Page 24 - AHATA
P. 24

                  Tuesday 22 OcTOber 2019
            Lola: hipster Mexican Spot & a Happy Surprise

            PALM  BEACH  —  Mexican  vor. The menu presents off-      you  smile.  Happy  Lola  will
            food is hotter than ever and  the-chart  delicious  tacos  serve  you  authentic  Mexi-
            Lola is a real-deal taqueria.  & more that gives you real  can  food  including  Tacos,
            In the hipster corner of the  bang for the buck.          Quesadillas,  Elote,  Queso
            high rise strip where popu-                               Fundido,      Guacamole,
            lar  sister  bar  Craft  already  The trendy spot is full of col-  Ceviche and Mexican Co-
            proved  to  be  it,  Lola  adds  ors and Mexican vibes that  conut  Flan.  There  are  also
            a colorful, tasty, happy fla-  lift up your spirits and make  Vegan  options  and  every
                                                                      Tuesday  is  Taco  Tuesday,
                                                                      where you get every week
                                                                      another special with $ 1 ta-
                                                                      cos. Yes, this is for real!

                                                                      Check  out  the  front  page
                                                                      for  the  special  and  make
                                                                      your  reservation  as  seats
                                                                      are limited. Don’t forget to
                                                                      check out Craft next door,
                                                                      the coolest bar around for
                                                                      your after dinner drink and
                                                                      much more.q

            Fantastic weather and friendly people is what Aruba is all about!

                                                                                                          EAGLE  BEACH  —  Aruba  Tourism  Authority  repre-
                                                                                                          sentative, Marouska Heyliger, had the great plea-
                                                                                                          sure in honoring many loyal Aruba visitors. These
                                                                                                          certificates  are  a  way  to  say  “Masha  Danki”  for
                                                                                                          continuously choosing Aruba as their favorite va-
                                                                                                          cation  destination.  The  symbolic  honorary  title  is
                                                                                                          presented on behalf of the Minister of Tourism, as a
                                                                                                          token of appreciation to the guests who visit Aruba
                                                                                                          between 10-20-35 and more consecutive years.

                                                                                                          Rick  and  Jeanne  Zajac  from  Delaware  and
                                                                                                          Marvin  and  Sonya  Lowery  from  New  Jersey
                                                                                                          received the honorary title of Distinguished Visitors.
                                                                                                          They have been visiting the island for more than 10
                                                                                                          consecutive years.

                                                                                                          The  honorees  love  coming  to  the  island  for  the
                                                                                                          fantastic  weather,  friendly  people  and  beautiful

                                                                                                          Heyliger  together  with  Jenny  Boekhoudt  repre-
                                                                                                          sentative of the Marriott Surf Club thanked them
                                                                                                          for  choosing  Aruba  as  their  vacation  destination
                                                                                                          and as their home away from home for so many
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