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u.s. news Diabierna 6 Mei 2022
Condition of some U.S. dams kept secret in national database
(AP) - Americans won- is president of the U.S. Soci- tion in 48 states and Puerto
dering whether a nearby ety on Dams. Rico. But the conditions
dam could be dangerous remain unknown for more
can look up the condition For much of the past couple than 4,600 high-hazard dams
and hazard ratings of tens of decades, the U.S. Army that could cause a loss of life
of thousands of dams na- Corps of Engineers declined if they fail.
tionwide using an online to reveal the conditions of
database run by the fed- dams in the National Inven- Dam conditions typically are
eral government. tory of Dams — which it categorized as satisfactory,
maintains — citing security fair, poor or unsatisfactory.
But they won’t find the concerns stemming from the
condition of Hoover Dam, Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks. In the Corps’ database, nearly
which impounds one the na- two-thirds of the 18 federal
tion’s largest reservoirs on But in a move toward great- entities that own or oversee
the border of Nevada and Ar- er transparency, the Corps dams provided no condition
izona. Nor is there any con- launched an updated website assessments. That includes
dition listed for California’s late last year that includes the largest federal regulator “safe” but “high risk.” The The AP’s review also found
Oroville Dam, the country’s hazard ratings and condition of dams, the Federal Energy Corps says the dam’s fail- that some federal depart-
tallest, which underwent a assessments for more than Regulatory Commission, ure could trigger a cascading ments lack consistent poli-
$1 billion makeover after its one-quarter of the roughly which oversees more than failure of downstream dams cies for releasing dam data.
spillway failed. 92,000 structures. 1,750 dams in 42 states. A resulting “in swift, deep, and The Bureau of Land Man-
FERC spokeswoman said the life-threatening flooding in agement and the U.S. Fish
Details about the conditions Yet the status of many dams agency is overhauling its as- numerous communities.” and Wildlife Service — both
of these and other prominent remains a mystery. That’s sessment process and intends part of the U.S. Department
dams are kept secret from the because some federal agen- to have conditions available No other entity uses the of Interior — disclosed haz-
public, listed as “not avail- cies failed to update their this summer. Corps’ risk-rating system, ard and condition details for
able” in the National Inven- data. The Corps also allowed making it hard to compare their dams.
tory of Dams. federal agencies and states to The Corps also declined to the Corps’ dams to others.
restrict the release of infor- include condition assess- The Corps said it uses the But the department’s Bureau
The lack of publicly available mation about the dams they ments for the roughly 740 risk categories to make re- of Reclamation, which over-
data about potentially haz- oversee, and some continue dams it owns, which include pairs “in the most effective sees 430 dams in the West, de-
ardous dams has raised con- to do so citing terrorism con- some of the largest in the manner within a constrained nied the AP’s public records
cern among some experts. cerns. nation. Instead, the agency budget.” request for dam conditions,
posted its own “risk assess- citing a legal exemption for
“These structures impact The Associated Press used ments,” ranging from “very “The risk assessment infor- “information compiled for
people, and this is what we’re information obtained by low” to “very high.” mation that we’re sharing is law enforcement purposes.”
obviously most worried public records requests to actually better information to The bureau said in an email
about. So it is important to states to supplement data in Garrison Dam, which con- help people be prepared for a that disclosing dam condi-
share this information,” said the National Inventory of strains the Missouri River in potential issue at a dam,” said tions “would compromise
Del Shannon, a Colorado- Dams, tallying over 2,200 North Dakota to form one of Rebecca Ragon, the Corps’ the protection of our facilities
based engineer who has as- high-hazard dams that are in the nation’s largest reservoirs, National Inventory of Dams and allow targeted attacks of
sessed hundreds of dams and poor or unsatisfactory condi- is described in the database as manager. critical infrastructure.”
Karine Jean-Pierre to be next White House press secretary
(AP) — President Joe address Americans’ concerns “Karine not only brings the year, she told reporters, “it’s a year.
Biden on Thursday named about soaring inflation and experience, talent and integ- real honor to just be standing
Karine Jean-Pierre to be the state of the economy. She rity needed for this difficult here today.” Biden said Psaki “has set the
the next White House is the first black woman and job, but she will continue to standard for returning de-
press secretary, with in- openly LGBTQ person to lead the way in communi- “I appreciate the historic na- cency, respect and decorum
cumbent Jen Psaki set to serve in the role. cating about the work of the ture, I really do,” she said. to the White House briefing
leave the role next week. Biden-Harris administration room.”
Biden is also bringing back on behalf of the American Before joining the Biden
Jean-Pierre takes on the role longtime Democratic strate- people,” Biden said in a state- presidential campaign, Jean- “I want to say thank you to Jen
as the White House faces an gist Anita Dunn as his senior ment praising Jean-Pierre, Pierre was the chief public for raising the bar, communi-
uphill battle to help Demo- adviser. She had served in who has served as his prin- affairs officer of the progres- cating directly and truthfully
crats hold onto the House the Biden White House last cipal deputy press secretary sive group and to the American people, and
and Senate in this fall’s mid- year for several months after since Inauguration Day. a former political analyst for keeping her sense of humor
term elections, and as the Biden was sworn into office. NBC and MSNBC. She also while doing so,” Biden said.
administration struggles to Psaki, who leaves the White worked in political affairs in “I thank Jen for her service to
House on May 13, praised the Obama White House and the country, and wish her the
her successor, noting the sig- on his reelection campaign. very best as she moves for-
nificance of the history-mak- ward.”
ing appointment. The press secretary is respon-
sible for holding daily brief- Dunn is a partner at the
“Representation matters and ings with the news media and Democratic consulting firm
she will give a voice to many, leading a department of more SKDK, and was a senior ad-
but also make many dream than a dozen staffers who viser on Biden’s 2020 cam-
big about what is truly pos- help address queries from the paign and previously chief
sible,” Psaki said. press. strategist and communica-
tions director for President
She said Biden offered the When she took the job, Psaki, Barack Obama. The White
job to Jean-Pierre Thursday who has two young children, House said she is returning
in the Oval Office. said publicly she aimed to to “assist in advancing the
remain in the job for about President’s policy and com-
When Jean-Pierre delivered a year. She is expected to be munications objectives.”
her first press briefing last joining MSNBC later this