P. 36

Edition: Apr - Jun 2018
                                      Aruba LionFish Initiative Foundation


         King’s Day Flea Market

         By: Anita Nijhuis         ange and all over the Island   them of the LionFish and our
                                   there are festivities. This year  foundation.
         27  of April we celebrate the   ALFI participated at the flea   Finishing the new shirts was a
         birthday of the Dutch King   market at the Super Food
                                                             race against time. Literally
         Willem-Alexander. Every year  Plaza. It was a great day to
                                                             the night before the flea mar-
         people would dress up in or-  meet new people and inform
                                                             ket Abigail managed to get
                                                             them printed, so we could
                                                             sell them in our booth. It was
                                                             the first time we tried differ-
                                                             ent colors and slim fit shirts.
                                                             And they were a hit!
                                                             Many thanks to our volun-
                                                             teers who participated and
                                                             everyone who stopped by to
                                                             learn, volunteer and donate!

         Open Dag Mariniers Kazerne 2018

         By: Abigail Vrolijk       thanks to all our volunteers   Tara Beach Resort, Aru-
                                   for helping us making this   ba and E Sushi Shap. We
         It was a great day to raise   day a successful one!   need your help to re-
         awareness to thousands of                          move this invasive spe-
         people of the LionFish threat   Remember, lionfish are not   cies because it is so deli-
         to Aruba! Many thanks to   a poisonous fish! They are a   cious we can not meet
         Marinierskazerne Savaneta   delicious white fish excel-  demand! And, if you
         for having us again at Open   lently prepared at Chicken   spoke with us at OpenD-
         Dag this year. And also many   and Lobster, the Bucuti &   ag, you know it is the
                                                            only 100% sustainable
                                                            seafood for Aruba.

                                                            We also had an early B-day
                                                            surprise for Ed Egan! President
                                                            and co-founder of ALFI Foun-
                                                            dation. It was a little bit early
                                                            but we couldn’t wait!! A well
                                                            deserved new BCD!! Many
                                                            thanks to Peter Van Drunen
                                                            (ALFI LionFish Hunter) for co-
                                                            ordinating this great gift!!
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