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WORLD NEWS Thursday 28 december 2023
China sanctions a U.S. research firm and 2 individuals over reports
on human rights abuses in Xinjiang
BEIJING (AP) — China dia, non-governmental
says it is banning a United organizations and groups
States research compa- that may receive com-
ny and two analysts who mercial and governmen-
have reported extensively tal grants or other outside
on claims of human rights funding.
abuses committed against China has long denied
Uyghurs and other Muslim such allegations, saying
minority groups native to the large-scale network of
the country’s far northwest- prison-like facilities through
ern region of Xinjiang. which passed hundreds of
Foreign Ministry spokesper- thousands of Muslim citi-
son Mao Ning was quoted zens were intended only to
as announcing late Tues- rid them of violent, extrem-
day night that Los Angeles- ist tendencies and teach
based research and data them job skills.
analytics firm Kharon, its di- Former inmates describe
rector of investigations, Ed- harsh conditions imposed
mund Xu, and Nicole Mor- without legal process and
gret, a human rights analyst demands that they de-
affiliated with the Center nounce their culture and
for Advanced Defense sing the praises of President
Studies, would be barred Xi Jinping and the Commu-
from traveling to China. Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Mao Ning gestures during a press conference at the nist Party daily.
Also, any assets or property Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Beijing, on July 26, 2023. China says the camps are
they have in China will be Associated Press all now closed, but many of
frozen and organizations ernment report on human majority Han ethnic group. tions there. This centrally- their former inmates have
and individuals in China rights in Xinjiang. Uyghurs In a paper published in controlled industrial policy reportedly been given
are prohibited from making and other natives of the re- June 2022, Morgret wrote, is a key tool in the govern- lengthy prison sentences
transactions or otherwise gion share religious, linguis- “The Chinese government ment’s efforts to forcibly as- elsewhere.
cooperating with them. tic and cultural links with is undertaking a concerted similate Uyghurs and other Access to the region by
In a statement on the Min- the scattered peoples of drive to industrialize the Xin- Turkic peoples through the journalists, diplomats and
istry of Foreign Affairs web- Central Asia and have long jiang Uyghur Autonomous institution of a coerced la- others is tightly controlled,
site, Mao said the sanctions resented the Chinese Com- Region (XUAR), which has bor regime.” as is movement outside
against the company, Xu munist Party’s heavy-hand- led an increasing number Such reports draw from a the region by Uyghurs,
and Morgret were retalia- ed control and attempts of corporations to estab- wide range of sources, in- Kazaks and other Muslim
tion for a yearly U.S. gov- to assimilate them with the lish manufacturing opera- cluding independent me- minorities.q
U.S. ambassador thanks Japan for defense upgrade and allowing
a Patriot missile sale to US
By MARI YAMAGUCHI In the latest move, Japa- exports, a move seen as a spending next year to a re- approved a U.S. request
Associated Press nese Prime Minister Fumio major break from Japan’s cord 7.95 trillion-yen ($56 for shipment of surface-to-
TOKYO (AP) — U.S. Am- Kishida’s government on postwar self-defense-only billion) with a focus on mis- air Patriot guided missiles
bassador to Japan Rahm Friday eased its postwar principle. It also approved sile strike and defense ca- produced in Japan under
Emanuel praised Japan’s ban on lethal weapons a 16.5% increase in defense pabilities. an American license to
contribution to drastic “re- The revision to the arms complement U.S. inventory,
form and modernization” transfer policy allows Ja- prompting speculation they
of their alliance, particular- pan to export weapons may be sent to Ukraine. Ki-
ly its military capability and and components made in hara said Tuesday the two
spending, as well as a de- Japan under foreign licens- sides were still discussing
cision to allow Japanese- es to the licensing nations. details as officials need to
made Patriot guided mis- It’s also a first major revision carefully make production
siles to be shipped to the of Japan’s arms export ban and shipment plans so “this
United States to make up since an earlier easing on will not make a hole in the
for its decreasing inventory. non-lethal weapons trans- defense of Japan.”
In a meeting with Japanese fer in 2014. Kishida’s gov- Pacifist groups, academics
Defense Minister Minoru ernment is currently in the and some opposition law-
Kihara on Wednesday, process of further easing makers in Japan have ques-
Emanuel noted a series of the policy to allow sale to tioned why Tokyo is selling
steps Japan has taken to third countries of jointly de- the Patriot missiles. Critics
bolster its military power veloped lethal weapons, say it also needs to fortify
and the countries’ alliance, A member of the Japan Ground Self-Defense Force stands like a next-generation fight- its missile strike and defense
saying it brings the “level of guard next to a surface-to-air Patriot Advanced Capability-3 er jet Japan is co-develop- capabilities to be able to
deterrence to capital D de- (PAC-3) missile interceptor launcher vehicle in Funabashi, east ing with Britain and Italy. cope with an increasingly
terrence.” of Tokyo, on Jan. 18, 2018. Japan on Friday quickly assertive China.q
Associated Press