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A30     world news
                      Diamars 12 aPriL 2022

                           Sharif sworn in as Pakistan’s new PM after week of drama

            (AP) — Pakistan’s parlia-                                                              China  is  heavily  invested  in  ma Papers — a collection of
            ment  on  Monday  elect-                                                               Pakistan  in  its  multibillion-  leaked secret financial docu-
            ed  opposition  lawmaker                                                               dollar global initiative to link  ments showing how some of
            Shahbaz Sharif as the new                                                              south and central Asia to Bei-  the world’s richest hide their
            prime  minister,  following                                                            jing.                        money and involving a global
            a week of political turmoil                                                                                         law  firm  based  in  Panama.
            that  led  to  the  weekend                                                            Pakistan’s  longtime  rival  In-  He  was  disqualified  from
            ouster  of  Premier  Imran                                                             dia  also  sent  congratulations  holding  office  by  the  Su-
            Khan.                                                                                  to Sharif, with Indian Prime  preme Court.
                                                                                                   Minister  Narendra  Modi
            Sharif took the oath of office                                                         saying  his  country  “desires  Asif  Ali  Zardari,  Bhutto’s
            inside the stately, white mar-                                                         peace and stability.” The two  husband who served as presi-
            ble palace known as the Pres-                                                          countries  have  fought  three  dent of Pakistan after the 2008
            idency in a brief ceremony.                                                            wars,  coming  dangerously  election, has spent more than
                                                                                                   close  to  a  fourth  over  the  seven  years  in  prison,  con-
            But his elevation won’t guar-                                                          disputed  Himalayan  region  victed on corruption charges.
            antee a peaceful path forward                                                          of Kashmir, which is divided
            or  solve  the  country’s  many  coalition partner.       his ouster.                  between the two and claimed  Khan came to power in 2018,
            economic  problems,  includ-                                                           by both.                     promising  to  break  the  pat-
            ing high inflation and a soar-  In  a  show  of  strength  and  a  Khan  has  demanded  early                       tern  of  family  rule  in  Paki-
            ing energy crisis.           precursor to the political un-  elections  —  the  balloting  is  The  opposition  coalition  stan,  but  his  opponents  said
                                         certainty ahead, Khan rallied  not due before August 2023.  consists  of  parties  that  cross  he  was  elected  with  help
            Sharif,  the  brother  of  dis-  hundreds  of  thousands  of  He  has  tapped  into  anti-  the political divide, from the  from  the  powerful  military,
            graced former Prime Minis-   supporters  in  protests  Sun-  American sentiment in Paki-  left to the radically religious.  which has ruled the country
            ter  Nawaz  Sharif,  won  with  day night, describing the new  stan,  accusing  Washington  The  two  largest  parties  are  for half of its 75-year history.
            174 votes after more than 100  leadership  as  an  “imposed  of  conspiring  with  his  op-  the Pakistan Muslim League,
            lawmakers from Khan’s Paki-  government”  that  colluded  ponents to topple him. That  headed  by  Sharif,  and  the  Nawaz Sharif was also ousted
            stan Tehreek-e-Insaf, or Pak-  with  the  U.S.  to  oust  him.  conspiracy  theory  resonates  Pakistan  People’s  Party,  co-  in  1999,  in  a  military  coup,
            istan  Justice  Party,  resigned  His  backers  marched  in  cit-  with his youthful base, which  chaired by the son and hus-  and  Benazir  Bhutto’s  gov-
            and  walked  out  of  the  Na-  ies  across  Pakistan,  waving  often  sees  the  U.S.  war  on  band of Benazir Bhutto, the  ernment  was  ousted  several
            tional Assembly in protest.  large party flags and shouted  terrorism after 9/11 as unfair-  former  prime  minister  who  times after the military sided
                                         slogans  promising  to  return  ly targeting Pakistan.    was killed in 2007.          with her opposition. In Paki-
            Those 174 votes — two more  him  to  power.  The  crowds                                                            stani  politics,  where  loyal-
            than the required simple ma-  were  dominated  by  youths  Khan claims Washington op-  A few wealthy and powerful  ties are often fluid, Bhutto’s
            jority  —  are  enough  to  pass  who  make  up  the  backbone  poses him because of his in-  families have dominated Pak-  fiercest   opposition   often
            laws in the 342-seat assembly.  of Khan’s supporters.     dependent foreign policy fa-  istan’s  politics  for  decades,  came from Sharif’s party.
            If  Khan’s  followers  take  to                           voring China and Russia. He  with  power  most  often  al-
            the streets, as he has vowed,  The  political  drama  began  was  criticized  for  a  visit  he  ternating between the Sharif  Shahbaz  Sharif  has  served
            it could create more pressure  April  3  when  Khan  side-  made on Feb. 24 to Moscow,  and the Bhutto camps. Both  three times as chief minister
            on lawmakers and deepen the  stepped  an  initial  no-confi-  where he met with President  political houses have been ac-  of  Pakistan’s  largest,  most
            crisis.                      dence vote demanded by the  Vladimir  Putin  as  Russian  cused of and at times convict-  influential  Punjab  province,
                                         opposition by dissolving par-  tanks rolled into Ukraine.  ed of widespread corruption.  home  to  60%  of  the  coun-
            Khan,  a  former  cricket  star  liament and calling early elec-                       They have dismissed the al-  try’s 220 million people. His
            whose  conservative  Islamist  tions. The opposition, which  The  U.S.  State  Department  legations  as  being  politically  son, Hamza, was elected last
            ideology  and  dogged  inde-  accuses  Khan  of  economic  has  denied  any  involvement  motivated.                week as the new chief min-
            pendence  characterized  his  mismanagement,    appealed  in Pakistan’s internal politics.                          ister by the Punjab provincial
            three years and eight months  to the Supreme Court. After                              Nawaz  Sharif  was  unseated  parliament,  ousting  Khan’s
            in  office,  was  ousted  early  four days of deliberations, the  China,  which  is  Pakistan’s  by  the  Supreme  Court  in  nominee.  Khan’s  party  is
            Sunday.  He  lost  a  no-confi-  court  said  Khan’s  move  was  key  ally  and  investor,  said  2015  after  being  convicted  challenging that election, and
            dence vote after being desert-  illegal and the no-confidence  Monday  it  would  support  of  financial  irregularities  re-  the younger Sharif has yet to
            ed by his party allies and a key  vote  went  ahead,  leading  to  any government.     vealed in the so-called Pana-  be sworn in.

                          UK sanctions 2 Bosnian-Serb leader for undermining peace

            (AP) — Britain sanctioned  “These  two  politicians  are  ment  on  Monday  imposed  ment established two separate  graft and bribery.
            two leading Bosnian-Serb  deliberately undermining the  its  own  sanctions  on  seven  governing  entities  in  Bosnia
            politicians  Monday,  ac-    hard  won  peace  in  Bosnia  more people from the West-  — one run by Bosnia’s Serbs  Cvijanovic,  the  president  of
            cusing  them  of  encour-    and  Herzegovina,  Truss  said  ern  Balkans.  Dodik  has  for  and  the  other  controlled  by  Republika  Srpska,  the  Serb
            aging  ethnic  hatred  and  in  a  statement.  “Encouraged  years  advocated  separating  the  country’s  Bosniaks  and  entity,  has  proposed  legisla-
            jeopardizing  the  peace  by  Putin,  their  reckless  be-  the  Bosnian  Serb  mini-state  Croats.                 tion to transfer powers from
            accord that ended the civil  havior threatens stability and  from the federation and unit-                          the  national  government  to
            war in Bosnia-Herzegovi-     security  across  the  Western  ing it with neighboring Ser-  The  two  entities  are  linked  her  mini-state,  British  au-
            na more than 25 years ago.   Balkans.                     bia.  He  is  the  Bosnian  Serb  by  joint  institutions,  and  all  thorities  said.  She  has  also
                                                                      member of Bosnia’s tripartite  actions  taken  at  a  national  glorified  war  criminals  and
            Milorad  Dodik  and  Zeljka  U.K. authorities say the pair  presidency,  which  also  in-  level  have  to  be  reached  by  denied acts of genocide dur-
            Cvijanovic  will  be  hit  with  have  have  used  their  posi-  cludes representatives of the  consensus  among  the  three  ing the civil war, they said.
            asset  freezes  and  travel  bans  tions to push for the de facto  Bosnian  Muslim  and  Croat  ethnic groups.
            in the first sanctions the U.K.  secession  of  Republika  Srp-  communities.                                       The top international official
            has  leveled  in  Bosnia.  For-  ska  —  one  of  two  semi-au-                        U.S.  authorities  had  previ-  in Bosnia, Christian Schmidt,
            eign Secretary Liz Truss said  tonomous regions that com-  Secession  would  violate  the  ously   sanctioned   Dodik,  described the decision to im-
            Russian  President  Vladimir  prise the federation of Bosnia  Dayton  Accords,  the  1995  accusing  him  of  “corrupt  pose sanctions on Dodik and
            Putin’s  invasion  of  Ukraine  and Herzegovina — in direct  U.S.-sponsored  agreement  activities”  that  threaten  to  Cvijanovic  as  “reasonable”
            had  emboldened  the  pair  to  contravention  of  the  coun-  that  ended  Bosnia’s  civil  destabilize  the  region.  The  and thanked the British gov-
            further  erode  the  interna-  try’s constitution.        war, which killed more than  Americans allege that he used  ernment for its commitment
            tional  rules  based  system  in                          100,000 people and left mil-  his leadership position to ac-  to Bosnia’s stability and secu-
            the Western Balkans.         The  U.S.  Treasury  Depart-  lions  homeless.  The  agree-  cumulate  wealth  through  rity.
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