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               Thursday 28 december 2023

            Americans sour on the primary election process and major political parties

            Continued from Front                                                                                                independent  in  Gambrills,
                                                                                                                                Maryland,  sees  her  state’s
            About one-quarter of Repub-                                                                                         last governor, Larry Hogan,
            licans say they have at least                                                                                       a moderate Republican, as
            “quite a bit” of confidence                                                                                         a model for the country. But
            that  the  votes  in  the  2024                                                                                     Hogan refused to run in the
            presidential election will be                                                                                       GOP  presidential  primary,
            counted accurately, signifi-                                                                                        which she sees as emblem-
            cantly lower than Democrats.                                                                                        atic  of  how  the  two-party
            Slightly fewer than half of U.S.                                                                                    system  prevents  talented
            adults overall (46%) believe                                                                                        leaders from holding office,
            the same, which is in line with                                                                                     “Everybody  right  now  is  a
            an AP-NORC poll conducted                                                                                           bunch  of  children,  stomp-
            in June.                                                                                                            ing their feet until they get
            The  skepticism  among  Re-                                                                                         their  way,”  Allen,  44,  said.
            publicans comes after years                                                                                         “Everybody’s at fault here.
            of former President Donald                                                                                          There’s no winners.”
            Trump  falsely  blaming  his                                                                                        Nonetheless, Allen thinks the
            2020 loss on election fraud.                                                                                        primaries will be fair. “They’re
            Federal and state election                                                                                          fairer than the Electoral Col-
            officials  and  Trump’s  own                                                                                        lege,” she said.
            attorney general have said                                                                                          Even those who identify with
            there is no credible evidence                                                                                       the two political parties are
            the election was tainted. The   The White House is seen reflected in a puddle, Saturday, Sept. 3, 2022, in Washington.   uneasy about whom their or-
            former president’s allegations                                                                     Associated Press   ganizations will nominate. A
            of fraud were also roundly  About  one-quarter  of  U.S.  Slightly fewer than half of U.S.  quarter  of  Democrats  and  recent AP-NORC poll found
            rejected by courts, including  adults say they have “only  adults — 46% — say they are  41% of independents.        that Democrats and Repub-
            by judges Trump appointed.   a little” confidence or “none  pessimistic about the way the  “The way they’re spending  licans are also not especially
            “Nothing will be fair because  at all” that both the Demo-  country’s leaders are chosen.  our money, sending it all over  confident that their party’s
            the last election was rigged,”  cratic Party and Republican  About half of U.S. adults are  the world and not protecting  primary contests will result in a
            said Julie Duggan, 32, of Chi-  Party have a fair process for  pessimistic about the future of  our people here in the Unit-  candidate who can win the
            cago, a Trump voter, referring  selecting a presidential nomi-  the Republican Party, includ-  ed States of America,” said  general election in Novem-
            to 2020. “I don’t trust any of  nee. About half of independ-  ing one-third of Republicans  Gary Jackson, a 65-year-old  ber. Additionally, there are
            them at this point.”         ents have that low level of  and  45%  of  independents.  retired trucker and Republi-  some doubts on both sides
            The AP-NORC poll found a  confidence in both party’s  The  poll  found  45%  of  U.S.  can in Boise, Idaho. “Right  that  the  emerging  candi-
            widespread lack of trust in  processes,  compared  with  adults are pessimistic about  now, I’m not impressed with  dates  will  represent  their
            both major political parties  one-quarter of Republicans  the future of the Democratic  either party.”              party’s views or Americans
            among U.S. adults overall.   and 19% of Democrats.        Party, including about one-  Christine  Allen,  a  political  overall.q

                                         Jacksonville, Florida, mayor has Confederate monument

                                         removed after years of controversy

                                         JACKSONVILLE,  Fla.  (AP)  "Symbols  matter.  They  tell  ordered the removal of an-   moved  on  it.  Earlier  this
                                         — Crews removed a Con-       the  world  what  we  stand  other monument, a bronze  month,  Jacksonville's  Of-
                                         federate  monument  from  for and what we aspire to  statue  of  a  Confederate  fice  of  General  Counsel
                                         a Jacksonville, Florida, park  be," Deegan said in a state-  soldier that had been in a  determined that city coun-
                                         Wednesday  morning  fol-     ment.  "By  removing  the  downtown  park  for  more  cil  approval  was  unneces-
                                         lowing years of public con-  confederate     monument  than  100  years.  The  move  sary  because  city  funds
                                         troversy.                    from  Springfield  Park,  we  came  weeks  after  the  were not being used for the
                                         Mayor  Donna  Deegan  or-    signal a belief in our shared  death  of  George  Floyd  at  work.  As  the  city's  top  ex-
                                         dered  the  removal  of  the  humanity.  That  we  are  all  the hands of a Minneapo-  ecutive, Deegan, a Demo-
                                         "Tribute  to  the  Women  of  created  equal.  The  same  lis police officer and on the  crat,  had  the  authority  to
            The bronze statue of a woman   the  Southern  Confedera-  flesh and bones. The same  heels of marches and other  order the statue's removal,
            reading  to  two  children  is   cy"  monument,  which  has  blood  running  through  our  calls for social justice.  city attorneys said.
            placed on pallets after being
            removed from the "Women of   been  in  Springfield  Park  veins. The same heart and  A  proposal  to  remove  the  The  $187,000  bill  is  being
            the  Southland"  monument  in   since  1915.  She  said  the  soul."                   Confederate  women  trib-    covered  by  a  grant  that
            Jacksonville,  Fla.'s  Springfield   decision  is  not  an  attempt  Serious  discussion  of  the  ute  was  introduced  to  the  the Jessie Ball duPont Fund
            Park on Wednesday morning,   to erase history but to show  monument's fate began in  Jacksonville City Council in  and  anonymous  donors
            Dec. 27, 2023.               that  people  have  learned  2020 after Deegan's prede-   2021,  but  the  Republican-  made to 904WARD, city of-
                        Associated Press  from it.                    cessor, Mayor Lenny Curry,  controlled  board  never  ficials said.q
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