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world news Diamars 23 augustus 2022
Police file terrorism charges against Pakistan’s Imran Khan
(AP) — Pakistani po- cal war anymore,” warned Ali
lice have filed terrorism Amin Khan Gandapur, a for-
charges against former mer minister under Khan.
Prime Minister Imran
Khan, authorities said Under Pakistan’s legal sys-
Monday, escalating politi- tem, police file what is known
cal tensions in the coun- as a first information report
try as the ousted premier about charges against an ac-
holds mass rallies seeking cused person to a magistrate
to return to office. judge, who allows the in-
vestigation to move forward.
The charges followed a Typically, police then arrest
speech Khan gave in Islam- and question the accused.
abad on Saturday in which
he vowed to sue police offi- The report against Khan in-
cers and a female judge and cludes testimony from Mag-
alleged that a close aide had istrate Judge Ali Javed, who
been tortured after his arrest. described being at the Islam-
abad rally on Saturday and
Khan himself has not pub- hearing Khan criticize the in-
licly spoken about the latest spector-general of Pakistan’s
charges against him. How- police and another judge.
ever, a court in Islamabad is- Khan went on to reportedly
sued a so-called “protective say: “You also get ready for
bail” for Khan for the next it, we will also take action
three days, preventing police against you. All of you must Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif also been convicted in the stan. His opponents contend
from arresting him over the be ashamed.” and former President Gen. past for insulting judges. he was elected with help
charges, said Shah Mahmood Pervez Musharraf, also have from the powerful military,
Qureshi, a senior leader in Khan could face several been targeted in probes using The Pakistani judiciary also which has ruled the country
his Tehreek-e-Insaf opposi- years in prison from the new the law. has a history of politicization for half of its 75-year history.
tion party. charges, which accuse him and taking sides in power
of threatening police officers Khan has not been detained struggles between the mili- In seeking Khan’s ouster ear-
Hundreds of Tehreek-e-In- and the judge under Paki- on other lesser charges lev- tary, the civilian government lier this year, the opposition
saf members stood outside stan’s 1997 anti-terrorism ied against him in his recent and opposition politicians, had accused him of economic
Khan’s home on Monday law, which granted police campaigning against the gov- according to the Washington- mismanagement as inflation
in a show of support as the wider powers amid sectarian ernment. based advocacy group Free- soars and the Pakistani ru-
former premier held meet- violence in the country. dom House. Current Prime pee plummets in value. The
ings inside. The party has Also on Monday, a court in Minister Shahbaz Sharif parliament’s no-confidence
warned that it will hold na- However, 25 years later, crit- Islamabad ruled that con- likely will discuss the charg- vote in April that ousted
tionwide rallies if Khan is ar- ics say the law helps secu- tempt proceedings would be- es against Khan at a Cabinet Khan capped months of po-
rested while working to try to rity forces skirt constitutional gin Tuesday against Khan for meeting scheduled for Tues- litical turmoil and a constitu-
squash the charges in court. protections for defendants threatening a judge, accord- day. tional crisis that required the
while governments also ing to court officials. Usu- Supreme Court to step in.
“We will take over Islamabad used it for political purpos- ally, Pakistani courts pardon Khan came to power in 2018, Meanwhile, it appeared the
and my message to police is es. Other former Pakistani people if they apologize, al- promising to break the pat- military similarly had cooled
... don’t be part of this politi- politicians, including former though some politicians have tern of family rule in Paki- to Khan.
Russia blames Ukraine for nationalist’s car bombing death
(AP) — Moving quickly ment carried by the Baltic sia and a Kazakhstan plate in
to assign blame, Rus- News Services that it “has Moscow before switching to
sia on Monday declared not received any requests or a Ukrainian one to cross into
Ukrainian intelligence re- inquiries from the Russian Estonia.
sponsible for the brazen authorities on this topic.”
car bombing that killed Ukraine’s presidential advis-
the daughter of a leading The FSB said Vovk arrived er Mykhailo Podolyak denied
right-wing Russian politi- in Russia in July with her any Ukrainian involvement
cal thinker over the week- 12-year-old daughter and in the bombing. In a tweet,
end. Ukraine denied in- rented an apartment in the he dismissed the FSB claims
volvement. building where Dugina lived as fiction, casting them as
in order to shadow her. It said part of infighting between
Darya Dugina, a 29-year- that Vovk and her daughter Russian security agencies.
old commentator with a na- were at a nationalist festival
tionalist Russian TV chan- that Dugin and his daughter
nel, died when a remotely attended just before the kill-
controlled explosive device Vladimir Putin’s decision to successor to the KGB, said ing.
planted in her SUV blew up send troops into Ukraine, Dugina’s killing was “pre-
on Saturday night as she was was widely believed to be the pared and perpetrated by the The agency released video of
driving on the outskirts of intended target. Russian me- Ukrainian special services.” the suspect from surveillance
Moscow, ripping the vehicle dia quoted witnesses as say- cameras at the border cross-
apart and killing her on the ing that the SUV belonged to The FSB said a Ukrainian ings and at the entrance to the
spot, authorities said. Dugin and that he had decid- citizen, Natalya Vovk, carried Moscow apartment building.
ed at the last minute to travel out the killing and then fled
Her father, Alexander Dugin, in another vehicle. to Estonia. The FSB said Vovk used a
a philosopher, writer and po- license plate for Ukraine’s
litical theorist who ardently Russia’s Federal Security In Estonia, the prosecutor Russian-backed separatist
supports Russian President Service, or FSB, the main general’s office said in a state- Donetsk region to enter Rus-