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                                                                                         world news Diamars 12 aPriL 2022

                       IS supporter found guilty of killing UK lawmaker David Amess

            (AP)  —  A  jury  deliber-
            ated  for  just  18  minutes                                                                                        Little  said  Ali  bought  the
            Monday  before  finding  a                                                                                          knife  used  to  attack  Amess
            fervent Islamic State sup-                                                                                          five years earlier, and that Ali
            porter  guilty  of  stabbing                                                                                        tricked his way into meeting
            lawmaker  David  Amess                                                                                              Amess  by  pretending  to  be
            to  death  a  slaying  that                                                                                         one of his constituents.
            shocked  the  nation  and
            sparked calls for increased                                                                                         Amess, 69, had been a mem-
            police protection for poli-                                                                                         ber of Parliament since 1983.
            ticians.                                                                                                            He was pronounced dead at
                                                                                                                                the scene after the stabbing.
            Ali Harbi Ali, 26, was found
            guilty  by  London’s  Central                                                                                       The  prosecutor  also  said
            Criminal  Court  of  murder                                                                                         that  Ali  had  researched  and
            and  preparing  terrorist  acts.                                                                                    planned  attacks  on  lawmak-
            Ali stabbed the veteran Brit-                                                                                       ers and the Parliament build-
            ish  lawmaker  to  death  last                                                                                      ing  from  at  least  2019.  The
            year  while  he  was  meeting                                                                                       research included reconnais-
            with voters at a church hall in                                                                                     sance  trips  targeting  work
            eastern England.                                                                                                    and  home  addresses  of  two
                                                                                                                                other lawmakers, Mike Freer
            Ali, who had spent years re-                                                                                        and  Cabinet  member  Mi-
            searching  and  planning  po-                                                                                       chael Gove, he added.
            tential attacks on lawmakers,
            had  defended  his  actions  by                                                                                     The slaying of Amess shook
            saying Amess deserved to die  mali  heritage,  had  denied  “nothing  less  than  an  assas-  by  that  young  man  who  for  the nation, as lawmakers of-
            as  a  result  of  voting  for  air-  charges  of  murder  and  pre-  sination” carried out because  many  years  had  been  plan-  ten  meet  directly  with  the
            strikes on Syria in 2014 and  paring acts of terrorism.   of a “warped and twisted and  ning just such an attack and  public. It came five years af-
            2015.                                                     violent ideology.”           who  was,  and  is,  a  commit-  ter Labour Party lawmaker Jo
                                         Opening the trial, prosecutor                             ted,  fanatical,  radicalized  Is-  Cox was shot and stabbed to
            Ali, a London man with So-   Tom Little said the case was  “It was a murder carried out  lamist terrorist,” he said.  death by a far-right extremist.

                        Mariupol mayor says siege has killed more than 10K civilians

            (AP)  —  The  mayor  of  storage  facilities  and  refrig-  forces  in  the  Donbas  region
            the  Ukrainian  port  city  erators, Boychenko said.      since 2014, and have declared
            of Mariupol said  Monday                                  independent  states.  A  major
            that  more  than  10,000  ci-  “Mobile  crematoriums  have  confrontation  between  the
            vilians  have  died  in  the  arrived in the form of trucks:  two  countries’  fighters  in
            Russian  siege  of  his  city,  You  open  it,  and  there  is  a  Donbas  would  allow  Rus-
            and  that  the  death  toll  pipe inside and these bodies  sia to try to use its numbers
            could  surpass  20,000,  as  are burned,” he said.        and greater military might to
            weeks  of  attacks  and  pri-                             capture more territory there.
            vation leave the bodies of  Boychenko  spoke  from  a  Western  military  strategists
            Mariupol’s  people  “car-    location  in  Ukrainian-con-  say Russia also hopes to force
            peted through the streets.”  trolled  territory  but  outside  Ukrainian  fighters  out  into
                                         Mariupol.  The  mayor  said  the  open  in  more  conven-
            Speaking  by  phone  Monday  he had several sources for his  tional battles in the east, rath-
            with  The  Associated  Press,  description  of  the  allegedly  er  than  the  successful  hit-
            Mayor  Vadym  Boychenko  methodic burning of corpses  and-run  attacks  Ukrainian
            also  accused  Russian  forces  by Russian forces in the city  fighters have often employed
            of  having  blocked  weeks  of  but gave few further details.  so far.
            thwarted  humanitarian  con-                              Russia  has  appointed  a  sea-  discuss internal U.S. military  churchyard resumed.
            voys  into  the  city  in  an  at-  The discovery of large num-  soned  general  to  lead  its  re-  assessments.
            tempt to conceal the carnage  bers  of  apparently  executed  newed  push  in  the  eastern                         Galyna  Feoktistova  waited
            there from the outside world.  civilians after Russian forces  Donbas region.          With their offensive in many  for hours in the cold and rain
                                         retreated  from  cities  around                           parts  of  the  country  thwart-  in  hopes  of  identifying  her
            Mariupol has been cut off by  the capital, Kyiv, this month  A  senior  U.S.  defense  offi-  ed, Russian forces have relied  50-year-old  son,  who  was
            Russian  attacks  that  began  already has given rise to wide-  cial said Monday that a long  increasingly  on  bombarding  shot  and  killed  more  than
            soon after Russian President  spread charges from Ukraini-  Russian convoy is now roll-  cities  —  a  strategy  that  has  a  month  ago,  but  eventu-
            Vladimir Putin launched the  ans and the West that Russia  ing toward the eastern city of  flattened  many  urban  areas  ally she went home for some
            invasion  of  Ukraine  in  late  is committing war crimes in  Izyum with artillery, aviation  and killed thousands of peo-  warmth.  “He’s  still  there,”
            February,  and  has  suffered  Ukraine.                   and  infantry  support,  appar-  ple.                     her  surviving  son,  Andriy,
            some  of  the  most  brutal  as-                          ently for the looming offen-                              said.
            saults of the war. Boychenko  Elsewhere Monday, U.S. of-  sive.                        Ukrainian authorities accuse
            gave new details of recent al-  ficials  pointed  to  new  indi-                       Russian forces of committing  In  Mariupol,  about  120,000
            legations  by  Ukrainian  offi-  cations that Russia’s military  More  artillery  is  being  de-  atrocities,  including  a  mas-  civilians  are  in  dire  need  of
            cials that Russian forces have  is gearing up for a major of-  ployed  near  the  city  of  sacre  in  the  town  of  Bucha,  food,  water,  warmth  and
            brought  mobile  cremation  fensive  in  Ukraine’s  eastern  Donetsk, while ground com-  outside  Kyiv,  airstrikes  on  communications,  the  mayor
            equipment  to  Mariupol  to  Donbas  region,  switching  bat units that withdrew from  hospitals and a missile attack  said.
            dispose of the corpses of vic-  its focus after Russian forces  around the Kyiv and Cherni-  that killed at least 57 people
            tims of the siege.           failed in their initial drive to  hiv areas appear destined for  last week at a train station.  Only  those  residents  who
                                         capture Kyiv.                refitting and resupplying be-                             have passed the Russian “fil-
            Russian  forces  have  taken                              fore they position in Donbas,  In  Bucha  on  Monday,  the  tration  camps”  are  released
            many bodies to a huge shop-  Moscow-backed  separatists  said  the  official,  who  spoke  work  of  exhuming  bod-  from  the  city,  Boychenko
            ping  center  where  there  are  have been battling Ukrainian  on condition of anonymity to  ies  from  a  mass  grave  in  a  said.
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