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A32    sports
                   Diaranson 28 aPriL 2021

                        PSG striker Mbappé fit to face Man City in Champions League

                                                                      playing in the first leg at Parc  he has never felt so happy in  for my team, I like to win the
                                                                      des  Princes.  However,  the  Paris  since  he  joined  from  Champions  League.  That’s
                                                                      22-year-old  Mbappé  will  be  Barcelona in 2017.         the  most  important  thing.
                                                                      in  the  squad  for  the  match                           In the future, I will need to
                                                                      against City, with PSG coach  “I  have  already  talked  about  remember  that  I  have  man-
                                                                      Mauricio  Pochettino  saying  it. It’s not really a topic right  aged to win this Champions
                                                                      Tuesday  that  left  back  Juan  now, my contract is still run-  League  once,  twice,  maybe
                                                                      Bernat and reserve goalkeep-  ning for two years,” Neymar  three times."
                                                                      er Alexandre Letellier are the  said.  “But  what  I’d  like  you
                                                                      only players missing.        to know is I really feel great, I  Neymar has already won Eu-
                                                                                                   feel happy about this season.  rope's  biggest  tournament
                                                                      Mbappé,  one  of  the  world’s  By far, I have been the most  with  Barcelona  but  has  yet
                                                                      most  talented  players,  has  happy this season."        to  claim  the  coveted  trophy
                                                                      scored eight goals in this sea-                           with PSG, which lost to Bay-
                                                                      son’s  Champions  League,  Neymar  went  through  an-     ern  in  last  year's  final.  Like
                                                                      second only to the 10 netted  other  injury-hit  season  but  PSG, City is lacking Cham-
                                                                      by Borussia Dortmund strik-  has been back to his best re-  pions  League  pedigree,  hav-
            (AP) — Kylian Mbappé is  nor thigh injury and is fit for  er Erling Haaland.           cently,  helping  his  team  get  ing  reached  the  semifinals
            fit. Neymar is happy.        the clash between two of the                              past  defending  champion  this year only for the second
                                         most  potent  attacking  sides  “Mbappé is a great player, he  Bayern Munich in the previ-  time  after  making  it  to  the
            With its pair of strikers feel-  in  Europe,  both  chasing  a  scores a lot. What I wish for  ous round.           last four in 2016.
            ing well, Paris Saint-Germain  maiden  Champions  League  him is he can reach the high-
            couldn’t  be  in  much  bet-  trophy.                     est level he can and be very  “Today my main objective is  “This is the second time we
            ter  shape  heading  into  the                            successful,” Neymar said be-  the  Champions  League,  not  have got to the semifinals, so
            Champions  League  semifi-   Mbappé  came  off  with  the  fore reflecting on his own sit-  the  Ballon  d’Or,"  Neymar  there is not much history for
            nals against Manchester City  injury near the end of PSG’s  uation in the French capital.  said  when  asked  about  his  our club here," City manager
            on Wednesday.                3-1  win  at  Metz  in  the                               personal  ambitions.  “That’s  Pep  Guardiola  said,  "but  we
                                         French  league  on  Saturday,  Neymar, who has yet to ex-  not  my  main  priority.  Cur-  will start to build it.”
            Mbappé has shaken off a mi-  jeopardizing  his  chances  of  tend his deal with PSG, said  rently,  I  want  to  be  a  leader

                                                                                                    Israeli soccer referee comes

                                                                                                     out as transgender woman

                                                                                                   (AP)  —  An  Israeli  soc-   Last  week,  Caitlyn  Jenner
                                                                                                   cer  referee  has  come  out  —  an  Olympic  hero,  reality
                                                                                                   as transgender and is liv-   TV personality and transgen-
                                                                                                   ing  —  and  enforcing  the  der  rights  activist  —  joined
                                                                                                   rules of the game — as a  a  growing  list  of  candidates
                                                                                                   woman.                       seeking  to  oust  California
                                                                                                                                Gov.  Gavin  Newsom  from
                                                                                                   Sapir  Berman  announced  office.
                                                                                                   Tuesday she has received the
                                                                                                   support of her family, the lo-  Berman  is  not  the  world’s
                                                                                                   cal referees' union and Israeli  first transgender soccer refer-
                                                                                                   and  international  soccer  of-  ee. In 2018, a British referee
                                                                                                   ficials. She said even players  named  Nick  Clark  report-
                                                                                                   and  fans  have  begun  to  ad-  edly came out as Lucy Clark,
                                                                                                   dress  her  as  a  woman,  even  hoping  to  become  a  “game-
                                                                                                   if they  don't always like  her  changer.”
                                                                                                   calls on the field.
                                                                                                                                Israel  has  a  reputation  for
                                                                                                   “I  always  saw  myself  as  a  having  tolerant  attitudes  to-
                                                                                                   woman,  from  a  young  age,”  ward gays. Tel Aviv is host to
                                                                                                   Berman,  whose  birth  name  one of the world's largest gay
                                                                                                   was “Sagi,” told reporters.  pride parades each year. But
                                                                                                                                some of Israel's soccer pow-
                                                                                                   “I  realized  society  will  not  erhouses are located in com-
                                                                                                   accept me, will not be on my  munities where attitudes are
                                                                                                   side, so I continued like this  more conservative.
                                                                                                   for nearly 26 years," she said.
                                                                                                   Six months ago, "I decided to  Berman has been a referee in
                                                                                                   come  out  and  to  show  who  Israeli soccer for a decade and
                                                                                                   I  am,  first  of  all  to  myself,  is now a judge in the coun-
                                                                                                   for my soul,” she said with a  try's  most  elite  division,  the
                                                                                                   smile.  Berman  began  living  Israeli Premier League.
                                                                                                   as  a  woman  visually  about
                                                                                                   three months ago.            Berman said there are already
                                                                                                                                players who address her as a
                                                                                                   Berman's  decision  comes  at  woman, and at a recent youth
                                                                                                   a  time  when  gay  and  trans-  match  an  angry  parent  used
                                                                                                   gender  people  are  achieving  Hebrew's  feminine  gender
                                                                                                   higher  profiles  and  accep-  when  complaining  about  a
                                                                                                   tance  in  some  parts  of  the  call.
                                                                                                   world.                       “It shows me there's change
                                                                                                                                in society,” she said.
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