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                                                                                                       sports Diamars 12 aPriL 2022

                                Scheffler’s journey to the Masters a true family affair

            (AP)  —  It  doesn’t  seem                                                                                          tionship  between  the  Schef-
            that  long  ago  to  Scott                                                                                          flers  and  the  Smiths  has
            Scheffler  that  he  was                                                                                            only  deepened  through  the
            standing on the green be-                                                                                           years. Maybe that’s why Rick
            hind  Bergen  Community                                                                                             leaned  over  on  Scottie’s  bag
            College in Paramus, New                                                                                             as  he  was  inside  signing  his
            Jersey, dutifully holding a                                                                                         scorecard  after  the  biggest
            flashlight  while  his  only                                                                                        tournament  —  so  far  —  of
            son  —  just  5  or  6  at  the                                                                                     his still burgeoning career.
            time  —  hit  shots  in  the
            dark.                                                                                                               Rick  was  over  at  Scheffler’s
                                                                                                                                house  on  Saturday  night,
            And if one of Scottie Schef-                                                                                        trying to get him to relax as
            fler’s  wayward  strokes  hap-                                                                                      he  sat  on  a  three-shot  lead
            pened  to  smack  into  one  of                                                                                     heading  into  Sunday.  They
            his sisters, so be it.                                                                                              worked on Scheffler’s align-
                                                                                                                                ment.  On  his  ball  position.
            It’s what brothers do.                                                                                              And on his mood, watching
                                                                                                                                Instagram videos in an effort
            Nearly  two  decades  later,                                                                                        to keep things light.
            Scottie Scheffler’s aim is con-
            siderably better. Yes, that was                                                                                     While  Scheffler  admitted
            the kid who used to peg his                                                                                         his  stomach  had  been  hurt-
            siblings  with  impunity  tug-                                                                                      ing  over  the  weekend  and
            ging the green jacket over his                                                                                      he  cried  Sunday  morning
            broad  shoulders  after  win-  Oaks  Country  Club  mostly  Scott Scheffler made it a point  While Scott Scheffler laugh-  because  of  the  pressure,  he
            ning the Masters on Sunday  because it meant Scott Schef-  to  make  sure  his  kids  were  ingly  admitted,  “Schefflers  hardly  looked  rattled  while
            afternoon.                   fler  could  keep  all  four  kids  well-rounded.  While  stress-  have their issues, but they’re  posting  a  1-under  71  that
                                         in one place.                ing “I’m no guru,” he pointed  good people,” he grew more  gave  him  a  three-shot  vic-
            And  yes,  that  was  most  of                            out how vital it was to make  serious when asked what the  tory. There was just one ma-
            the  Scheffler  clan  —  sisters  While Scott Scheffler under-  sure  Scottie  didn’t  focus  on  world  needs  to  know  about  jor hiccup, a four-putt on the
            Callie  and  Molly  (other  sis-  stands  his  son’s  origin  story  golf all the time. He tried as a  the  unassuming  25-year-old  18th  with  his  win  assured,
            ter Sara is in Portugal) along  takes a familiar narrative and  sophomore at Highland Park  board  game  aficionado  who  though  Smith  couldn’t  help
            with Scott and wife Diane —  turns it on his head — it was  High  School  only  to  realize  is now the hottest golfer on  but laugh when asked at what
            huddled together just outside  Scott who served as the stay-  he missed playing basketball  the planet.             point he finally relaxed.
            Butler  Cabin  to  celebrate  a  at-home  dad  while  Diane  too much. So it was back to
            jet-fueled rise to the top that  worked  —  he  doesn’t  see  it  the  basketball  team  the  fol-  The family bonds extend be-  There’s  time  to  exhale,  but
            really wasn’t that jet-fueled at  as revolutionary or strange or  lowing year.         yond Team Scheffler.         not much. In early February,
            all.                         uncommon.                                                                              Scheffler  was  still  searching
                                                                      Yet  Scottie  was  hardly  the  Randy Smith, the PGA Hall  for his first PGA Tour win. In
            There  were  the  days  back  Maybe, but someone had to  only  athlete  in  the  fam-  of  Fame  pro,  has  worked  early April, he’s on the kind
            in  north  New  Jersey  when  get Team Scheffler to all those  ily.  Callie  Scheffler  played  with  Scottie  for  years,  and  of run that he couldn’t have
            the  Scheffler  kids  were  in-  sporting  events.  Youth  golf  at  Texas  A&M  and  served  Rick’s  son  Blake  is  Schef-  imagined while drilling putts
            troduced to  the game.  They  tournaments.  High  school  as  Scottie’s  caddie  when  he  fler’s agent. Blake and Scot-  into the north Jersey nights,
            moved  to  Dallas  when  Di-  basketball  practices.  The  list  qualified  for  the  2016  U.S.  tie met soon after the Schef-  hardly  worried  about  where
            ane  switched  law  firms  as  a  is seemingly endless. The fact  Open at Oakmont as an ama-  flers  joined  Royal  Oaks  and  the putt went, who it hit, or
            chief operating officer. They  it was dad doing most of the  teur, and Molly and Sara are  the two would play together  whether  mom  or  dad  was
            quickly decided to join Royal  driving hardly mattered.   players, too.                when they could. That rela-  one driving them home.

             Warriors’ Thompson carrying vintage form

                                       into the playoffs

            (AP) — Klay Thompson’s  jury,  Thompson  has  scored  we  want  to  keep  going,  be-
            form  is  now  the  least  of  30 or more in three straight  cause  I’m  still  juts  scratch-
            Golden State’s worries.      games.  Since  Jan.  9,  when  ing the surface of what I can
                                         he resumed a career derailed  become.”  In  New  Orleans,
            “The  proof  is  on  the  court  more  than  two  seasons  by  Thompson  looked  like  the
            just  what  he’s  looked  like  successive knee and Achilles  sharp-shooter  who  could
            over  the  last  couple  weeks,”  injuries, Thompson has aver-  single-handedly  take  over  a
            Warriors  coach  Steve  Kerr  aged 20 points per game over  game.
            said after Thompson poured  32 games.
            in  a  season-high  41  points                            He scored 21 first-half points
            in a 128-107 victory in New  “I pat myself on the back be-  to  stake  Golden  State  to  a
            Orleans  on  Sunday  night  to  cause  when  you  go  through  20-point  halftime  lead.  And  course, 3s — seven of them.  ditioning. Early on, he want-
            end the regular season. “He’s  the  injuries  I  did,  there’s  when  New  Orleans  tried  to                       ed  everything  back  so  badly
            been  in  a  great  groove  now,  some  really  slow  days,”  make a game of it late in the  Kerr said the scoring display  he was forcing the issue, and
            so it’s a really good sign.”  Thompson said. “There’s so  third quarter, Thompson re-  Thompson  has  put  on  re-  it’s  just  been  really  fun  to
                                         many  tedious  exercises  and  turned to put it away with 15  cently  “doesn’t  surprise  me,  watch him settle in.”
            Thompson’s  recent  play  is  just  building  up  your  mus-  points in a five-minute span  actually, because it’s Klay.”
            among  main  reasons  the  cles again to do what you love  early in the fourth quarter.                             Just  in  time  for  the  third-
            Warriors  are  heading  into  is a challenge — something I                             “He’s  one  of  the  greatest  seeded Warriors’ first playoff
            the  playoffs  on  a  five-game  never had to do before. So, to  His  scoring  came  on  every-  shooters  of  all  time,”  Kerr  series in three seasons. They
            winning  streak.  With  fellow  do it twice and come out and  thing  from  driving  reverse  continued.   “The   biggest  open  their  first-round  series
            “Splash  Brother”  Stephen  average (20 points) is inspir-  layups and floaters to pull-up  thing  is  he’s  just  found  his  at  home  against  Denver  on
            Curry sidelined by a foot in-  ing for myself and just makes  jumpers, turnarounds and, of  rhythm. He’s gotten his con-  Saturday night.
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