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u.s. news Diamars 23 augustus 2022
Fauci to step down after decades as top US infection expert
(AP) — Dr. Anthony Fau- Fauci’s first run-in with an
ci, the nation’s top infec- angry public. He became
tious disease expert who head of the infectious dis-
became a household name eases branch of the National
— and the subject of par- Institutes of Health in 1984
tisan attacks — during the when the nation was in the
COVID-19 pandemic, an- throes of the AIDS crisis.
nounced Monday he will Activists protested what they
leave the federal govern- saw as government indiffer-
ment in December after ence and Fauci, frustrated at
more than five decades. being unable to save dying
patients in the NIH’s hospi-
Fauci directs the National tal, brought them to the table
Institute of Allergy and In- in the hunt for treatments.
fectious Diseases, is chief
medical adviser to President Later, under President
Joe Biden and also leads a lab George W. Bush, Fauci
studying the immune system. helped develop PEPFAR, the
President’s Emergency Plan
While the COVID-19 pan- for AIDS Relief, to bring
demic introduced him to life-saving HIV treatments
millions of Americans, he’s to developing countries. In
given straight-talk to the na- 2008, Bush awarded Fauci
tion about numerous out- the Presidential Medal of
breaks including HIV/AIDS, Freedom.
SARS, pandemic flu, Ebola tion into everyday language, Fauci found himself margin- ment. “Whether you’ve met
and the 2001 anthrax attacks. Fauci has been a key adviser alized by the Trump admin- him personally or not, he has Fauci said Monday he’d
to seven presidents starting istration, but he continued to touched all Americans’ lives hoped there would be a suc-
“I’ve gone into this campus with Ronald Reagan. speak out publicly in media with his work. I extend my cessful HIV vaccine before
and into the labs and into the interviews, advocating social deepest thanks for his public he retired but “it wasn’t for
hospital every day, including Fauci became the face of the distancing and masks in pub- service. The United States of lack of trying” to overcome
most weekends, for 54 years. government response to CO- lic settings before the rollout America is stronger, more re- extraordinary scientific chal-
The idea of walking away VID-19 as it hit in early 2020, of the COVID-19 vaccines. silient, and healthier because lenges posed by that virus.
from it obviously is bitter- with frequent appearances on of him.”
sweet,” Fauci told The Asso- television news and at daily He was also the subject of Fast forward to COVID-19,
ciated Press. press conferences with White political attacks and death Fauci said he planned to con- and for many Americans,
House officials, includ- threats and was given a secu- tinue working after leaving Fauci has remained a trusted
In announcing his departure, ing then-President Donald rity detail for his protection. the government, saying he voice even as scientists were
the 81-year-old Fauci called Trump. But as the pandemic wants to use his experience surprised again and again by a
his roles “the honor of a life- deepened, Fauci fell out of When Biden won the White “to hopefully inspire the fast-evolving new virus. The
time” but said it was time “to favor with Trump when his House, he asked Fauci to stay younger generation of scien- NIH had laid the scientific
pursue the next chapter of urgings of continued public on in his administration in an tists and would-be scientists” groundwork for the speedy
my career.” caution clashed with the for- elevated capacity. to consider a career in public development of powerful
mer president’s desire to re- service. coronavirus vaccines that,
Known for his candor and turn to normalcy and to pro- “I’ve been able to call him at while not perfect, are highly
for the ability to translate mote unproven treatments any hour of the day for his For all the rancor of the coro- effective at preventing seri-
complex medical informa- for the virus. advice,” Biden said in a state- navirus pandemic, it wasn’t ous illness and death.
Trump’s turbulent White House years culminate in Fla. search
(AP) — Mounds of pa- political challenges. Records Act, which outlines could certainly see why.” his Fifth Amendment protec-
per piled on his desk. The search of Trump’s Mar- how materials should be pre- tion against self-incrimina-
Framed magazine covers a-Lago club earlier this served, was well documented Others in the Trump admin- tion as he testified under oath
and keepsakes lining the month to retrieve documents throughout his time in office. istration took more care with in the New York attorney
walls. One of Shaquille from his White House years sensitive documents. Asked general’s long-running civil
O’Neal’s giant sneakers was an unprecedented law He routinely tore up official directly if he kept any classi- investigation into his busi-
displayed alongside foot- enforcement action against papers that later had to be fied information upon leav- ness dealings. A top executive
ball helmets, boxing belts a former president who is taped back together. Official ing office, former Vice Presi- at the business pleaded guilty
and other sports memora- widely expected to run for of- items that would tradition- dent Mike Pence told The last week in a tax fraud case
bilia, crowding his Trump fice once again. Officials have ally be turned over to the Associated Press on Friday, brought by the Manhattan
Tower office and limiting not revealed exactly what was National Archives became “No, not to my knowledge.” district attorney.
table space. contained in the boxes, but intermingled with his per-
the FBI has said it recovered sonal belongings in the White The investigation into But few legal threats have gal-
Well before he entered poli- 11 sets of classified records, House residence. Classified Trump’s handling of docu- vanized Trump and his most
tics, former President Don- including some marked “sen- information was tweeted, ments comes as he’s facing loyal supporters like the Mar-
ald Trump had a penchant for sitive compartmented infor- shared with reporters and ad- mounting legal scrutiny on a-Lago search. The former
collecting. And that lifelong mation,” a special category versaries — even found in a multiple fronts. A Georgia president and his allies have
habit — combined with his meant to protect secrets that White House complex bath- investigation into election in- argued the move amounts to
flip disregard for the rules could cause “exceptionally room. terference has moved closer political persecution, noting
of government record keep- grave” damage to U.S. inter- to the former president, with the judge who approved the
ing, his careless handling of ests if revealed publicly. John Bolton, who served as former New York City May- warrant has given money to
classified information, and a Trump’s third national secu- or Rudy Giuliani, a top de- Democrats. The judge, how-
chaotic transition born from Why Trump refused to turn rity adviser, said that, before fender, informed earlier this ever, has also supported Re-
his refusal to accept defeat in over the seized documents he arrived, he’d heard “there month that he is a target of a publicans. And White House
2020 — have all culminated despite repeated requests re- was a concern in the air about criminal probe. officials have repeatedly said
in a federal investigation that mains unclear. But Trump’s how he handled information. they had no prior knowledge
poses extraordinary legal and flouting of the Presidential And as my time went on, I Meanwhile, Trump invoked of plans to search the estate.