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                                                                                                 u.s. news Diamars 12 aPriL 2022

                              Biden aims at ‘ghost gun’ violence with new federal rule

            (AP)  —  President  Joe                                                                                             years  to  require  serial  num-
            Biden  on  Monday  took                                                                                             bers to be stamped on ghost
            fresh  aim  at  ghost  guns,                                                                                        guns.  Pennsylvania  Attorney
            the  privately  made  fire-                                                                                         General  Josh  Shapiro,  who
            arms without serial num-                                                                                            was   attending   Monday’s
            bers  that  are  increasingly                                                                                       event  at  the  White  House,
            cropping  up  in  violent                                                                                           applauded  the  move  and
            crimes,  as  he  struggles  to                                                                                      pointed  to  a  serious  uptick
            break  past  gun-control                                                                                            in ghost guns being found by
            opposition to address fire-                                                                                         police. Police in Philadelphia
            arm deaths.                                                                                                         have seen nearly a 500% in-
                                                                                                                                crease in the number of ghost
            Speaking at the White House,                                                                                        guns  recovered  in  the  past
            Biden highlighted the Justice                                                                                       two years, Shapiro said. And
            Department’s  work  to  final-                                                                                      just  last  week,  a  police  offi-
            ize  new  regulations  to  crack                                                                                    cer there was shot by a ghost
            down on ghost guns, and an-                                                                                         gun-wielding   18-year-old,
            nounced  the  nomination  of                                                                                        who police said had also shot
            Steve Dettelbach, who served                                                                                        three others.
            as  a  U.S.  attorney  in  Ohio
            from 2009 to 2016, to run the                                                                                       “This  loophole  has  caused
            Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco,                                                                                         our  nation  countless  lives,”
            Firearms and Explosives.                                                                                            Shapiro said in an interview.
                                                                                                                                “Today  is  a  critically  impor-
            “Law enforcement is sound-                                                                                          tant  step  to  close  that  loop-
            ing  the  alarm,”  Biden  said                                                                                      hole.”
            of  ghost  guns,  briefly  hold-
            ing one up for cameras to see                                                                                       He said the move is likely to
            in  the  Rose  Garden.  “Our                                                                                        help drive down violence and
            communities  are  paying  the  struggle. Jones was acting di-                          individual  parts,  kits,  or  by  aid both police and prosecu-
            price.”                      rector when President Barack  “Ghost guns look like a gun,  3D-printers.               tors  in  bringing  their  cases.
                                         Obama  nominated  him  in  they  shoot  like  a  gun,  and                             The rule is also likely to help
            He promised the new regula-  January 2013.                they  kill  like  a  gun,  but  up  Federally  licensed  firearms  bring  down  the  number  of
            tions would save lives.                                   until now they haven’t been  dealers  must  retain  key  re-  people  who  shouldn’t  be
                                         The  Biden  administration’s  regulated  like  a  gun,”  said  cords  until  they  shut  down  purchasing firearms before a
            Still,  the  announcement  on  plan on guns was first report-  John  Feinblatt,  Everytown’s  their  business  or  licensed  gun  lands  in  their  hand,  he
            guns highlights the limits of  ed by Politico.            president.                   activity and then transfer the  said.
            Biden’s  influence  to  push  a                                                        records  to  ATF  as  they  are  “There  are  two  challenges:
            sweeping congressional over-  For  nearly  a  year,  the  ghost  Christian  Heyne,  the  vice  currently  required  to  do  at  One, criminals can easily buy
            haul  of  the  nation’s  firearm  gun  rule  has  been  making  president of policy at Brady,  the  end  of  licensed  activity.  them without going through
            laws  in  response  to  both  a  its  way  through  the  federal  another  gun  control  group,  Previously, these dealers were  a  background  check.  And
            recent surge in violent crime  regulation process. Gun safe-  said Dettelbach was “an un-  permitted to destroy most re-  two,  they  are  unserialized
            and  continued  mass  shoot-  ty  groups  and  Democrats  in  impeachable  public  servant  cords after 20 years, making  and untraceable.”
            ings.  Congress  has  dead-  Congress have been pushing  who has spent a career using  it harder for law enforcement
            locked on legislative propos-  for  the  Justice  Department  the  levers  of  government  to  to  trace  firearms  found  at  The  critical  component  in
            als to reform gun laws for a  to finish the rule for months.  hold  negligent  or  nefarious  crime scenes.         building  an  untraceable  gun
            decade, and executive actions  It will probably be met with  actors accountable.”                                   is what is known as the low-
            have faced stiff headwinds in  heavy  resistance  from  gun                            “A year ago this week stand-  er  receiver,  a  part  typically
            federal courts — even as the  groups and draw litigation in  Justice  Department  statistics  ing here with many of you, I  made  of  metal  or  polymer.
            Democratic  base  has  grown  the coming weeks.           show that nearly 24,000 ghost  instructed  the  attorney  gen-  An  unfinished  receiver  —
            more  vocal  in  calling  on                              guns  were  recovered  by  law  eral to write a regulation that  sometimes  referred  to  as  an
            Biden  to  take  more  conse-  Gun  Owners  of  America  enforcement at crime scenes  would  rein  in  the  prolifera-  “80-percent receiver” — can
            quential action.             vowed that it would immedi-  and  reported  to  the  govern-  tion of ghost guns because I  be legally bought online with
                                         ately fight the rule.        ment from 2016 to 2020. It is  was  having  trouble  getting  no  serial  numbers  or  other
            Dettelbach’s   confirmation,                              hard to say how many are cir-  anything passed in the Con-  markings on it, no license re-
            too, is likely to be an uphill  “Just  as  we  opposed  the  culating on the streets, in part  gress,” Biden said.  quired.
            battle. Biden had to withdraw  Trump  Administration’s  ar-  because in many cases police
            the  nomination  of  his  first  bitrary ban on bump stocks,  departments  don’t  contact  The rule goes into effect 120  Police  across  the  country
            ATF  nominee,  gun-control  GOA  will  also  sue  Biden’s  the  government  about  the  days from the date of publi-  have  been  reporting  spikes
            advocate  David  Chipman,  ATF  to  halt  the  implemen-  guns  because  they  can’t  be  cation in the Federal Register.  in  ghost  guns  being  recov-
            after it stalled for months be-  tation  of  this  rule,”  Aidan  traced.                                           ered  by  officers.  The  New
            cause of opposition from Re-  Johnston,  the  group’s  direc-                          For  years,  federal  officials  York Police Department, for
            publicans  and  some  Demo-  tor  of  federal  affairs  said  in  The  new  rule  changes  the  have  been  sounding  the  example,  said  officers  found
            crats in the Senate.         a  statement.  The  group  be-  current  definition  of  a  fire-  alarm  about  an  increasing  131  firearms  without  serial
                                         lieves  the  rule  violates  the  arm under federal law to in-  black market for homemade,  numbers since January.
            Both Republican and Demo-    U.S.  Constitution  and  sev-  clude  unfinished  parts,  like  military-style   semi-auto-
            cratic  administrations  have  eral federal laws.         the frame of a handgun or the  matic  rifles  and  handguns.  A gunman who killed his wife
            failed  to  get  nominees  for                            receiver of a long gun. It says  As  well  as  turning  up  more  and four others in Northern
            the  ATF  position  through  But  gun  safety  advocacy  those parts must be licensed  frequently  at  crime  scenes,  California in 2017 had been
            the  politically  fraught  pro-  groups,  like  Everytown  for  and  include  serial  numbers.  ghost  guns  have  been  in-  prohibited from owning fire-
            cess  since  the  director’s  po-  Gun  Safety,  which  pushed  Manufacturers must also run  creasingly encountered when  arms, but he built his own to
            sition was made confirmable  the  federal  government  for  background  checks  before  a  federal  agents  buy  guns  in  skirt  the  court  order  before
            in  2006.  Since  then,  only  years to take action on ghost  sale — as they do with other  undercover  operations  from  his rampage. And in 2019, a
            one  nominee,  former  U.S.  guns,   applauded   Biden’s  commercially made firearms.  gang  members  and  other  teenager  used  a  homemade
            Attorney B. Todd Jones, has  moves and insisted that both  The requirement applies re-  criminals.                  handgun to fatally shoot two
            been confirmed. Jones made  Dettelbach’s    appointment  gardless  of  how  the  firearm                            classmates  and  wound  three
            it through the Senate in 2013  and  the  finalized  rule  will  was  made,  meaning  it  in-  Some  states,  like  California,  others  at  a  school  in  subur-
            but  only  after  a  six-month  help combat gun violence.  cludes ghost guns made from  have  enacted  laws  in  recent  ban Los Angeles.
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