Page 26 - bon-dia-aruba-20220506
P. 26
A26 u.s. news
Diabierna 6 Mei 2022
High school student arrested after lockdown at school
(AP) — A Georgia high
school student was ar-
rested Thursday after the
school was placed on lock-
down and people at near-
by Emory University were
told to shelter in place be-
cause of reports of a pos-
sible armed suspect.
DeKalb County School Dis-
trict police Chief Bradley
Gober said at a news confer-
ence that the student, who
is a minor, was arrested just
before 4 p.m. and will be
charged with aggravated as-
sault and carrying a gun in a ter said in an email that the public address system that individual was seen on cam- active shooter on the Emory
school safety zone, news out- school was placed on lock- it was a “level 2” lockdown, pus,” Joyner wrote. “DeKalb campus.
lets reported. down around 10:40 a.m. “out which Higgins took to mean Schools Public Safety De-
of an abundance of caution there was some type of threat partment is assisting to en- Throughout the early after-
Other students went to the due to a report of an unsafe but no active shooter. sure that all individuals on noon, the university periodi-
principal’s office at Druid situation.” He added that campus are authorized to be cally put out tweets advising
Hills High School to report the lockdown “did not result Higgins said a photo of a here. All students and staff people on campus to contin-
that they thought the student from an active situation.” student with a handgun had are safe at this time.” ue to shelter in place. The all-
had a gun. Officers searched circulated on social media. It clear notification was finally
the high school’s campus but School system and county was not known whether the In a tweet at about 11:40 a.m., issued around 2:20 p.m.
didn’t find the student, lead- police were onsite through- photo was connected to the Emory said an active shooter
ing them to believe the stu- out the lockdown, which was lockdown. had been reported on the The incident comes just ahead
dent had left campus. lifted at around 12:10 p.m., campus and that police were of graduation weekend at the
Porter said. According to the local news responding. The university private university, which con-
Emory police found the stu- website Decaturish, Joyner later deleted that tweet and sistently ranks among the top
dent on the university cam- Maia Higgins, 16, said that also sent a notification to par- sent out another shortly after schools of higher education
pus after searching for hours, when the school went into ents about the situation. noon saying that police were in the Southeast. The main
news outlets reported. lockdown she and other on the scene at nearby Dru- commencement ceremony,
students had to stay in their “We are currently under a id Hills High School. The including a speech by enter-
DeKalb County school sys- classrooms. Principal Mark Level 2 lockdown due to a tweet said there was a “pos- tainment mogul Tyler Perry,
tem spokesman Donald Por- Joyner announced over the report that an unauthorized sible armed subject” but no is Monday.
Late US Sen. Orrin Hatch honored at Utah Capitol
(AP) — A procession of their respects at an open-cas- in the line of succession to tax and spending cuts. tant the judiciary was,” Brent
family, friends and col- ket ceremony held in the ro- the presidency. Throughout his career as Hatch said.
leagues gathered to hon- tunda of the marble-floored senator, he also repeatedly
or late U.S. Sen. Orrin Utah Capitol. Hatch ended his seven-term brokered compromises with In his final term in office be-
G. Hatch, who is lying in tenure as the Senate’s lon- Democrats on policies in- fore deciding not to run for
state in Salt Lake City on Hatch’s funeral is scheduled gest-serving Republican in cluding protections for peo- reelection in 2018, Hatch
Wednesday. for Friday at a Latter-day 2019. South Carolina Sen. ple with disabilities, health became an close ally of Presi-
Saints chapel in Salt Lake Strom Thurmond served insurance for children and dent Donald Trump, helping
Hatch died on April 23 in City. longer, yet only part of his on their nominees for the shepherd to passage a ma-
Salt Lake City at age 88 from tenure was as a Republican Supreme Court. jor rewrite of the tax code
complications stemming Born in poverty in Pennsyl- due to party-switching. and working on downsizing
from a stroke. A broad range vania, Orrin Hatch rose to As the one-time chair and two national monuments in
of relatives, legal clients, one of the highest echelons Hatch was known to con- longtime member of the Utah, which had long been a
campaign staffers, constitu- of politics, representing Utah stituents and colleagues as a Senate Judiciary Committee, top priority for the state’s Re-
ents and a friend from the in the Senate for more than steadfast conservative who he was part of the confirma- publicans.
mission he served for The four decades and at one point opposed abortion, took a tion processes for more than
Church of Jesus Christ of serving as the chamber’s particular interest in the Su- half of the federal judges sat Hatch was also noted for his
Latter-day Saints in 1954 paid president pro tempore, third preme Court and supported in U.S. history, according to side career as a singer and re-
his son, Brent Hatch. cording artist of music with
themes of his religious faith,
A staunch opponent of abor- The Church of Jesus Christ
tion, Hatch helped shape the of Latter-day Saints.
composition of the current
court, which contains six He is survived by his wife,
justices nominated by Re- Elaine, and their six children.
publican presidents and three
nominated by Democratic Brent Hatch said the family
presidents. He supported chose to hold Hatch’s lie in
justices nominated by both state ceremony in Utah —
Republican and Democratic rather than in Washington,
presidents, including Jus- D.C., like his recently de-
tices Clarence Thomas, Ruth ceased colleagues Sens. Har-
Bader Ginsburg and Stephen ry Reid, D-Nevada, and Bob
Breyer. Dole, R-Kansas — in recog-
nition of his commitment to
“He understood how impor- his constituents.