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U.S. NEWS Thursday 28 december 2023
Michigan Supreme Court will keep Trump on 2024 primary ballot
By COREY WILLIAMS and eral group that filed the
NICHOLAS RICCARDI suit to disqualify Trump in
Associated Press the state. “The ruling con-
Michigan’s Supreme Court flicts with longstanding US
is keeping former Presi- Supreme Court precedent
dent Donald Trump on the that makes clear that when
state’s primary election political parties use the
ballot. election machinery of the
The court said Wednesday state to select, via the pri-
it will not hear an appeal of mary process, their candi-
a lower court’s ruling from dates for the general elec-
groups seeking to keep tion, they must comply with
Trump from appearing on all constitutional require-
the ballot. ments in that process.”
It said in an order that the Trump hailed the order,
application by parties to calling the effort to keep
appeal a Dec. 14 Michigan him off the ballot in multiple
appeals court judgment states a “pathetic gambit.”
was considered, but de- Only one of the court’s sev-
nied “because we are not en justices dissented. Jus-
persuaded that the ques- tice Elizabeth M. Welch, a
tions presented should be Democrat, wrote that she
reviewed by this court.” would have kept Trump on
The ruling contrasts with Former President Donald Trump listens as he speaks with reporters while in flight on his plane after the primary ballot but the
Dec. 19 decision by a di- a campaign rally at Waco Regional Airport, in Waco, Texas, March 25, 2023, while en route to West court should rule on the
vided Colorado Supreme Palm Beach, Fla. Associated Press merits of the Section 3 chal-
Court which found Trump lenge. The court has a 4-3
ineligible to be president all point to the so-called in- sion. Party could place anyone Democratic majority.
because of his role in the surrection clause that pre- The plaintiffs in Michigan it wants on the primary bal- Trump pressed two elec-
Jan. 6, 2021, attack on vents anyone from hold- can technically try again lot. But the court was silent tion officials in Michigan’s
the U.S. Capitol. That rul- ing office who “engaged to disqualify Trump un- on whether Section 3 of the Wayne County not to cer-
ing was the first time in his- in insurrection or rebellion” der Section 3 of the 14th 14th Amendment would tify 2020 vote totals, ac-
tory that Section 3 of the against the Constitution. Amendment in the gen- disqualify Trump in Novem- cording to a recording of
14th Amendment has been Until the Colorado ruling, all eral election, though it’s ber if he becomes the GOP a post-election phone call
used to disqualify a presi- had failed. likely there will be a U.S. Su- nominee. disclosed in a Dec. 22 re-
dential candidate. The Colorado ruling is likely preme Court ruling on the “We are disappointed by port by The Detroit News.
The Michigan and Colora- to be appealed to the U.S. issue by then. The state’s the Michigan Supreme The former president ‘s 2024
do cases are among doz- Supreme Court, which has high court on Wednesday Court’s decision,” said Ron campaign has neither con-
ens hoping to keep Trump’s never ruled on the rarely upheld an appeals court Fein, legal director of Free firmed nor denied the re-
name off state ballots. They used Civil War-era provi- ruling that the Republican Speech for People, the lib- cording’s legitimacy.q
North Dakota lawmaker who used
homophobic slurs during DUI arrest has
no immediate plans to resign
By JACK DURA alcoholism and getting the and straightening out my
Associated Press help I need," he said in a life."
BISMARCK, N.D. (AP) — A statement. "Any decision I Police body camera foot-
North Dakota Republican make going forward will be age requested by and
lawmaker has no plans to made with a sober mind provided to the AP shows
immediately resign, de- and deliberative clarity. Rios cursing an officer, re-
spite party leaders' calls for To do so, I will be prioritiz- peatedly questioning his Body camera video captured North Dakota Republican
lawmaker Nico Rios using profanity and homophobic slurs
him to step down after he ing breaking my chemical English accent, and us- toward Williston police officers and threatening to call the state’s
railed against police with dependency on alcohol, ing homophobic slurs and attorney general during a DUI stop on Dec. 5, 2023, in Williston,
profane, homophobic and improving the interpersonal anti-migrant language. N.D.
anti-migrant language dur- relations I have strained, He also said he would call Associated Press
ing a recent traffic stop and listening to our com- the North Dakota attorney "There is no room in the drunken driving and refus-
that ended in his arrest on a munity." general about the situa- legislature, or our party, ing to provide a chemical
charge of drunken driving. Rios also said he takes re- tion. He told the officers for this behavior," Lefor test. He is scheduled for a
In a statement Wednes- sponsibility for his "disgust- they would "regret picking said Tuesday. The AP left pretrial conference on Feb.
day, Republican state Rep. ing actions" during the Dec. on me because you don't him a phone message on 5 in municipal court.
Nico Rios, of Williston, said 15 traffic stop, and apolo- know who ... I am." Wednesday seeking com- Rios, who works in an oil field
he is "seriously mulling all as- gized "to those I have hurt Rios' statement comes ment on Rios' decision. position involved in the hy-
pects" of his future. and disappointed," includ- a day after Republican Rios has said he was leav- draulic fracturing of wells,
"As I weigh my future in the ing law enforcement of- House Majority Leader Mike ing a Christmas party be- was elected unopposed in
legislature, I am going to ficers. He added that he is Lefor and state party offi- fore police pulled him 2022 to a four-year term in
spend the next few months "100% committed to mak- cials publicly called on him over. He was charged with the state House of Repre-
addressing my issues with ing repairs for my actions to resign. misdemeanor counts of sentatives. q