P. 39
Newsletter Page 4
Dive at Cruise Port... unexpected catch
By: Anita Nijhuis The first dive turned
out great; 38 Lion-
ALFI has an agreement with
Fish! For the second
Aruba Port Authority (APA)
dive we went with 5
that occasionally, when
divers to the outer
there are no cruise ships
reef and little ship
arriving, we may dive at the
wreck. Not so much
cruise port to hunt for Lion-
luck, but still another
Fish. Divers must be pre-
6 LionFish.
approved by APA, by provid-
ing their license and pass-
At the end when we were
port details.
all going to another direction ready to go home, Michiel
Today we were with 8 di- of the port. We all brought noticed the battery of his car
vers; Hans, Rawin, Michiel, our flashlights as we know the was empty. Erik and I stayed
Wesley, Steven, Marcel, Erik visibility is bad. Sometimes it behind to help him out.
and me. Peter joined us as was that bad I was more look- “LionFish... I caught a Lion-
overwatch, thanks Peter! ing for my husband than Lion- fish!” As we turned our
We dove in 4 buddy teams, Fish! ;-) heads… there he was… our
long-lost pal and fellow Lion-
Fish hunter: Eric Ras. He was
working with his colleagues
at the docks, restoring the
big tires. As they pulled out
one there was a baby Lion-
fish inside the tire. Nice catch
Eric, plus 1 for you on the
official ALFI counting list!
In the Spotlights: Aqua Windie’s Aruba
In this edition we would like experienced dive crew ma- Rehab classes for all ages!
to introduce the company kes sure every new diver The water makes you feel
Aqua Windie’s Aruba. This feels save in the water. Next comfortable and weightless.
diving company has sup- to this they only dive in So don’t sweat and get wet
ported ALFI from the very small groups, this provides at Aqua Windie’s!
beginning by providing us them the opportunity to give
their knowledge of the Aru- each diver the attention and
ban reefs and their skills to assistance they need.
teach and educate new vo- Also, Aqua Windie’s provides
lunteers about diving and swimming classes for babies,
the Aruban waters.| toddlers, children of a ages
up until adult classes. With
Aqua Windie’s is a company their educated swim instruc-
specialized in Scuba Diving, tors, you will learn how to
Swimming classes for all swim in an easy and fun
ages, Aqua Fitness, and reha- way. Not to forget about
bilitation. The well- their great Aqua Fitness and Aqua Windie’s dynamic trio;
Roshendra, Rob & Sjoerd