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Newsletter                                                                                      Page 3

         New ALFI rash guards

         By: Abigail Vrolijk             They go for small donation of Awg. 70. Call us
                                         or message us for yours today!
         After a little bit of waiting….. the rash
         guards are here and everybody loves   Big thank you goes to Marietje Printing Aruba!
         Let’s face it. Water safety is all about
         being seen! And why not protect your
         precious skin at the same time with
         one of our ALFI rash guards. Our first
         badge was in neon yellow because
         divers are safely seen in the water
         when they have on. We already have
         the design for our next rash guard in
         mind! Be pending!

         Volunteer bbq and goodbye to Peter, Ferdy, Dimitri and Carola

          By: Ed Egan                                         reef consciousness and won-  a small thank you for all they
                                                              derful enthusiasm helped to   do with an annual
          You would think when we                             inspire us all. If you don't   BBQ...without LioFish. Thank
          have a LionFish hunter vol-                         come back and visit
          unteer thank you BBQ for                            us... all 95 of us will
          our dedicated volunteers we                         visit you. Masha
          would be serving LionFish                           danki y tur cos bon!
          only right? Wrong.
                                                              It is simple. ALFI is
          After removing over 3500                            people and people
          hundred lionfish from Aru-                          can make a differ-
          ba's favorite dive sites in the                     ence when they
          past 18 months we haven't                           work togeth-
          eaten any of them. Although                         er...graphic design-
          we painstakingly fillet them   celebrated our remarkable   ers, Dutch marines,
          or gut and clean them as   accomplishments in working   dive professionals,
          whole fish, we don't eat   together for Aruba to effec-  retirees, nurses,
          them. We give them to our   tively manage the Lionfish   doctors, teachers, tourists,   you to all our volun-
          partner restaurants and they   populations at the more ac-  locals.....all people who care   teers....have a hamburger
          donate back funds to sup-  cessible dive sites. Almost   enough to act for Aruba not   and a beer...and if you
          port our volunteers. We   100 volunteers have been   themselves. ALFI peo-    missed it..there is always
                                   certified in this time and we   ple...people that appreciate   next year!
                                   were lucky to have 30 of   our island home and deserve
                                   them and their families
                                   attend the BBQ so we could
                                   say thank you!
                                   It was bitter sweet though as
                                   some long time volunteers
                                   were leaving the island for
                                   life in the realworld… haha!
                                   Carola van der Valk, Ferdy
                                   Evers, Peter van Drunen,
                                   Dimitri Schilperoord we
                                   could not have done it with-
                                   out you! Your commitment
                                   level, dive professionalism,
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