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a26 obituario/u.s. news
Diamars 23 augustus 2022
As inflation soars,
access to Indigenous
foods declines
Tur cos aki na mundo tin su ora y su tempo, “Señor ta mi wardador, mi’n tin falta di nada
Ora pa nace y ora pa muri, ora pa yora y ora Den cunucu di yerba berde e ta ponemi
pa hari, Ora pa keda keto y ora pa papia, ora sosega.
pa stima y ora pa odia, Ora pa guerra y ora pa E ta hibami na awa trankil,
paz” Predicador 3:1-2-4-7-8 Pa mi bolbe haña forsa”.
Salmo: 23
Cu dolor na nos curason, nos ta participa
fayecimento di nos ser stima: Nos ta anuncia fayecimento di:
(AP) — Blueberry bison tamales, harvest
salad with mixed greens, creamy carrot and
wild rice soup, roasted turkey with squash.
This contemporary Native American meal,
crafted from the traditional foods of tribes
across the United States and prepared with
“Ketapanen” – a Menominee expression of
Sra. vda. Theresa Krosendijk-Kock love – cost caterer Jessica Pamonicutt $976 to
Cariñosamente yama “Theresita” feed a group of 50 people last November.
*08-02-1930 – †17-08-2022
Today it costs her nearly double.
Na nomber di su:
Tata: † Candido (Carlito) Kock Pamonicutt is the executive chef of Chicago-based
Mama: † Reineta Kock-Schwengle Native American catering business Ketapanen
Maxima Ras Kitchen. She is a citizen of the Menominee Indian
Yiunan: *15-05-1940 - †17-08-2022 Tribe of Wisconsin but was raised in the Windy
Luciano y † Christina Krosendijk-Bikker City, home to one of the largest urban Native pop-
Franklin y Myriam Krosendijk-Mortillo Acto di entiero lo wordo anuncia despues. ulations in the country, according to the American
Carlos(Calito) y Grace Krosendijk-Ridderstaat Indian Center of Chicago.
Ruben y Monique Krosendijk-van Duijn
Viviano y † Lucia Krosendijk-Kock Her business aims to offer health-conscious meals
Juan Ramiro y Maxima Krosendijk-Herrera featuring Indigenous ingredients to the Chicago
Native community and educate people about In-
Rumanan: digenous contributions to everyday American fare.
† Hose y Rosa Kock-Winterdaal
† Francisco y †Catrien Kock-Croes One day, she aims to purchase all ingredients from
† Hilarlia y † Rene Kock-Lamp Native suppliers and provide her community with
† Mario Kock affordable access to healthy Indigenous foods, “but
Regina y † Fanfa Solognier this whole inflation thing has slowed that down,”
† Carlos y † Agnes Kock-Wild she said.
†Venderanda y † Angel Lanoy-Kock
Filomena y Buchi Kock-Croes Lientje, Marc en Emma Linker U.S. inflation surged to a new four-decade high in
† Yolanda y Ronny Seraus-Kock Maken hierbij het overlijden bekend van mijn June, squeezing household budgets with painfully
Lucia y Roysie Geerma-Kock lieve echtgenoot, onze lieve papa en onze lieve high prices for gas, food and rent.
opa de hr. Jan Linker
Su nietonan y nietanan, bisanietonan y Traditional Indigenous foods — like wild rice, bi-
bisanietanan, sobrinonan y sobrinanan, son, fresh vegetables and fruit in the Midwest —
primonan y primanan, ihanan, cuñanan y are often unavailable or too expensive for Native
suanan families in urban areas like Chicago, and the re-
cent inflation spike has propelled these foods even
Bon amiganan di cas, Kibrahacha y bisiñanan further out of reach.
Cuidado: Yolanda Marin
Risk of disease compounds the problem: healthy
Demas Famia: Kock, Krosendijk, Schwengle, eating is key to battling diabetes, which afflicts
Bikker, Morillo, Riderstaat, Herrera, Native Americans at the highest rate of any ethnic
Krozendijk, Lamp, Solognier, Wild, Lanoy, group in the United States.
Croes, Chong, Seraus, Geerman, de Cuba,
v/d Linden, Wever, Winterdaal, Lopez, Lioe- “There are many benefits to eating traditional Na-
A-Tjam, Ruiz, Angela, Wernet, Tromp, tive foods,” said Jessica Thurin, a dietician at Na-
Pechacek, Soemers, van der Horn, eman, tive American Community Clinic in Minneapolis.
Everon, Silva-Ramirez y demas famia. “The body knows exactly how to process and use
Oportunidad pa condolencia, diaranson that food. These foods are natural to the Earth.”
24 augustus 2022, na Misa Inmaculada
Concepcion na Santa Cruz, di 9’or pa 11’or di But many people the clinic serves are low-income
mainta. and do not have the luxury of choosing where
*27-11-1947 - †20-8-22 their food comes from. Food deserts – areas with
Nos disculpa si den nos tristesa nos por a limited access to a variety of healthy and afford-
lubida algun famia of conocir. Afscheids ceremonie zal later bekend worden able foods – are more likely to exist in places with
higher rates of poverty and concentrations of mi-
Nos ta lamenta cu depues di ceremonia nos nority populations.
no por ricibi bisita di condolencia na cas.