfall Tuesday and con- said during a news confer- in groups, without prior
fronted Spanish police of- Some 10,000 migrants de- ence, referring to the migrant warning and without a hear- But a court on Tuesday kept
ficers, one of whom was scended on Ceuta in May pressure on the enclave. He ing or the provision of legal the prohibition in place, leav-
slightly injured by a stone, by either scaling the border said Ceuta felt like it was “at counsel. ing officials uncertain about
local media reported. fence or swimming around the edge of an abyss” and how to proceed.
it. Among them were hun- needs “immediate solutions.” A Spanish court suspended
Attempts to enter Ceuta by dreds of unaccompanied mi- the practice pending legal ar- Vivas, the Ceuta chief, met
people from sub-Saharan Af- nors, who have been in Ceuta Earlier this month, Spanish guments by the government, Wednesday in Madrid with
rica are not uncommon and since then. authorities began sending which insisted the children Spanish Prime Minister Pe-
have led to tension between the minors back to Morocco, were sent back under a 2007 dro Sánchez in an effort to
Spain and Morocco over The head of the Ceuta re- triggering an outcry from mi- agreement with Morocco for find a legal solution to the
whether the government in gional government, Juan grant rights associations that assisted returns once minors’ stalemate.
Rabat is doing enough on Jesús Vivas, said Wednesday argued the returns were il-