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                                                                                                       sports Diaranson 28 aPriL 2021

                              Essential Quality is 2-1 favorite for the Kentucky Derby

             (AP) — Essential Quality  Charlie drew 8-1 odds as the  The  Eclipse  Award-winner
            is the 2-1 morning line fa-  fourth choice from the No. 9  will  also  saddle  Mandaloun
            vorite and will start from  slot.                         from  the  No.  7  as  a  15-1
            the No. 14 post for Satur-                                choice in his Derby debut.
            day’s 147th Kentucky Der-    The obvious focus in on Es-
            by at Churchill Downs.       sential  Quality,  the  reigning  Unbeaten Rock Your World,
                                         2-year-old  champion  who  trained by John Sadler, comes
            The  $3  million,  1  1/4-mile  enters the Run for the Roses  in 3-0 following a 4¼-length
            marquee race for 3-year-colts  5-0. His haul of graded stakes  victory  in  the  Santa  Anita
            is back on the first Saturday  victories  includes  a  gutsy  Derby.
            of May after being delayed to  Blue Grass victory at Keenel-
            Labor  Day  weekend  last  fall  and on April 3 that vaulted the  Known  Agenda  leads  Todd
            because  of  the  coronavirus  gray son of Tapit to the top of  Pletcher’s  four-horse  con-
            pandemic.  The  race  is  ex-  the Derby standings with 140  tingent  that  includes  Bour-
            pected  to  be  viewed  in-per-  points and cemented him as  bonic, who drew the outside
            son by 45,000 spectators.    the projected favorite.      No.  20  post;  Dynamic  One
                                                                      (No.  11,  20-1  odds)  and
            Rock  Your  World  is  the  5-1  He’s  one  of  two  entries  Sainthood (No. 5, 50-1). The
            second choice from the No.  trained  by  Brad  Cox,  who  chestnut colt has won two of  Hot Rod Charlie’s post draw  gate. Trainer Doug O’Neill’s
            15 slot with Known Agenda  grew  up  a  few  blocks  from  three  starts  this  season  and  in the middle brought a loud  colt won the Louisiana Derby
            the  6-1  third  choice  de-  Churchill Downs and is try-  has three wins, a second and  cheer  from  his  contingent  by two lengths and was sec-
            spite  drawing  the  rail  in  the  ing to become the first Lou-  a third in six career starts.  as  the  colt  avoided  being  ond to Essential Quality with
            20-horse  field.  Hot  Rod  isville native to win the race.                            bunched  inside  out  of  the  110 Derby points.

                           WVU's Derek Culver signs with agent, will enter NBA draft

                                         11  double-doubles  this  past  to UNLV. Guards Taz Sher-  McBride  have  announced  process  and  leave  open  the
                                         season, but none over his fi-  man, Sean McNeil and Miles  they will enter the NBA draft  option of returning to school.
                                         nal seven games.

                                         West Virginia's roster has seen
                                         an extensive makeover since
                                         the  Mountaineers  lost  to
            (AP) — All-Big 12 forward  Syracuse in the second round
            Derek Culver has decided  of the NCAA Tournament to
            to skip his senior season at  finish the season 19-10.
            West Virginia to enter the  Coach  Bob  Huggins  this
            NBA draft.                   month  announced  the  sign-
                                         ings of DePaul forward Pauly
            Culver  announced  Monday  Paulicap,  Florida  Interna-
            night  on  Instagram  that  he  tional  forward  Dimon  Car-
            has signed with an agent.    rigan,  and  Old  Dominion
            Culver was named to the all-  guard Malik Curry as gradu-
            Big 12 first team as a junior.  ate transfers.
            The  6-foot-10  Culver  was
            second on the Mountaineers  West  Virginia  forward  Em-
            with a scoring average of 14.3  mitt  Matthews  transferred
            and  led  the  Big  12  with  9.4  to  Washington,  while  guard
            rebounds per game. He had  Jordan  McCabe  transferred

                Boxer dies after injury in

              world youth championship


            (AP)  —  An  18-year-old  Rashed Al-Swaisat of Jordan,
            boxer  from  Jordan  has  who  had  been  admitted  to
            died  after being  seriously  hospital  on  April  16  further
            injured  in  a  bout  at  the  to his fight during the AIBA
            world  youth  champion-      Youth  World  Champion-
            ships,  the  International  ships,”  AIBA  said.  “Rashed
            Boxing  Association  said  is  in  our  hearts  and  in  our
            Tuesday.                     prayers.  Our  thoughts  are
                                         with  his  family,  friends  and
            Rashed Al-Swaisat was treat-  teammates, to whom we of-
            ed in the ring and then hos-  fer our sincere condolences.”
            pitalized after being knocked  AIBA  did  not  immediately
            out in his preliminary-round  provide  more  information
            light-heavyweight     fight  about  the  time  or  circum-
            against Estonian boxer Anton  stances of Al-Swaisat's death.
            Vinogradov  on  April  16  in  Polish  broadcaster  Radio
            Kielce, Poland.              Zet  Sport  reported  that  he
                                         died Monday at a hospital in
            “It is with deep sadness that  Kielce.
            we learned of the passing of
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