P. 37

Newsletter                                                                                      Page 2

                                    I always wanted a friend with a boat

                                     By: Ed Egan             our mission. Well, Pest Bust-  us more effective and effi-
                                                             ers Aruba has just become   cient! They are even training
                                     Why am I smiling?       our best friend...with a boat!   our volunteers as captains
                                                             They have donated unlimited  on the sea after they receive
                                     Hunting LionFish for the
                                                             use of their 6 meter 90 horse- their Aruba captain's licens-
                                     past 3 years on Aruba has
                                     been 95% shore diving, 3%   power boat to shuttle our ALL  es!  Many thanks to our best
                                     boat diving and 2% can-  VOLUNTEER diver hunters to   friends with a boat at Pest
                                     celled boat dives which we   and from dive sites to make   Busters Aruba!
                                     turn into shore dives. Hunt-                      Now all I want is a friend
                                     ers know that means about                         with a bigger boat..
                                     1 hour and 45 minutes of                          Anybody???
                                     swimming out, scuba diving
                                     and swimming back in from
                                     the reef with a zookeeper
                                     and spear.
                                     Since ALFI Foundation is
                                     very underfunded we rely
                                     on our partner dive shops
                                     and business to assist us in

         De Palm Island with our own little spot... Hooraayyy!

          By: Abigail Vrolijk
                                          Design it and we will work it out for   we will let everybody know.
                                          you guys. How great is that?!
          De Palm Island has been hosting   Together with Scubble Bubbles Foun-  Thank you again to De Palm Island and
          the ALFI divers once a month every   dation (coral restoration) we are de-  De palm Tours for this great gesture.
          month. This is a weekend of great   signing our new little head quarters on
          lionfish hunting, raising awareness   De Palm Island. We will have a booth
          and some fun with the family.   for information, our t-shirts and rash
          It was great when the general man-  guards, ‘parking’ space for our divers.
          ager, Miriam, came over and said:
          walk with me! She showed me     De Palm Island has been great with
          their current marine display in the   helping us raising awareness. A date to
          middle section and said: This is   open our new ‘spot’ is not set yet but
          going to be ALFI’s new spot.
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