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A28    u.s. news
                       Diabierna 6 Mei 2022

                        Major companies stay mum on thorny abortion issue - for now

                                                                      them  —  including  H&M,  statement. “Turning back the  country.”
                                                                      Slack and Glossier — signed  clock on the progress women
                                                                      an  open  letter  that  said  re-  have  made  over  the  past  50  Adamson believes that many
                                                                      strictive  abortion  laws  were  years will have a seismic im-  companies  have  held  off
                                                                      against their values and “bad  pact on our society and econ-  weighing in on the Supreme
                                                                      for business.”               omy.”                        Court’s  draft  because  they
                                                                                                                                want to wait to see the court’s
                                                                      A similar letter was signed by  Many  others  have  remained  final ruling.
                                                                      more than 60 companies last  quiet.  They  include  Netflix,
                                                                      year  in  response  to  a  Texas  PayPal, Microsoft, Patagonia,  “This  gives  companies  a
                                                                      law  banning  abortions  after  Target,  Walmart  and  Apple,  chance to think this through,”
                                                                      roughly  six  weeks  of  preg-  which  is  reportedly  cover-  he  said,  noting  that  compa-
                                                                      nancy,  forcing  some  women  ing  travel  costs  for  its  Texas  nies need to make a decision
                                                                      to travel out-of-state to access  workers  through  its  medi-  based on what the majority of
                                                                      the  procedure.  Among  oth-  cal insurance. Microsoft and  their employees want.
                                                                      ers, jeans maker Levi Strauss  the Chamber of Commerce,
                                                                      & Co., the online reviews site  the  world’s  largest  business  Over the past few years, com-
            (AP) — A leaked draft of  weighed in on issues like LG-   Yelp, banking giant Citigroup  federation,  said  it  had  no  panies have added their voic-
            a Supreme Court opinion  BTQ rights, voting rights and  and  ride-hailing  company  comment;  the  rest  did  not  es to the Black Lives Matter
            that  would  abolish  a  na-  gun control, the thorny issue  Lyft  pledged  to  cover  travel  respond to requests for com-  movement  and  issues  like
            tionwide right to abortion  of abortion could prove to be  costs  for  employees  who  ment. The Business Round-    same-sex marriage. After the
            has  thrust  major  compa-   more challenging.            have to travel long distances  table, which represents some  Jan. 6 insurrection at the U.S.
            nies  into  what’s  arguably                              to access an abortion.       of the country’s most power-  Capitol,  dozens  pledged  to
            the  most  divisive  issue  in  “This is the hottest of the hot  When the report of the draft  ful  companies,  said  it  “does  halt  donations  to  lawmakers
            American politics.           potatoes,”  said  Allen  Adam-  court opinion set off a politi-  not  have  a  position  on  this  who  objected  to  Congress’
                                         son,  co-founder  of  market-  cal firestorm this week, a few  issue.”                 certification of President Joe
            But while some are signaling  ing  consultancy  Metaforce.  companies issued statements                             Biden’s  victory,  promises
            support  for  abortion  rights,  “While lots of issues are po-  supporting  abortion  rights  Meta, which owns Facebook  that turned out to be largely
            many want to stay out of it —  larizing,  this  is  ground  zero  but  stopped  short  of  taking  and  Instagram,  also  did  not  empty.
            at least for now.            for  polarization.  People  are  further action themselves.  respond  to  an  Associated
                                         fanatically  passionate  one                              Press  request  for  comment,  But  taking  a  stance  on  con-
            Experts say it’s tough to navi-  way or another.”         “Overturning  Roe  v.  Wade  though its chief operating of-  troversial issues is seemingly
            gate these waters. Companies                              will  jeopardize  the  human  ficer, Sheryl Sandberg, posted  becoming  more  challenging,
            are facing increasing pressure  Despite the risks, major com-  rights of millions of women  on her personal social media  oftentimes pitting companies
            from  social  media  and  their  panies  have  waded  into  the  who stand to lose the liberty  accounts on Tuesday that the  against  Republican  lawmak-
            own employees to speak out.  abortion  issue  in  the  past.  to make decisions over their  document represents a “scary  ers  who  seem  increasingly
            And while some of them have  In  2019,  more  than  180  of  own  bodies,”  Yelp  said  in  a  day for women all across the  eager to push back.

                          Ruling threatens US power as world’s high-seas drug police

            (AP)  —  Jeffri  Dávila-     war on drugs: A decades-old  chased  down  Dávila-Reyes’  A  three-judge  panel  of  the  caine. In Dávila-Reyes’ case,
            Reyes  says  he’s  still  mys-  law that gives the U.S. broad  speedboat in the western Ca-  First  Circuit  Court  of  Ap-  the  five  to  15  kilograms  of
            tified  how  he  ended  up  authority to make arrests on  ribbean in 2015, he and two  peals in Boston ruled in Jan-  cocaine  he  was  convicted  of
            serving hard time in a U.S.  the  high  seas  anywhere  in  cousins who were seen fran-  uary that the law’s provisions  transporting  were  purport-
            federal prison.              the world, even if the drugs  tically  trying  to  dump  pack-  — equating a nation’s equiv-  edly bound for dealers in Ja-
                                         aren’t bound for the U.S.    ages  of  cocaine  overboard  ocal  response  to  an  outright  maica.
            His  cocaine  bust  at  sea  was                          identified their vessel as hail-  denial of a captain’s claim of
            closer  to  his  homeland  of  It’s a law that helps the U.S.  ing from Costa Rica, accord-  nationality  —  were  an  un-  Despite  the  ruling,  Dávila-
            Costa  Rica  than  the  United  bolster  its  drug-interdiction  ing to the FBI’s summary of  constitutional  extension  of  Reyes remains behind bars as
            States,  and  the  few  kilos  of  numbers  and  flex  its  mari-  the investigation.  U.S. policing powers beyond  the Justice Department seeks
            drugs  he  was  carrying  were  time  muscle  in  a  region                            America’s borders.           reconsideration by all of the
            bound  for  Jamaica  rather  where  drugs  are  trafficked  But other than the markings                             First  Circuit’s  nine  judges.
            than American shores.        most. But since it often tar-  on  the  boat’s  side  resem-  Tellingly,  almost  none  of  His two co-defendants were
                                         gets smugglers at the lowest  bling  Costa  Rica’s  flag,  the  those  prosecuted  under  the  released in 2018 and 2020 af-
            His plight is similar to hun-  rungs of the drug trade, it has  men  lacked  any  documen-  law  had  ever  set  foot  in  the  ter  completing  sentences  of
            dreds  of  foreigners  swept  yet to make a dent in the huge  tation  proving  its  national-  U.S.  nor  were  they  charged  around five years each.
            up by the U.S. Coast Guard  volumes of narcotics flowing  ity. When the U.S. asked the  with  trying  to  import  co-
            in  international  waters  ev-  into the U.S.             Costa  Rican  government  to
            ery year, most of them poor,                              confirm  the  vessel’s  registry,
            semiliterate  fishermen  from  At issue is the Maritime Drug  it  responded  12  weeks  after
            Central  and  South  America  Law Enforcement Act, passed  the bust that it could neither
            driven  to  smuggling  with  by  Congress  in  1986  at  the  confirm nor refute the claim.
            offers  of  more  money  than  height of the crack epidemic.
            they’ve ever seen — in Dávi-  It defines drug smuggling in  A  few  weeks  later  the  men
            la-Reyes’ case $6,000.       international waters as a crime  were charged and eventually
                                         against the United States and  pleaded  guilty  to  possessing
            “Nobody can be blamed for  gives the U.S. unique law en-  narcotics  “on  board  a  vessel
            being born poor,” he wrote in  forcement  powers  anywhere  subject to the jurisdiction of
            a recent letter to The Associ-  on  the  seas  —  whenever  it  the United States.”
            ated Press.                  determines a vessel is “with-
                                         out nationality.”            The  conviction  would  have
            But  now,  seven  years  into                             gone  unnoticed  if  not  for  a
            his 10-year sentence, Dávila-  But  how  a  vessel  is  deemed  challenge brought by a group
            Reyes’  conviction  has  been  stateless   sometimes   gets  of dedicated public defenders
            thrown out in a little-noticed  messy.                    in Puerto Rico, where many
            ruling  that  threatens  a  key                           of the drug cases are tried.
            weapon in the United States’  When  the  Coast  Guard
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