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Friday 29 September 2017
December 11 – 16:
Aruba Cup Returns at Tierra del Sol Resort & Golf
WEST PUNT - PGA TOUR Lati- from each Tour’s Order of
noamérica and the Mack- Merit following the comple-
enzie Tour – PGA TOUR Can- tion of their 2017 seasons,
ada announced on August with at least two players
22nd the 2017 Aruba Cup, with Latin American heri-
a team competition at Tier- tage represented on team
ra del Sol Resort and Golf in PGA TOUR Latinoamérica.
Aruba. Captains consisting of play-
ers from each Tour’s region
The 2017 event will take will be announced for each
place December 11-16 team at a later date.
featuring 10 players from “On behalf of the One hap-
each Tour competing py island, we are thrilled to
against each other in a once again host the Aruba
Presidents Cup-style match Cup, and extend a warm
play event, with the three welcome to fans and com-
competition days featuring petitors from around the
Fourball, Foursomes and world,” said Ronella Tjin
Singles matches on De- Asjoe-Croes, CEO of Aruba
cember 14, 15 and 16. Tourism Authority. “Aruba is
“This event is a special op- humbled by the opportu-
portunity for players from nity to continue our part-
both Tours to compete nership with the PGA TOUR Team PGA TOUR Latinoamérica posing with the Aruba Cup after winning the inaugural edition of
against each other and for this world class event — the event last year at Tierra del Sol Resort and Golf.
celebrate the end of a suc- which allows participants (Enrique Berardi/PGA TOUR)
cessful year in an incred- to showcase their talents, Nate Lashley, who helped ing of the Aruba Cup was Championship, has been
ibly beautiful setting,” said while enjoying all the cul- his team to victory in 2016 a wonderful moment for particularly exciting for us,
Mackenzie Tour President ture, adventure and hos- and is now on his way to us, and we’re thrilled to be and we look forward to
Jeff Monday. “This year’s pitality our dynamic island earning his PGA TOUR card welcoming everyone back welcoming the next gen-
event should be even big- offers.” through the Tour. to Tierra del Sol once again eration of up-and-coming
ger and better, and we’re “I absolutely loved playing “It’s a great way to cel- this December,” said Cisco players this December.”
looking forward to return- in the Aruba Cup last year. ebrate the end of a suc- Quant, General Manager, The 2017 Mackenzie Tour
ing this December.” It’s an incredible destina- cessful season by compet- Tierra del Sol Resort and season will conclude on
“One of PGA TOUR Lati- tion, with beautiful accom- ing with and against some Golf. “Seeing so many play- Sept. 17 at the Freedom 55
noamérica’s core missions modations, amazing food great players, and I know ers from last year’s event Financial Championship,
is to provide opportunities and an incredible host the guys playing there go on to achieve amazing while the 2017 PGA TOUR
for players in the region to course at Tierra del Sol,” this year will have a great things at the next level, in- Latinoamérica season will
prepare their games for said 2016 PGA TOUR Latino- time.” cluding Austin Connelly’s conclude on Dec. 3 at the
the highest levels of golf. américa Player of the Year “Last year’s inaugural play- performance at The Open Shell Championship.q
Last year, our players com-
pletely embraced the op-
portunity, came together
as a team and showed just
how talented they are by
playing some incredible
golf,” said Jack Warfield,
President PGA TOUR Lati-
noamérica. “It was a thrill
to see the inaugural Aruba
Cup get underway last
year and we’re so excited
to be back at Tierra del Sol
Resort and Golf for another
great week.”
In last year’s inaugural
event, Team PGA TOUR
Latinoamérica and its Cap-
tain, Julian Etulain, pre-
vailed 13-7 over the Mack-
enzie Tour and Captain
Stephen Ames.
Teams will be composed of
the top 10 available players