Page 29 - bon-dia-aruba-20210428
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                                                                                         world news Diaranson 28 aPriL 2021

                         Moscow court restricts Navalny's anti-corruption foundation

            (AP) — A Moscow court on Tues-
            day restricted the activities of an
            organization founded by impris-
            oned  opposition  leader  Alexei
            Navalny,  pending  a  decision  on
            whether it and his offices across
            Russia should be outlawed as ex-
            tremist groups.

            The  ruling  on  the  Foundation  for
            Fighting Corruption by the Moscow
            City  Court  was  another  step  in  the
            sweeping crackdown on Navalny, his
            allies and his political infrastructure.

            The  Moscow  prosecutor’s  office
            had petitioned the court to label the
            foundation and Navalny's network of
            regional  offices  as  extremist  groups
            and effectively outlaw their activities.
            Such  a  move  would  expose  mem-
            bers and supporters to lengthy prison

            If  the  court  grants  the  request,  it
            would  be  a  crippling  blow  to  the
            beleaguered  team  of  Navalny,  who
            is  President  Vladimir  Putin's  most
            prominent  critic.  Navalny  has  been  One of its latest posts, which has re-  get authorities to have his doctor see  ban  the  activities  of  these  organiza-
            behind bars since January, and many  ceived 116 million views, alleges that  him at the penal colony. Instead, they  tions,” he said.
            of  his  aides  and  associates  were  ar-  a lavish palace on the Black Sea shore  moved him to another prison with a
            rested or face criminal charges.    was built for Putin through an elabo-  hospital ward. According to his phy-  Authorities  in  Moscow,  meanwhile,
                                                rate corruption scheme. The Krem-   sicians,  his  health  had  deteriorated  continued their clampdown on peo-
            On  Monday,  the  prosecutor's  office  lin has denied there are any links to  significantly after he refused food for  ple in connection with the April 21
            issued  an  injunction  ordering  Na-  Putin.                           more than three weeks. He ended the  demonstration in support of Navalny.
            valny's  offices  in  dozens  of  Russian                               fast after undergoing tests and exami-  Police didn't interfere with thousands
            regions to suspend their activities, af-  Along with the foundation, Navalny  nations in a civilian hospital and get-  of  protesters  who  marched  in  the
            ter which they effectively shut down.  set up a network of regional offices in  ting a warning from his doctors that  central streets of the capital, but they
            Tuesday's court ruling on the founda-  dozens of regions when he was cam-  his life was at risk.            arrested people in the days that fol-
            tion  barred  it  from  performing  cer-  paigning to run against Putin in the                              lowed instead.
            tain  activities,  and  Navalny's  allies  2018 presidential election. He even-  In  an  emotional  message  posted  to
            argued it wouldn't affect the founda-  tually  was  barred  from  running  but  his  Instagram  account  Tuesday,  Na-  Sergei Davidis, member of the Me-
            tion's work.                        kept the infrastructure in place.   valny thanked all the medical workers  morial human rights group, was or-
                                                                                    he has encountered in the past year  dered jailed for 10 days by a Moscow
            Ivan Pavlov, a lawyer for the founda-  The  regional  sites  began  their  own  — from those who treated him after  court  on  Tuesday  for  retweeting  a
            tion,  said  it  is  no  longer  allowed  to  investigations  of  graft  by  local  of-  the poisoning to nurses in the pris-  post ahead of the protest. Davidis was
            use the media or the internet to dis-  ficials  and  recruited  activists,  some  on  hospital.  “After  all,  I  understand  detained Sunday.
            tribute content or to organize rallies  of  whom  later  ran  for  public  office  they're (acting) within limits imposed
            and public events, participate in elec-  themselves. The locations also were  by their superiors, and in turn by the  Police  also  briefly  detained  two  re-
            tions or use bank deposits.         instrumental  in  organizing  nation-  Kremlin.  But  I  am  seeing  now  that  porters  who  covered  the  Moscow
                                                wide  rallies  in  support  of  Navalny  people are genuinely trying to help,”  protest  who  had  to  give  statements
            Such  restrictions  won't  disrupt  the  this year.                     he said.                            about their work. Officers visited two
            foundation's work, said director Ivan                                                                       other journalists to discuss what they
            Zhdanov, arguing that most of the re-  Navalny was arrested in January upon  The foundation and the regional of-  did at the rally.
            strictions don't apply to the anti-cor-  returning  from  Germany,  where  he  fices  have  been  targeted  regularly
            ruption organization's activities.  spent five months recovering from a  with  raids,  fines  and  detentions  of  Some  reports  have  suggested  Mos-
                                                nerve agent poisoning that he blames  activists  before,  but  Navalny's  allies  cow  authorities  used  facial  recogni-
            “Some nonsense,” Zhdanov tweeted.  on  the  Kremlin  —  accusations  that  say the extremism petition takes the  tion technology to identify and detain
            “(These)  aren't  going  to  influence  Russian officials reject.       pressure to a new level.            those  who  attended  the  demonstra-
            our work in any way.”                                                                                       tion.  Amnesty  International  con-
                                                His  arrest  triggered  protests  across  It remains unclear what evidence the  demned  the  reported  use  of  facial
            Still,  Pavlov  said  he  will  appeal  the  Russia that proved to be the biggest  prosecutor's office has against Naval-  recognition to target protesters.
            court's decision to impose the restric-  show  of  defiance  in  years.  But  they  ny's  organizations  because  all  court
            tions.                              didn’t  stop  authorities  from  putting  proceedings  are  taking  place  behind  “Previously the protesters’ main risk
                                                Navalny  on  trial  for  violating  the  closed  doors,  and  some  of  the  case  was being beaten and arbitrarily de-
            “It seems to me that the court hastily  terms of a suspended sentence while  files have been classified as secret.  tained by police at a rally," said Nata-
            considered and sustained this motion  he  was  in  Germany.  The  sentence                                  lia Zviagina, Amnesty International’s
            of  the  prosecutor's  office,”  Pavlov  stemmed from a 2014 embezzlement  The defense team has been reviewing  Moscow office director. "As of now,
            told  The  Associated  Press,  referring  conviction that Navalny has charac-  the  files  since  Monday,  and  Pavlov  avoiding  this  fate  does  not  mean
            to the motion that was filed Monday.  terized  as  politically  motivated.  He  told the AP they have not yet figured  that you can feel safe -– the repres-
                                                was ordered to serve 2½ years in pris-  out exactly what implicates Navalny's  sive state knows who you are and can
            Navalny’s foundation started 10 years  on and last month was transferred to  groups.                        come for you at any point."
            ago and has alleged high-ranking gov-  a penal colony notorious for its harsh
            ernment officials are corrupt by post-  conditions.                     “So  far  (the  authorities)  have  been  She added that “the risk of attempting
            ing colorful and widely watched vid-                                    trying to impress us with the quantity  to exercise your right to freedom of
            eos on social media platforms such as  Navalny  said  he  developed  severe  and  not  the  quality  of  the  evidence  peaceful assembly has never been so
            YouTube.                            back pain and numbness in his limbs  the  prosecutor's  office  uses  to  sub-  high in Russia.”
                                                and began a hunger strike in order to  stantiate its demand to liquidate and
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