Page 30 - bon-dia-aruba-20220823
P. 30

A30     world news
                 Diamars 23 augustus 2022

                 Italy’s Meloni shocks opponents                                          Serb official visits Moscow, calls

                          with alleged rape video                                                  sanctions EU ‘hysteria’

                                                                                        (AP)  —  Serbia’s  interior  min-  Vulin  has  said  that  Serbia  should
                                                                                        ister met with Russian Foreign  abandon its EU membership goal
                                                                                        Minister  Sergey  Lavrov  on  and  instead  turn  to  Moscow,  and
                                                                                        Monday  in  Moscow  in  a  rare  he has often blasted Serbia’s neigh-
                                                                                        visit by a state official from Eu-  bors and their leaders, calling them
                                                                                        rope,  highlighting  Belgrade’s  derogatory names.
                                                                                        refusal  to  join  Western  sanc-
                                                                                        tions against Russia over its war  Serbian  opposition  officials  have
                                                                                        in Ukraine.                       been  questioning  the  purpose  of
                                                                                                                          Vulin’s  visit  to  Moscow  as  a  new
                                                                                        Interior Minister Aleksandar Vulin,  Serbian  government  is  about  to
                                                                                        who  is  known  for  his  pro-Russia  be  formed  —  long-awaited  after
                                                                                        and  anti-Western  stance,  said  he  the  April  general  election.  Most
                                                                                        told  Lavrov  during  their  meet-  believe that his trip to Russia was
                                                                                        ing that “Serbia is the only state in  organized by Moscow as a way to
                                                                                        Europe that didn’t introduce sanc-  pressure  Belgrade  to  include  him
                                                                                        tions and was not part of the anti-  in the new Cabinet.
            (AP)  —  The  far-right  candidate                                          Russian hysteria.”
            who  aspires  to  be  Italy’s  first  fe-  A  former  education  minister,  Lucia                             Lavrov  had  planned  to  visit  Bel-
            male leader came under fire Mon-     Azzolina, said posting the alleged rape   Serbia,  which  formally  seeks  Eu-  grade in June, but Serbia’s NATO-
            day from opponents for posting a  video “is not an official criminal com-   ropean  Union  membership,  has  member  neighbors  have  refused
            pixelized  video  that  purports  to  plaint,  but  instrumentalization’’  of   for years been drifting away from  to allow his plane to fly over their
            show a woman being raped by an  violence.                                   its EU path and toward traditional  territory.
            asylum-seeker.                                                              Slavic ally Russia, as well as China.
                                                 Meloni’s  allusion  to  security  in  Ital-                              Vulin said in a statement from Mos-
            Giorgia  Meloni,  the  leader  of  the  ian cities is a right-wing theme in this   Vulin  is  considered  “Moscow’s  cow on Monday that he “deeply re-
            Brothers  of  Italy  party  that  has  neo-  election campaign, which also hits at   man”  within  the  Serbian  govern-  grets the fact that Minister Lavrov
            fascist  roots,  on  Sunday  evening  re-  immigration. She was backed by coali-  ment.                       was  prevented  from  visiting  Bel-
            posted  a  video  on  Twitter  from  an  tion partner Matteo Salvini, the leader   Vulin has been advocating the cre-  grade in June by the will of other
            Italian news site  that  was  taken by a  of  the  right-wing  League  party  and   ation  of  “the  Serbian  World”  that  countries, pointing out that by ban-
            witness  from  a  window  overlooking  former  firebrand  interior  minister,   would  unite  all  Serbs  in  the  Bal-  ning Minister Lavrov’s official visit
            the  street.  The  woman,  identified  as  who pledged that “defending our bor-  kans under one flag led by Serbian  to Serbia, all principles of interna-
            Ukrainian,  can  be  heard  yelling  in  ders and Italians will be a duty for me,   President Aleksandar Vucic.  tional law were violated.”
            distress. A 27-year-old asylum-seeker  not a right.”
            from Guinea has been arrested in the
            sexual assault, according to Italian me-  In  a  video  response  to  Letta’s  criti-
            dia reports.                         cism, Meloni emphasized that no one
                                                 is identifiable in the video and that the
            “One  cannot  remain  silent  front  of  center-left  leader  had  failed  to  con-
            this  atrocious  episode  of  sexual  vio-  demn the attack itself.
            lence in broad daylight in Piacenza by
            an asylum-seeker,’’ Meloni wrote. “A  Polls show the Brothers of Italia hav-
            hug for this woman. I will do every-  ing  a  potential  lead  with  voters  over
            thing  possible  to  restore  security  to  the  Democratic  Party  ahead  of  the
            our cities.”                         parliamentary  election,  but  neither
                                                 have enough support to govern alone.
            Her  main  opponent  in  the  Sept.  25  Meloni can expect a significant boost
            vote, Democratic Party leader Enrico  from  her  coalition  partners  —  the
            Letta, countered in a radio interview  League and Silvio Berlusconi’s center-
            that reposting the video went beyond  right Forza Italia party — while Letta
            “the bounds of dignity and decency.”  is aligned with much smaller parties.

                       Prince William, Kate relocate from London to Windsor cottage

               (AP)  —  Prince  William                                                           to Queen Elizabeth II, who  south London, and Louis is
               and his wife, Kate, will re-                                                       has lived in Windsor Castle  just starting his formal full-
               locate  their  family  from                                                        since  the  beginning  of  the  time schooling.
               central  London  to  more                                                          coronavirus pandemic. The
               rural dwellings in Wind-                                                           queen’s official residence is  Adelaide  Cottage,  built  in
               sor, and all three of their                                                        Buckingham Palace in Lon-   1831  for  Queen  Adelaide,
               children  will  attend  the                                                        don, but some British media  the wife of King William IV,
               same private school near                                                           reports  have  said  the  mon-  is a four-bedroom home of
               their  new  home,  palace                                                          arch,  96,  may  now  perma-  relatively modest size for the
               officials said Monday.                                                             nently reside in Windsor.   royals.
                                                                                                                              But  William  and  Kate  will
               William and Kate will move                                                         Prince  George,  9,  Princess  retain  their  apartment  in
               from  Kensington  Palace  in                                                       Charlotte,  7,  and  Prince  Kensington  Palace  as  their
               west  London  to  Adelaide                                                         Louis, 4, will all start at the  official working base, as well
               Cottage, about a 10-minute                                                         private Lambrook School in  as  their  10-bedroom  coun-
               walk  from  Windsor  Cas-                                                          nearby Ascot in September.  try mansion in Norfolk and
               tle, palace officials said in a                                                    George  and  Charlotte  had  a  holiday  cottage  in  Scot-
               statement.                  The  move  means  that  the  family  will  be  much  closer  been  attending  a  school  in  land.
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