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A28 u.s. news
Diaranson 28 aPriL 2021
Cooling the temperature: Biden faces fractious Congress
unifying as opposed to just
having a go-it-alone strategy.”
Even Joe Wilson, who is still
in Congress, is encouraging
Biden to reach out across
party lines.
“Working across the aisle
is essential for Congress in
order to do what is best for
American families,” Wil-
son said in a statement. He
noted that he apologized to
Obama’s White House after
his 2009 outburst and has
proposed bipartisan legisla-
tion since.
Still, Wilson’s words a decade
ago were a harbinger of a
more partisan era on Capitol
Hill, which increasingly at-
tracts politicians more con-
cerned with fame than leg-
islation. Rude or outspoken
behavior is often rewarded
with popularity, TV appear-
ances and fundraising dollars.
Rooney, who was elected the
year before Wilson inter-
rupted Obama’s speech, said
that respectfully listening to
the president, no matter the
(AP) — Can lawmakers all Lawmakers in both parties of watching the speech on their policies are generally party, used to be the norm.
just listen to the president say Wednesday’s address to TV because “it sounds like popular, and the result, so He recalled that he would
— even for one night? Congress presents an oppor- Speaker Pelosi doesn’t want far, appears to be less resis- follow party leaders’ signals,
tunity for him to push past us to attend.” tance from GOP supporters. not even standing up to clap
Recent history is not assur- some of the antics and anger, An AP-NORC Center for unless they did.
ing. Republican Rep. Joe for a few hours at least. Other traditions have also Public Affairs poll in March
Wilson shouted “you lie!” been jettisoned for the ad- found that 60% of people “We’ve gone from extended
at President Barack Obama “I think the tension is high, dress. Lawmakers can't bring approve of Biden’s perfor- standing applause to out-
when he was giving a joint but the one person who can guests, removing one source mance on the economy, in- bursts where people might
speech to Congress in 2009. cool the temperature in the of drama and speculation. cluding a relatively strong be able to make news in
Eleven years later, Demo- room is Joe Biden,” espe- Nor will there be guests of 25% of Republicans. About the room themselves, and
cratic House Speaker Nancy cially if he reaches across the the first lady in the gallery, half of Republicans approve then raise money off that,”
Pelosi ripped up a copy of aisle, said former Rep. Tom depriving Biden of the ability of how Biden has handled Rooney said.
President Donald Trump’s Rooney of Florida, a Repub- to humanize his policy pro- the pandemic.
State of the Union speech as lican who retired two years posals and manufacture feel- Rep. Jim Himes, D-Conn.,
she stood behind him on the ago and has expressed frus- good moments. Because Biden’s team be- said the scene on the floor
House rostrum. tration about the decline of lieves the policies are popu- can feel tense, and “you sort
congressional decorum and Even if there is bad behav- lar, they’ve been more willing of wonder who’s going to
Partisan tensions have only civility. ior in the room, the White to invite public debate with do what next.” But he pre-
deepened on Capitol Hill House says the president’s Republicans. It can feel like a dicted this year’s speech will
since Pelosi’s defiant act last Biden’s first speech to Con- goal is to focus on the voters return to greater civility, even be calmer, not only because
year, which came days before gress — called an “address to outside the Capitol. if Republicans are still grum- of the reduced numbers, but
the Senate acquitted Trump a joint session of Congress” bling about his proposals. because Biden is different
in his first impeachment trial. instead of a “State of the “It’ll look different, but from than his predecessors.
Since then, the U.S. Capitol Union,” as is customary in a his vantage point it still is an David Barker, director of
has been through the Jan. 6 president’s first year — will opportunity to speak directly American University’s Cen- While Trump was combat-
insurrection, a second im- already be unlike any other, to the American people,” ter for Congressional and ive and Obama was often
peachment of Trump and an- as attendance will be limited press secretary Jen Psaki told Presidential Studies, said cerebral, Himes said, Biden
other acquittal. due to COVID-19 safety reporters Monday. “We are Biden’s speech may not move connects well with others in
protocols. looking for ways to engage policy, but “it may help him a way that could potentially
Trust between the parties, with the American public, with a few voters around the “transcend partisanship and
and between members them- With the House out of ses- whether it’s through viewing edges, putting Republicans calm tempers” in Congress.
selves, has cratered as Joe sion for the week, many, if parties or ways to communi- in swing districts in a bit of a
Biden prepares to address the not most, House Republi- cate about what the president squeeze" to explain why they “I honestly believe the best
House and the Senate for the cans are expected to skip the is proposing. But it won’t are voting against his plans. thing Joe Biden can do is to
first time in his presidency. event, increasing the chances look or feel or sound like it do what Joe Biden usually
that Biden will be speaking has in the past.” Louisiana Rep. Steve Scalise, does, which is to speak from
While Trump often added to a mostly friendly audience the No. 2 House Republican, his heart,” Himes said.
a reality TV star’s drama to of Democrats. The Senate is Members of the Biden team said he plans to skip the event
his congressional addresses, in session, but some Repub- have made no secret of their and give his spot to a fresh- And his advice to colleagues?
Biden — who has spent most licans from that chamber are strategy to bypass GOP law- man lawmaker. But “in the “Tone down the Oscar-win-
of his adult life in government expected to skip as well — makers and seek a solid foot- end, what he says is going to ning performances."
service — has the chance Texas Sen. John Cornyn said hold of support from Repub- be important, and I hope his
to play the elder statesman. Monday that he's thinking lican voters. They note that speech is more focused on