Page 29 - bon-dia-aruba-20220506
P. 29
world news Diabierna 6 Mei 2022
$6.5 billion raised at donors’ conference for Ukraine
(AP) — War-ravaged humanitarian aid every day,
Ukraine received pledges but that only 3,000 tons are
for $6.5 billion more in getting through. He said the
humanitarian aid Thurs- conference shows that the
day at an international world is not indifferent to
donor’s conference in Russia’s “genocidal war.”
Warsaw that sought to get
Ukrainians urgent help Andersson said the aim was
while still planning for the to help Ukraine both now
country’s post-war recon- and later.
“Ukraine will win this war
Polish Prime Minister Ma- and we will stand by your
teusz Morawiecki, a co-host side,” she said.
of the conference, announced
that $6.5 billion was raised in European Council Presi-
donations, eliciting applause dent Charles Michel said
from leaders and other of- he hoped the conference
ficials attending the one-day could be a starting point for a
meeting, including represen- “Marshall Plan” for Ukraine,
tatives from the United Na- referring to a U.S.-sponsored
tions and companies such as plan that helped revive Euro-
Google. pean economies after World
War II.
The pledges came from
countries and businesses, Ukrainian President Volody-
many of whom attended myr Zelenskyy, addressing
the conference at Warsaw’s the conference by video,
National Stadium in person echoed Michel in saying that
and others who made their funds for Ukraine mirror the
pledges remotely. His co- Marshall Plan and repeated
host, Sweden’s Prime Min- the hope that Ukraine could
ister Magdalena Andersson, join the EU. He said fund-
said the sum exceeded their ing that Ukraine is receiving
expectations. would be an investment in
security for the entire region.
Much of the world has re-
sponded to the war in European Commission Pres-
Ukraine with an outpouring ident Ursula von der Leyen
of humanitarian support. But said “hundreds of billions of
as the war drags on, the hu- euros and reforms” are need-
manitarian needs in Ukraine ed to build Ukraine anew
have grown even more acute. and pave its way into the EU.
In addition to thousands of “the fate of our state is being technologically modern ur- Shmyhal.
killed in the war millions of Ukrainian Prime Minister decided.” ban areas and energy efficient
people have been displaced. Denys Shmyhal, who at- buildings. Google and COVID-19 vac-
tended in person, said he was He described his govern- cine maker AstraZeneca
Morawiecki said Ukraine grateful for the “crucial help” ment’s post-war plans to “The new Ukraine will be an joined the nations in pledg-
needs over 12,000 tons of that’s coming at a time when “build back better” with example for the world,” said ing aid.
UK and Japan reach new defense deal amid Russia concerns
(AP) — The militaries with the security situation in the U.K. as prime minister Union in 2020, and sees Ja-
of Britain and Japan will Johnson hosted Japanese Asia. was marked with an over- pan as its key East Asian ally.
“work more closely to- Prime Minister Fumio Kishi- flight of London by three
gether” under a defense da at the British leader’s 10 “There is direct read across Royal Air Force planes. Chris Hughes, a professor of
deal that British Prime Downing St. residence. He from the actions of autocrat- international politics and Jap-
Minister Boris Johnson noted the “strong stance” ic, coercive powers in Europe Japan has condemned Rus- anese studies at the Universi-
announced during talks Japan has taken “against to what may happen in East sia’s invasion and joined ty of Warwick, said Kishida’s
with his Japanese counter- the Russian aggression in Asia,” Johnson said. “That’s Western nations in impos- visit “will further consolidate
part Thursday. Ukraine” and drew a parallel why we want to work more ing sanctions against Mos- a U.K.-Japan ‘quasi-alliance’
closely together.” cow. Japan also has supplied that has been worked on for
Ukraine with helmets and the last decade or more.”
Johnson’s office said the deal other non-lethal military aid.
will allow the armed forces He said U.K.-Japan relations
of the two Group of Seven Japan is concerned Russia’s are “becoming much stron-
countries to deploy together invasion of Ukraine could ger in security, but they will
for training, joint exercises have an impact in East Asia, be tested by seeing how far
and disaster relief. where China’s military has Japan will be forthcoming
grown increasingly assertive to do more in security with
The prime ministers agreed and threatened to unite with the U.K. outside its own East
that “democracies around Chinese-claimed Taiwan by Asia region and, likewise,
the world needed to stand force if necessary. how far the U.K. can sustain
in unity against authoritarian substantive cooperation with
regimes,” the office said after Britain has announced an Japan outside its region with
their meeting. “Indo-Pacific tilt” in its for- the ongoing Ukraine crisis.”
eign policy in the wake of its
Kishida’s first official visit to departure from the European